From the depths of my soul, as His words tap my heart, I know that there is much that I have been given, yet unworthy, it is freely given, unconditionally in and through the greatest love ever by my creator, my God, the one who redeemed me. And, because of this, I am truly grateful, and want everyone to know how I feel, and not because I tell them, but because they see me living it out daily.
May I just say, some Christians just wear me out with the "what we shouldn't do", that grace becomes redefined in the process. I choose to focus on what God already did for me; live in grace and my life will reflect gratitude rather than a life based on rules.
Someone wrote today, “Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?” On one of our pages, we don’t allow negativity or debate; and that would have started a discussion that may not match the mission of the page. So, I removed the post it and wrote a note to the person asking if we could dialog on another page; well, it was through my inbox; and it has been a long, arduous and non-productive afternoon of words, but in the process of responding, I found even more clarity.
This is an entry that relays how grateful I am to my God for what He did surrounding this day that so many celebrate, including me – if you don’t believe in celebrating Christmas or anything else, I respect that, I trust that God has spoken to you on that and all I ask is the same respect.
As Christians, I believe it is our job to show people the love of Christ through our lives. I don’t want to debate, I would rather listen and try to figure out where someone is coming from. Lord, help me listen more.
I write about what God has so amazingly done for me... Christmas is not a day, it is an event and a time to celebrate the birth of our King. With open dialog, and conversation, we may realize we have the same foundational stand. Seek Him on your approach, only God through Jesus can guide you and confirm your road.
I know that as brothers and sisters we may disagree on many things, celebrating Christmas may be one of them – these, are things that should not break the fellowship apart or divide God’s people, just my opinion.
I know how the argument will go, I will quote scripture, you will quote scripture, yet neither will budge. This is not how the Lord wants us to spend our time. We are to share the gospel with those who do not know the truth of His birth, example of His life, suffering, death on the cross, burial, resurrection and purpose.
I expose my faith daily - and I allow myself to be stretched and moved by others, not in my stance, but in my heart and deep in my faith. I allow the Lord to work through His people.
We are to rejoice for our King has been born. And, that is what I intend to do, every day, not just this season.
© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (
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