by Shawn Boreta
For my wonderful friends who are part of the
Psalm 139 Ministry Team on Facebook…
You are truly the heart of God’s encouragement and
daily you inspire me as you edify others through faith.
I love you all.
it’s all about me
Copyright © 2011 by Shawn Boreta. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise.
As I sit to write this part of the book, I am overwhelmed with warmth, love and edification. This journey was not planned, yet, has become very intentional and so much a part of my life’s purpose. With the truth being told through my Creator’s work in my life, a life that I am eternally grateful to have. My first thanks has to be to God for allowing me to grow, discover and build daily in this adventure.
There are so many people to thank, I could not possibly remember them all, nor would there be room. However, I will do my best to highlight those closest to me, and the process. My husband, who calls me the Facebook Queen and with good reason, for putting up with all the late hours and many, many times I say, “One more minute…”, while I finish that last sentence. Chris, you are the love of my life and I appreciate you so much. My amazing daughter, who reads on a whim, even when she does not have time – thanks for being so much more than just my daughter, I love you and I am grateful for your opinions, insights and improvements. Dana, my best friend for life and sister, I cannot thank you appropriately – thank you for always being here, especially from the beginning to the end of one adventure and in this one. I am grateful for my mentor and coach, you know who you are – and so much has changed through your teaching and support. For making sure we always “do the right thing” in the ministry, a very special thanks to Sue and Tina, my online ministry partners, for pushing, correcting, loving, applauding and your never-ending love. And, finally my amazing friend, Julie whom I get to grow in new ways with a new adventures.
As importantly, I want to thank all of you who have supported my writing and online ministry pages on Facebook. You are lovely, amazing people who have encouraged me through this journey. You are many and so important to me. I pray for you, and not only are you my friends, but you are my family in Christ.
Special Thanks
There have been some amazing people who have given me inspiration through their writing, friendship and encouragement, and who God used to push me along and lift me when needed. Thank you all. Sue King, Tina Wetor, Ron McIntyre, Julie Gorman, Grace Heatwole, Diza Matheson, Steve Wickham, Tammy Maltby, John Bruce and Mark Brown.
And a very special thanks to my amazing friend, Cindi Michalak, who did a wonderful job editing
About Me
Greetings and welcome to my life, at least tidbits of it. It is an honor that you have decided to read some of my story. My life is average and ordinary, by most accounts. And yet, because of who I am I lead an extraordinary life. Since I was in high school, I have thought of writing a book to reflect and grow and share; so for now, articles will have to do - to look back on the humor and substance of it all, even with the pain and the tear filled memories still very fresh and alive in my mind, I laugh and smile. My journey in writing these words is both self-healing and self-expressive. I believe that everyone has their own voice, a voice that sometimes others need to hear or a vision that must be shared or words that just need to be put down for one’s own accomplishment. If these words are read by three sets of eyes, my mom’s, my husband’s and my daughter’s, then my mission is accomplished.
There are many things in my life that I cannot explain and, for the first time, it is okay. This is not a “story” of my past, however who I am is because of His work through my past; it is a love story - an “absolutely” amazing love story. I am in the middle of it. If you know Christ, you, too, can tell the same story. Are you encouraged?
Well, get this with Jesus, “it is finished”. Nothing more is to be done… now does that mean we are idle? No, it means we work for the kingdom in gratitude of His finished work. Wow!
Forty-six years ago, I entered into the world, helpless, defenseless and dependent. And nothing has changed today.
Everything I need has nothing at all to do with me. I am grateful that this realization arrived about nine years ago. This realization came through a question – “Do you believe in heaven?”
I have been on this journey for 767 days of Giving Thanks Daily, and it has completely changed my life. I am in the process of publishing a daily devotional – and on this journey of giving thanks, God has revealed many miracles in my life – which for without gratitude I would have missed them.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Shawn Delia Boreta, and in these pages is a little bit of my life.
