On May 10th, 1998 my life changed – I was a single mom and career woman. I had been single for a few years, dated a little, however, found that most men were immature, self-centered and without a clue of what a “mom” needed. I had not dated in about six months and I was quite content, or was I? I believe I spent most of my adult life looking for someone who would make me feel special, amazing and the “best thing”. I answered a Yahoo Singles ad – something about him looking for his soul mate, enjoys sports, outdoors activities and fires on a cold day… now a couple of these are true – just kidding.
It was Mother’s Day, and my daughter and I were spending our day at home with one of her friends – so I was playing mommy to both of them; as they played, I was working on a proposal that was due the following week, cruising the internet researching data for a feasibility study. In the process, I thought it would be fun to find some folks to “jam” with. And started looking at the personal’s ads for someone who played guitar, “yeah right”, you say. Well, whatever my internal motive, I answered one ad and within an hour, I was chatting back and forth with “Chris”.
Through the afternoon, in between pizza for the girls, finishing up a proposal and folding laundry, Chris and I chatted for hours. And, by 8pm, once Myranda was in bed, we decided to talk on the phone. We spoke until very early in the morning. We “just knew” after talking, sharing stories and talking about dreams, that there was a connection – similar backgrounds, likes and goals. Within three months and twelve days we were married… yeah I know, sounds far-fetched, but true.
Today, in honor of the love of my life, I am going to share one reason for every year we have been together, and I know that I am with the perfect mate. These are things that I am grateful for.
One – He has stuck it out through all my craziness.
Two – We have been through many storms, and are still making it.
Three – He has a wonderful sense of humor, and I “get it” most of the time.
Four – We have realized forgiveness in our lives.
Five – We complement one another, what he starts, I improve, what I start, he finishes and vice versa.
Six – My daughter loves him and he loves her.
Seven – He understands me better than I understand myself at times, and shares these insights often; I am finally listening.
Eight – We have a great time hanging out.
Nine – We agree in many areas, decorating, entertainment and home.
Ten – We are a miracle couple, only God could have done what has been done.
Eleven – He is caring, giving, loving and encouraging, especially when I don’t deserve it…
Twelve – We are realizing that we are right for one another.
Thirteen – He is my best friend, the love of my life and who I pray for every day.
Lord, it is because of You that my life is what it is – though I have been disobedient, evasive and haven’t listened to Your instruction, You have given me a marriage that I covet and honor. Thank You for Chris, my life and giving me hope daily. Thank You for being part of my marriage and my life.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Our Twelfth Anniversary http://shawnsgivingthanksdaily.blogspot.com/2010/08/day-286-of-giving-thanks.html
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