In the midst of "life" good or bad, we MUST stay grounded, engaged and moved by the Holy Spirit. After speaking and praying with my sister and ministry leader last night, we heard much from God. I am determined to stay on track... keeping the LORD first and at the forefront no matter what goes on around me is the key. Wisdom, strength and clarity to do this is sought through prayer and petition.
We mustn't depend on others to fill our gaps and our needs, that creates 'neediness', which essentially is 'independence' from God. Seeking God and knowing we are dependent on Him fulfills and develops our daily walk in freedom.
"He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,[steadfast love]
and to walk humbly with your God?" ~Micah 6:8 ESV
I am being very convicted to seek counsel and prayer for these personal struggles, and to the masses encourage as I am encouraged through the amazing Word of God, and encourage as to be encouraged.
As I met with my sister and friend last night, it was 'made very clear', that I am not trusting, "God's got this!" when I dwell in the hollowness of this world, or the depravity of all that is delivered of this world - WE MUST DWELL in the place of our Almighty God. "Blinders On" in this case are good.
"In your unfailing love you will lead
the people you have redeemed.
In your strength you will guide them
to your holy dwelling." ~Exodus 15:10 NIV
Faith without action is dead (James 2:17).
For me, that means serving others in my own times of desperation... reaching out, encouraging and depending on Christ through the Holy Spirit to strengthen me to do so... we cannot grow when we are constantly 'waiting' for God to change our circumstances, we grow when we move to action despite our circumstances. We often become paralyzed in our situations (me included). Focusing on the obvious instead of the Divine Promises...
We are already healed through salvation.
Our God will never leave or forsake us.
He will protect us, encourage us.
Through our obedience and abiding, our prayers are answered.
We must ask God to give us eyes to see, ears to hear and the voice to minister... In my own experiences, His words will come as I pray for, minister to, encourage others....
So today, in this thankful life I seek to serve more, as well as more graciously. I seek to be humbled and lifted, and today I pray. Father God You always know the Word and encouragement I need, thank You. You guide me amazingly to this daily when I obey and do what You request. My heart is full today of hope and contentment that You are 'for me', 'with me' and 'desire me to know joy'. HOW GREAT ARE YOU LORD! How great is Your will! I lift those up Abba who are struggling today in light of news or their past or the deliveries of what this life brings - that they too will be strengthened, encouraged, filled with hope AND they will step out and serve toward healing today. It truly is a thankful life! In the power of the Holy Spirit, I start another day and seek You throughout. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray and petition... amen.
So today, in this thankful life I seek to serve more, as well as more graciously. I seek to be humbled and lifted, and today I pray. Father God You always know the Word and encouragement I need, thank You. You guide me amazingly to this daily when I obey and do what You request. My heart is full today of hope and contentment that You are 'for me', 'with me' and 'desire me to know joy'. HOW GREAT ARE YOU LORD! How great is Your will! I lift those up Abba who are struggling today in light of news or their past or the deliveries of what this life brings - that they too will be strengthened, encouraged, filled with hope AND they will step out and serve toward healing today. It truly is a thankful life! In the power of the Holy Spirit, I start another day and seek You throughout. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray and petition... amen.
©2014 Shawn Boreta