How the title came about: On day 438 of Giving Thanks Daily, which is my daily blog, the following words rushed to the screen from my fingertips – “It’s all about me”.
It’s All About Me
January 26th, Day 438 of Giving Thanks
“It is all about me!” were my thoughts as I sat quietly listening for God, this morning, and immediately, I said, “change the thought, that can’t be what I just heard”. Yet, it came again as I arrived at work.
“He must become greater; I must become less.” ~John 3:30
Right now, because I am so focused on what my thoughts are, I am often reminded of how powerful words are. I am still amazed by how much I am encouraged by words and how truly revealing it is to be encouraged… I don’t know about you, but I can still remember words from my childhood – the challenge is that they are usually not “words of encouragement”, rather they are demeaning, mean or downright destructive words. And, most of the time, delivered by “well meaning” people – who probably have the same words in their memory, yet right at the surface beating them up. It is in the words that we speak to ourselves that form our lives. Lord, I look for sweet words of encouragement to run through my thoughts.
“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” ~Proverbs 31:26
This is where short term memory comes into play, and taking things one day at a time. Even though the “old” programming was from long ago, and I thought was so deeply embedded is being removed. And, the sweetness of Your words are what renew the mind and spirit.
“Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.” ~Song of Solomon 4:11
I had to learn, and I continue to train myself to reprogram what words I replay in my head – really, what I allow in my head. It is change brought by the power of God’s work in us, which transforms our lives. On our own, we can change much in our lives what typically changes right back somewhere down the line. It is through submission and dependence on Him that the reward is experienced.
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” ~2 Corinthians 10:5
What is the reward? IT IS PEACE. It is comfort in all circumstances. It is joy even in sorrowful moments. It is hope as the bills pile up. It is light on the darkest of nights. It is living and knowing that you will not die.
Change – the words of the enemy to the promises of God; discouragement to encouragement; cannot do to already done; impossible to possible; dark to light; all alone to never alone; ignorant and naïve to discerning and wise; sick or ill to vibrant; tired and weary to great power and energy. Words and thoughts that wholly transform are on my mind, and I pray on yours, too.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.” ~Romans 12:2
“It is all about me!” Yes it is. He died, because I could not live the life necessary to be with my heavenly Father in eternity, so Jesus died for me. And, in my walk, it is all about me realizing what God has planned for me, what purpose has been perfectly set aside for me to do. It is all about me discovering who He made me to be. And, it’s about you, too.
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” ~2 Corinthians 3:18
For me, it is living a life that reflects the magnitude of thankfulness because of all He did and does for me. There are no words, or works, that can repay, or can be a reward for God. But He is pleased when we “get it”, and when we truly believe that He has given everything for each of us and for that, there are no words big enough, mighty enough, powerful enough or perfect enough to tell the depth of gratitude I have in my heart.
These are just a few samples of the books pages. The book is free to those who request it, all I ask is that you share your faith as the Holy Spirit directs you daily. You do this, by seeking His wisdom, by reading His word - not on occasion, but daily and on purpose. Thank you for allowing me to share Him with you.
Dear God,
Thank You for coming along with me today, I felt You all day.
When my schedule started to fall apart, I heard You say,
"Be calm, your day will work... be patient, ponder in your thoughts...
take in your surroundings."
Tonight as I get ready to close my eyes, I dwell in You again;
thank You, God, for coming along with me tonight...
for filling my dreams, guarding my heart and renewing
my hope for tomorrow...
Time for Rest
It is time to shut the day off - to prepare my mind for rest.
Father, I thank You for this wonderful day. Thank You for taking this journey with me, that I know Your presence along my path.
Tonight as I close my eyes, I picture Your outstretched arms, ready to cradle me in, to shut out all that was harsh or wrong in my day. I embrace all the times Your angels protected me and all the moments when I came to You. It is rest I seek, true, wonderful rest in You.
Grief to Glory!
