by Shona Neff
Have you ever heard or read a testimony that kept you on the edge of your seat as events unfolded? There are some wild stories of God’s amazing grace and unfathomable love that beckon to an unbelieving world. Mine is not one of them. It is plain. It is boring compared to some, but it is still divine!

Actually, it all started with the construction of a beautiful church not far from my childhood home. I longed to be a part of the congregation. My family attended church during my pre-school years, but for reasons unbeknownst to me, we stopped going. I found out later that herding a family of seven in one direction on a Sunday morning took a toll on my parents.
My desire to attend that church grew as I watch the building take shape brick by brick. All these years later I’ve never set foot in that building. However, I am happy to report that, because of the little spark in my heart so many years ago, I ultimately set both feet firmly in God’s kingdom.
It took time for that spark to grow, but almost 25 years after watching that church go up, my husband and I joined a Sunday school class filled with seasoned citizens. It was the only class in our new church that investigated the Bible verse by verse. That tiny spark incubated in my heart grew into an insatiable hunger for God’s Word. I also joined a women’s’ Bible study. I nourished myself on the divine feast that constantly stretched out before me and soon I was teaching the Old Testament book of Daniel. The flame was fanned.
Finally, when I studied Daniel 11 in order to teach it to the women in my study group, that little spark ignited! I got it . . . I finally got it! It didn’t take drama. It didn’t require a traumatic event. My story doesn’t stir the emotions like some testimonies. However, it is divine and heaven heartily rejoiced when I entered God’s kingdom with a genuine understanding of the sacrifice Jesus provided when He died on the cross.
Yes, it’s a simple testimony, but I am thankful that it is still good enough to be a child of God.
“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent” (Luke 15:8 NIV).
©2011 Shona Neff
Shona loves inspiring and equipping aspiring writers and speakers. She loves making the practical interesting, doesn’t let the status quo reign supreme, and understands that life doesn’t have to be so serious. Shona is co-founder of StepUP Writing and Speaking Services. She is also a Personality Mechanic and you can visit her blog at Shona also enjoys radio gigs with KKIM Christian News and Talk in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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