Messages from the Team
Ps139 group

"God has truly gifted me with my Ps139 Group. We are a family from many places and different backgrounds. Most of us have never met, but we are not strangers. It all started many years ago at the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God's love was given to us as a free gift through Jesus. As that love resides and grows in our hearts we have been called to the minister through this group. We hope that our knowledge, godly wisdom, joy, love, tears, and even our failures and weaknesses will minister to your hearts." ~Bobbi Watts, edifier for Psalm 139 with Purpose and Wonderfully Made

"For many years I searched for my best friend from high school, who had moved to Arizona not too long after graduation. And almost three years ago now, thanks to the Good Lord and computers, I finally found her. She had married and relocated yet again, but this time , clear across the country and through her, I’ve come to know and love this Ps139 Group of people. They have become not just "friends I met online", but they are a very big part of my life. They are more like family than friends. they will talk with you when you are lonely, they will listen when you desperately need to be heard, they will pray with and for you whether you've asked them to or not. They are the most incredible family I’ve ever known and I Thank God for them every day! I hope that I am able to touch even a tiny part of the hearts that this group does on a daily basis. and I hope to meet them all one day when Jesus calls us home!" ~Wanda, edifier for Psalm 139 with Purpose
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins… ‘The virgin will be child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel’—which means, "God with us.”~ Matthew 1:21-23 (New International Version)
"I watched a little girl singing “Happy Birthday Jesus…it is all about You Jesus…I love You”. I started crying, and then for the first time, I realized that He saw and knew my pain and He understands, and that I had to let go of all I was holding on to, and let Him alone reign in my life. I heard God telling me to open up to Him, and I saw Him beaming with joy because I could finally see Him looking at me, showing me that He is with me and that He loves me so dearly. I remember, as a little girl, the first song I ever song in front of a crowd was, “Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with You”. That was a great proclamation, as a child, because we were going through trials. A child is trusting, and believes easily. As we grow, this becomes more difficult, because we face greater challenges, but it is no excuse because God will not leave us nor forsake us. Through all our struggles, He is always available, and He delights in us and wants us just as we are. He has now placed a fearfully and wonderfully made family, the Psalm 139 group, through which I can proclaim that JESUS is IMMANUEL and I trust Him with my life to do as He pleases in me. He encourages us to be like a child, with a loving and trusting heart, holding on to His hand always.
"IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM, because He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life, who reconciled us to the Father. He is the Star and the Good Shepherd that guides us; He is the Wise Man who is all truth, the Word of God revealed; He is the giver of the gift of life, the High Priest, and the loving King that saves. His coming into the world was not easy but, it was extraordinary, and so it changed many. He is willing to do the same in us, and if we truly open up to Him and know Him as He is, our song changes, from singing about our trials to singing, “It is all about You Jesus. So let us be BOLD AND STRONG, even more than we have ever been, in thanksgiving and in surrender. Our mission is to worship Him with our lives, and tell others of Him, our Saviour, our Solution, the only One who completes us. He is eternal: His love is eternal; what He did is eternal; our song of the joy of our salvation is eternal, and; all who believe in Him will live with Him eternally. You are blessed!"
Infinite love,
Abby Beenzu, edifier for Psalm 139 with Purpose and Wonderfully Made

"I am thankful for salvation tonight for sure but I am most thankful for discernment and spiritual maturity through Him that is necessary to keep accurate thinking in this mixed up world. He has given me understandings about things that others often let destroy their lives and faith. When I resist living in those understandings He is always patient and loving with me as He helps me work through laying down the emotional end I sometimes have trouble with. He never lets me go far away from Him without reminding me who I am in Him and who He is. He holds me close to His side as a parent does a child and reminds me I am always safe in His ever loving arms. He will never let me go, leave or forsake me. He makes His presence real to me because His nature is so different from my own without Him. Because He lives I can face tomorrow. No truer words do I know than those. I am so grateful to be a part of this ministry because it gives me a chance to reach out to those who need it most and share the discernment that has helped me so very much. It also gives me the chance to have the encouragement and support I desperately need myself. I have more, love support and encouragement here in group and amongst the members of these pages than I do in my own home and life. God always finds a way to sustain His people. Thank You, Father. May our blessed savior give you that which you are in most need of tonight and may your daily walk only grow sweeter as you step out in faith for a closer walk with Him." ~Sandy Anderson, edifier for Ps139 group

"I praise and thank God daily for accompanying my wife of 40 years back along that path many years ago in the valley of darkness. I was truly lost and so close to giving up and going along with the "flow". Together they found me, each took a hand and brought me 'home" for which I am truly thankful today. God added a bonus to this miracle in that we now have this wonderful group of beautiful people who started off as friends and soon became family. We love you all very much. God bless. Us 2!" ~Barry Kleynhans, edifier for Ps139 group

"It has been an amazing year, one filled with many challenges and perfecting changes. I am so grateful for all of you and what God is doing with all of us. We may not see all that He has for us in the middle of "the happenings" of our life, but we can know that He is... which means we can live in an amazing way through the strength of the Holy Spirit. We can stand firm and confidently because that is His promise. Every day is a new day and every day is an opportunity to see Him in ways that will bring us closer to who we are supposed to be with Him, in us. May the LORD be with you all and may He reveal the blessings that are right before you in every moment." ~Shawn Boreta, edifier for Ps139 group