I heard some great advice today, and quite honestly, it is not the first time I have heard it. It has truly been an ongoing reminder from God… “Get completely out of yesterday. Whatever is in my past, I have to let it go, especially if it is negative. I have to let it go, because it is out of my control.”
And what I have learned and am working on every day is to apply change in my life. To allow my thoughts to direct my every step – it is my thoughts that allow me to communicate with my heavenly Father, and through my thoughts is where I am corrected and encouraged by the interception of the Holy Spirit.
If revisiting my past and dwelling in the memories was advantageous, I believe He would instruct us to do so. What we do get from His word is encouragement to move forward and to keep stepping into His plans for our lives.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” ~Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
My eyes must remain focused on what is going to be done today, while knowing that there is a greater purpose. As this week, seemingly, blew up, meaning I was going at major speeds, and driving multiple vehicles, breaking all traffic laws trying to get things done. And, in the many (many) moments that seems “out of control”, all I had to do was stop and pray that all would stop, that I could “step out of the vehicle” and ask for directions.
Now, with all this said, the week is still going a little haywire, but I am okay with that. It is out of my control, and all I can do is what I can do. Coping with the big picture is easier to cope with. God is the God of order, and the God of reason – constant and never changing. I must keep this in mind as I listen for His voice and recognize His plans for me, as well as when I work toward that plan.
All I can do is all I can do.
“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” ~Philippians 4:13 (NLV)
Now, I realize I won’t “do it all” or “get it all done”, but I will do what He plans for me to do, as long as I am seeking Him, and gaining insights through my conversations and dialog with Him. And in knowing that all things change, that only He does not is quite an assurance.
“For I am the Lord, I do not change…” ~ Malachi 3:6 (NIV)
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” ~Hebrews 13:8 (CEB)
And, I too will change, I will grow. Right now there are areas of my life that I am working diligently on – when there is something I don’t want in my life, I know I need to replace it. I have to submit the change, or desire to change to the subconscious. The Holy Spirit is my guide and my change master.
I will direct my activity through thought, and I will ultimately shine. I will carry His cross… it will not be easy. Paul said, “We must die to ourselves” (Romans 6:2-11; Galatians 5:24; 1Peter 2:24-25), and Jesus said, “Carry my cross.” (Luke 9:23)
Living out my purposes through Christ... my prayer.
Father, in my daily coming to You, I seek a vision, a picture of what You want for me. I know that my gifts, desires and needs will all be used. And, I know that through all of this preparation, I will be equipped, strengthened and corrected. I ask You mighty and gracious God for guidance like never before. I ask that I can see my life through Your perfect eyes and hear Your voice vividly. As I come to You again today, I pray for those You place before me, those who I will help, let me know deeply Your desires for me and for those who will help me, let me be attractive to them; let me shine Your light, Your love and a depth of purpose in my steps. Again, Lord, let me see where You have me going, where you want me to focus. Let me know Your plan and purpose, and help me identify who I am in You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
It is the consistency in my life that will attract others. I am to please God. Be bold, makes quick decisions, be a good leader and stand out in my stance. People follow a “cause”. Most people follow others, because they do not have the confidence to do it themselves.
When we 'think' rightly, and respond to Him... He strengthens us. We should never need motivation, because we are drawn to do for Him...
A life worth living - is possible only because I know the ONE who gave His live so I can live. He takes my life personally.
My needs. Your will be done, Lord.
My desires, Your will be done, Lord.
My wants, Your will be done, Lord.
Your will Lord to be my will.
All I can do is all I can do.
And, He can do all things.
You are my strength Lord, always, but I realize it when I am weakest in heart and in action. Keep drawing me near Lord, for it is in Your presence I am the strongest.
So, "How is it that I live day to day?" Only because of my wonderful, awesome, marvelous, amazing and perfect God.

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
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