There are no words to describe the grieving of my heart or the depth of pain that penetrates my soul. The stabbing deeply into the wounds that already exist can only be removed by the wounds of the hands that went before me, by the savior who felt this pain before me, grieved so painfully before me, and died so wonderfully for me. It is in the times, Lord, when I cannot formulate my words that coming to YOU truly brings comfort to my soul. It is when I cannot speak and my tongue is unable to calculate the movement necessary for words to come out of my mouth, that is when I see the majesty of YOU.
For You do not require words from my mouth to stand before You and lay out the hurts of my life and seek Your healing, Your love, Your tenderness, Your promises – for it is in You that I place all my trust. And when I am in Your presence, and I am wrapped securely in Your promises of healing, restoration and wholeness, I am hopeful and joy enters my heart. For it is in these times that I know my Heavenly Father’s desires for me to be wholly His and to glorify Him through the transformation from grief to glory.
As I transform from grief to glory, it is Your presence I seek and the majesty of Your love, Your tenderness and Your promises that I hang on to. Father, thank You for loving me tenderly and giving me the promises that keep me moving forward. Through everything, Father, I am grateful to be Your child, the daughter of the King - honored to have a life filled with hope that the desires of my heart have importance in Your eyes.
And, Father, as I place all my trust in You, and I let go of the fear and the anxiety of “what if” or “why”, I can be assured that my life has purpose and direction, even when, and especially when, I do not see how this will all play out. For it is Your plan and purpose of my existence here that I hold on to even when, and especially when, I have no understanding of how it will all come together.
In the Moment
As the evening slips into the dark of night, I come to You, Father, in moments when I can let go of the worries of the world, the fears I may harbor, the moments of uncertainty - all this, Lord, I lay down at Your feet, and whisper "what is mine, Father, I gladly take and trust that I will be strengthened to handle them - what I cannot handle I know that my mighty God will take over."
In this moment, I enter rest.
In this moment, I know Your tender heart.
In this moment, I revel in Your presence.
In this moment, I am aware of how much You have set aside for me.
In this moment, I am silent and now I am ready to listen and hear what You have for me.
You’ve Got It All…
"Just think—you don't need a thing, you've got it all!
“All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale.
“And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.
“God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that."
~1 Corinthians 1:9 (The Message)
"Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
~1 Corinthians 1:9 (NIV)
A Letter to My Children
My wonderful people, don't you hear Me yet?
I am calling out to you; My love is pure, given freely.
I am calling to you, to cry out to Me.
I am your God, your Father in Heaven. Jesus was sent,
died and rose for "you".
You ask, "what is the answer, why am I here?"
I tell you, I do have your answers; your purpose was laid out in the beginning.
Come to Me and I will share it with you.
your heavenly Father.
The Transformation Can Be Easy or Hard...
Our lives can be lived with the eyes of the world or through the eyes that God gives us. And every day our vision gets better, because as we get to know Him, our perspective about our life here changes. We transform.
We cannot be bystanders in this life. We cannot allow life to happen to us, that’s when it is hard. We must allow God to move. That is done by putting all of our trust in Him. Not because we have to, but because He desires us to.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him." ~Jeremiah 17:7
Webster’s Dictionary has 58 definitions for hard, that shows me that the word “hard” is quite flexible, unlike the definition we read.
#6: involving a great deal of effort, energy or persistence: hard labor; hard study.
#7: transformation or carrying on work with great effort, energy, or persistence; a hard worker.
#8: vigorous or violent in force; severe: a hard rain; a hard fall.
We are in a battle; battles take a great deal of effort, but again, who is in control? Am I confronting my life or submitting it?
I can choose another word for hard, like exciting, revealing, interesting, fascinating, etc.; OR I can change my definition of hard all together – I will choose other words – I must always REMEMBER, all of my words are words of testimony to whoever hears them. My life, and how I live my life, is an example. Is it an example or a warning?
What sounds better? "My life is so hard." or "My life is revealing?"
