
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thankful Life - June 6, 2014

How do I get to be the person I need to be? Help others get to the next level…

Look at the end, and it’s all about relationships we forge during our lifetime that truly matters.

We under estimate our power – that is within us – through the power of the Holy Spirit (God in us). When we are true to our self in our faith, we can see and experience that true power, daily.

It’s not always what you are willing to do for others, but how you interact with them.

Buck the FEAR…

When we think too much of ourselves, we don’t step out, we don’t reach out, we neglect to love other enough to put faith in front of our fear. Be open to step out in faith today.

“Through His faithfulness, you are guarded by God’s power so that you can receive the salvation He is ready to reveal in the last time.”  1 Peter 1:5 (Common English Bible)

©2014 Giving Thanks Daily


Thankful Life - June 5, 2014

There is no doubt about it.... I am getting older, and this body is dying. We live in this "dying" world - this world where pain and disappointment are ever present - but it's in the living daily that we are able to appreciate the time we have. But did you know that this "dying" world was created and everything about it is known by the LIVING GOD? Living for Jesus gives meaning to that which seems dead. Nothing in this life matters except pursing Him and LIVING WITH HIS PURPOSE in mind. Regardless of what this world is, we are not of this world. He is pursing you... your hopes and joy... your desires and purpose... you!

We live greatly when we love greatly... encourage those around us... inspire others to seek God. Holy Spirit help us engage and to be present for all Your divine interactions and opportunities.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." ~1 Thessalonians 5:11 (English Standard Version)

Love one another, extend love and carry His truth in our hearts... May you all have an amazing day celebrating our Father's beautiful gift through Jesus.

Today, decide to LIVE FOR HIM... in pursuit of your creator... the ONE who loves YOU MOST!

Life in the living...

We live life when we give life through encouragement... LOVE... compassion and passionate living.

So, are you part of the land of the living?

In this season of life, please share yourself most of all.

Shawn Delia Boreta

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It's All About Me