The ornament wasn’t purchased to remind me of a child’s first Christmas or special anniversary; it was a token of friendship. In fact, I didn’t even purchase it. My husband and his best friend wanted to exchange a gift for Christmas. So they went shopping at the local Christian bookstore to see what they could find. What’s so cute, they bought the exact same gift for the other. Who would have guessed it? A beautiful crimson ribbon is used to hold the ornament so tightly but it’s amazing it can hold it. As you touch the soft and delicate ribbon, it quickly comes to a hard and long substance. The ornament seems too heavy to hang upon the tree but my children fight for the opportunity to hang it. The ornament is actually a nail; it isn’t a carpenter’s nail to hang a picture or hold a board together. It’s a nail very similar to what Jesus was nailed to the cross with. It’s hard, cold, and very sharp. Yet, without it holding the broken, bloody, and bruised body of Jesus, I have no life. It isn’t only during Christmas time, I get to celebrate, its daily celebration.
As a child, I never got the joy of decorating a Christmas tree or opening presents until my adolescence. The only memories I hold precious are the times, my dad and I would drive around to look at Christmas lights. Every year, I would beg my father to stop by this house; I always wanted to see it. With all of the beautiful lights, manger scene, and unique Christian reminders, I was able to hear a simple truth. On the yard, a medal robot would stand on the cold ground, every curious child wanted to touch. With all of the glimmer, lights, and uniqueness the owners stole the show. Yet, the moment you touched the beautiful red button, the robot would share the story of Jesus. At the end, he would say, “Jesus loves you.” Honestly, it was a unique way to share the most precious gift of all, Jesus loves you.
Now, it isn’t a story any longer, it’s the center of my life. As the special ornament hangs in the center of the tree, it’s a reminder to me-Jesus loves me. It’s only when I accepted this truth, I was able to unwrap the beauty of life. With this eternal truth, I have learned value, received hope, and a joy unspeakable and full of glory. Although the shepherds were fearful at the angel’s presence, it was a day of celebration. A simple, beautiful, and bright star lead them to the center of life-Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. “For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” ~Luke 2:11

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Tina Wetor
We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (
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