There is the saying, 'pain of regret, or pain from change’; the latter is the easier (but never easy), I remember many days, when I was dealing with the same things I am dealing with now (health, family, job, issues in general, daily life), and I can tell you my life used to be hard and very cyclical. For me going to a mighty God, laying every single thing before Him, is easy.
In Matthew 11:29 (NIV), God says, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." He is there to take on what we cannot - that is great assurance and peace of mind. Peace of mind says it all. How can anything be hard with peace of mind and an assurance of my future?
"So I think we should get as much out of life as we possibly can. There is nothing better than to enjoy our food and drink and to have a good time. Then we can make it through this troublesome life that God has given us here on earth." ~Ecclesiastes 8:15 (CEV)
He promises that our life here will not be easy, and at the same time commands us to "enjoy life." We cannot have joy when we dwell in the hard. Living life with attitude for me, is living life with a good attitude, and the only reason I can do that is because I know this life is my "temporary" life, and although I am in the present, and living it, I do know there is something amazing and more than I can ever imagine waiting. The reward is not in this life but the next.
I choose to recognize my circumstances, but live for the reward. Our circumstances are what they are. We can complain our way through life and dwell on “life is so hard”, or run with life is an adventure, and yes, I will go through much, but I will never go through anything without the protection, provision and presence of my Creator.
In the Mirror - Whose Child?
I remember being pretty young the first time the thought "I am too fat", popped into my head. And ever since then, that voice sneaks in from the dark. Today I heard a song that someone posted on Facebook (Jonny Diaz, "More Beautiful You"). The timing could not have been more perfect. As I sat in my chair thinking how much different I would like to look, and what would my thoughts be if the darkness never crept in?
How would I view that woman in the mirror if I truly believed that I am created in God's image? I would be thrilled to be here, at this time.
I truly believe that it is "ok" to want changes in my life, but I also know that it is not in my best interest to continually beat myself up over my failures. I have heard that our minds are like records that the grooves are formed and as both good and bad information are played in our mind, that the groove becomes deeper. I have prayed for filler for many of these grooves. I have been fighting the canyon that has been carved since my gymnastic coach said to me, "can't you get your fat a** off the ground?" Mind you, I was about ten, and if I weighed 70 pounds that would have been a high guess.
As a girl in our society today, my heart is broken for those who are fighting the same battle. Somehow when I became a Christian, I thought that the pain and obstacles would become easier; and I would say they haven't become more challenging in regards to my thinking, but the thinking has become a different challenge. The battle of who God says I am and the voice of the enemy are in conflict.
I imagine a young girl as these perfect images of who she could be pop into her head; and how all the media and slang of today are enablers to the enemy’s mission. Tear her down, make her feel unworthy, dirty, foul and so broken.
My battle has been fought for many years, and at times I have been covered in turmoil and hidden by fear. The fear that people will know, that I will be judged and mocked. That I will be misunderstood, then I come to the realization that I don't understand, so why would anyone else see anything different?
My journey continues, and many hurdles have been conquered. And I am hopeful that my journey will be worth it, and as I see my Lord, some day, He will agree.
My Status
Status: God's child, daughter/son of the King.
At home in His presence.
And there is no place like home.
Wherever you are from, whatever you have experienced, whatever cloth you believe you were "cut from", know this, we are all of the same heritage, "cut from the same cloth". It is what we do with our life that determines the clothing we wear.
I choose to be robed in His presence, and the fit is perfect for me.
Ashes to Beauty
· Today, we put our past, my bucket of ashes, into the compost.
· Today, the good we have learned will germinate; think of all the pain as fertilizer.
· Today, the process that began the day you were born continues.
· YOU are blooming into the most amazing creation of God.
My reflection in the mirror is today, not yesterday, and not the future. It is in the “here and now”. Stop today and ask God to show you the true reflection of who you are. As I reflect on Him, I see that amazing transformation from the insecure little girl we started with. “I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.” ~Psalm 3:6
I live out victory every day now, because He conquered everything that needed to be conquered. "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." ~1 Corinthians 15:57
From the inside out, I will smile for everyone to see. “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” ~1 Timothy 1:5
And from the ashes of my past, there is beauty.
That is what I see in the mirror today, and as God works “to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” , there is hope beyond measure.
Your voice I seek.
Soft whispers I detect.
Toward silence I dwell.
Your voice O' God.
I hear it now.
In my soul is peace.
In my heart I rejoice.
In my mind triumph.
Just so much hope in You.
It has truly been a week of thickening of the skin, keeping my head up and completely submitting to hearing what God has for me. In the process of submitting, I am learning to listen more, sit quietly much more often, pay attention to my surroundings and to watch out for what He wants me to see. Many times this week, my eyes were closed tightly – and after a few days of doing things my way, I knew it was time to open wide to His ways.
May 10, 1998, Mother’s Day in the bay area for this single mom, is a day that is a great day on the calendar. It was your typical Sunday. My daughter and her friend were playing and I was doing some work, preparing for a conference call the following morning. As the ultimate multi-tasker, I usually had chat windows up, email and several web sites that I am researching. I had been single for a while and really not looking for a relationship (so I thought). I sing, so I thought I would peruse the ‘man seeks woman’ advertisements to see who played in a band, guitar, something like that. I typed in the parameters and an ad popped on my screen… ‘looking for my soul mate’. Now, I have read a few ads, and something spoke to me, and yet, no guitar!
I dropped a quick email response; and, a few hours I had an open chat window. In between playing, feedings and otherwise being a mom, I managed to spend most of the day and night chatting with he, whom I will spend my life with. We both knew immediately that we would get married, and that’s exactly what we did three months later, August 22, 1998.
Coincidently, at the time we met, I had just put an offer on a condo that was accepted in Hayward, a small 2 bedroom, 2 bath, maybe 800 square feet. Our third date was spent with me signing paperwork for the offer and acceptance. I remember thinking, while in the agent’s office, how good my life was and how it all seemed to be perfect. Within the next 30 days, I moved into my new place, which was just around the corner from my apartment. I had a small Ford Explorer that I would fill up every night and bring a load over to the new place.
Today, I still believe I found my soul mate, he, whom God made for me. It is said that through the “rubble emerges glory”, that “after the storm, is when the sky is clearest,” and just like building muscle, it cannot strengthen without first tearing.
It is because of him that I am who I am; someone who strives to become better, not only for him, but for me. And knowing that I am only human, flawed and in need of always changing for good. To one day emerge who God designed me to be. To be the best me, wife, friend, lover, encourager and life mate.
This is our story, and there will always be rubble and storms and growth. And I am glad to do this with you - my husband, my friend, my lover, my encourager and my life mate.
Did you know that the enemy hates marriage? Did you know that the enemy will try to convince you of many things, including "it's too late", "you don't understand my situation".... God understands and knows exactly where I am, and He is always right on time. It was when I began to listen, to truly hear and apply what God was speaking into my life that my outlook changed. I know that He is speaking; and at times I must remember to call on Him and ask Him for my heart’s desire.
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” ~Jeremiah 33:3
I am grateful that this love story continues, and is possible because of the love and faithfulness of my heavenly Father. I am grateful that when things looked the darkest, I saw the most light when I sought it. I am grateful that when I was in the middle of the storm, I held my ground; I believe God and I continue to pray for my marriage. I am grateful I believe in a miracle.
As I sit and spend some time with God, I reflect on all that life has to offer and marvel in the little things as well. I am grateful for a loving and true God, who I know is always there: For a wonderful husband; loyal, loving and very sexy: A daughter who exceeds all expectations; smart, beautiful and very talented: And wonderful people in my life, and the technology to connect. ;-)
Thank you, Lord, for giving me the gift of friendship.
Thank you for the opportunity to grow every day (whether I want to or not). Thank you for the challenges, as well as the peaceful/easy times.
Thank you for a community to share and grow in.
Have you ever had a day (week, month, year) where you feel that no matter what you do, it's not right? Over the years, I have had countless times like that. As I started this week, I decided to change how I feel about every day. In fact, yesterday I woke up feeling a bit blah! I quickly rolled over, and started again. So, I forced myself to get up on the "right side of the bed". What a difference.
There are so many things to be grateful for:
· breath - I can breathe freely, clear lungs, fresh air.
· sight - I can see the flowers in my garden, the eyes of the ones I love as I look at them.
· free will - the ability to choose what I do each day.
· speech - I can talk to anyone, especially God.
· hearing - I can hear the laughter of the child next door as I get ready for work. I can hear the baby cry, as she seeks her mom’s arms. I can hear, if I truly listen, the word of God as He directs my day.
· my gifts - the talents and uniqueness of who I am so I can connect with others and they can be encouraged or touched.
I am especially grateful for the man I am married to, the daughter God gave me, the friends placed strategically in my life so I can grow, be challenged and be encouraged; for the opportunities to share with those less fortunate or in need; the blessings to teach what I have learned, and to learn what others have lived.
Thank you, Lord, for the encouragement I see and feel all around me every day.
Many times after a holiday, such as Christmas, there is a letdown for people. The festivities are over and now there is aloneness. Maybe quiet, in a house that yesterday was full of children laughing, the smells of a wonderful meal and the tender joy of a hug or two. Know that you are not alone. That at any moment, you know He is with you.
It is important to remember that He came in body, only to leave in body, but remain in spirit… Holy Spirit.
“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:30-33
We can find solace in His presence, peace before His throne. At any moment, of any day, you can be with your creator.
And, He is there whenever you are ready. Just call to Him.
“Look at this: look who got picked by God! He listens the split second I call to him.” ~Psalm 4:3
Dear Friends
Did you know that you are wonderfully made?
Write a note for a friend, your mom or dad, your daughter or son, your cousin, your aunt or uncle, a teacher and anyone you love, with a praise, a thank you or just a “hello”.
And, just in case you are thinking, he or she doesn't need it or want it, please rethink it.
May the blessings of our mighty Father be revealed in abundance!
Have a blessed day.
Dig Deep
Dig deep, ponder much and seek often. Ask God, “What do you have for me Father? Show me, share Your great promises with me.” And, as you look deeply into your eyes, see through to what He has created - I am a mighty woman of God.
Yes, “Jesus loves me”, but I will not take that for granted. What I speak, whether out loud or to myself, represents me... but more importantly, it represents my God. If I am touting to be a child of God and profanity, negativity or complaining comes from my tongue, what does that say about my faith, about my walk with the Lord? Is it allowing others to see the amazing gift I accepted? Is it attracting others to the same faith or walk?
Psalm 98 – A Psalm
“Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn — shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, Let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.”
All it took was a glimpse, a look at something that I was, once, head over heels in love with - my idol, possibly - my passion, deeply - my life's ambition, completely. But these are all things, ‘the possibly”\’, ‘the deeply’, ‘the completely’ were results of selfishness and disobedience. And I am not saying that that dream was not good and awesome and godly, I am saying that although I embarked well, I sailed poorly through the waters of that particular journey - and today I truly believe that when we put our dreams ahead of God, the outcome is greatly altered as a result. So today, I embark anew and I trust that He will lead me to a desire and passion – to a new dream.
I expect God to do great things in me. I expect a great life. I expect to change.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” ~Ephesians 6:10
… with God in the lead, I cannot fail.
And His revealing of my life’s purpose is what I wait for – and as I wait, I learn and grow. I am probably the most impatient person I know – when things are not moving fast enough, I jump in, take over and get things done; well that was before. Today, I wait, to allow God to go first; I wait, so I choose the right path; I wait, to hear His instruction. But getting to today hasn’t been as easy as “wait”. It has been a road of me stepping in before God, hitting detour after wrong road and starting to build without opening the manual. This is not something I would recommend, by the way.
Throughout my life, I have put my faith in many things that have completely let me down. I have put my faith in people, systems and my own strength and wisdom.
Today, I put my faith in my Creator, who strengthens me and already knows the way.
Today, I am believing greatly, and acting with my hand firmly in His.
Today, I seek more the kingdom and fellowship with God’s amazing people.
Today, I am grateful that my home is heaven, and I am just visiting this world.
Today, God ushers me through the storms, and settles the shores.
Today, I see God’s people finding their areas of strength.
Today, I experience the unfolding of an amazing love story.
Today, lessons in my life seem to come from nowhere, are from God and everywhere.
Today, in grieving my mistakes, I can celebrate what God does with all of it.
A message to you, the one listening, for your name to be called.
Today, there is a message for you. It is the same as it has been every day of your life and for everyone's life from the first man and woman. You can do anything in life you put your mind to.
There is a plan, a purpose and coaching available to you. You have all the support and power you need.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
His Word is Always Enough
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.” ~Psalm 100
Rainy Day
As I walk out of the front door, the rain is just starting again. I know that it has rained most of the night - the water has become resident all around me. From the tulips to the brand new fruit trees in the yard to the river rock all around them, it all looks fresh and new. And somehow even the dirt seems clean and glistening in the rain.
Shower me today Lord with new insights, honed in perspectives and let my thoughts of You glisten from the cleansing rain.
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24
Allow each day to be a new day, and within that day, every moment reflect a new and vibrant faith. Renew me Lord. Let me look at everything around me and see Your hand at work, let me see, even the rainy, dreary days as beautiful and amazing.
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~Psalm 51:10
May you all have a beautiful perspective today and everyday as you step into the world.
This article was written for Tymothy Longoria’s blog, “Aspire No More”.
This is a year that is turning out much differently than expected – through many “circumstances” a mighty God has shown greatly in my life; my God! And, the question is asked, why do I write? Two years ago, it would not have been asked of me – the only writing I did was an occasional email or notes in my journal, which I could not decipher later on.
I write because God asked me to, and when I refused, He commanded me to. What started out as a simple Facebook post by a friend has turned into my life’s passion – truly an obsession – and the more I write, the more my desire is to write – and the upside to all this writing is that I have to read in order to write intelligently.
I have discovered that words are what form me. When I was a young girl, words scared me. The idea of picking up a book or putting a pen to paper was horrifying. And, talking about what I read (or was supposed to read) would turn me completely inside out.
I have discovered that His word reveals me – I remember the moment when I realized that all of His promises that I had been reading were true for me. It was not the day I was saved and it was not in a moment of complete devastation. It was a moment comprised of many moments leading to that time and place that God had predetermined for me to “get it”.
· How many times will I forget that You are with me?
· How many ways will I avoid Your presence, absentmindedly?
· How many roads will I travel following the detours?
So many more than necessary –
but enough times to remember –
You are always with me!
You always direct my path perfectly!
You never fail to show me the right way!
So with You I will travel all of my days, deeply in
Your presence I will step and stay.
`Words allow me to have a voice when my voice cannot be heard over the noise of the world or distractions of everyday life. Hearing His voice above the world is my obsession, and stepping over the threshold of distractions is my daily quest. And in pursuit of this obsession to envelop all that God has for me, He teaches me, He forgives me, He comforts me and He gives me “a me” I can live with now.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.” ~2 Corinthians 10:4-6
In discovering the words He has for me, I am changed and in these changes, He, in me, is revealed greatly. His words form me… and the words that flow from me are endless. The rewards of His words for me are priceless.
God in me…
· “I am worth the endless love of a mighty God…”
· “I am not settling for complacency, I desire to realize the fullness of a life through Christ.”
· “What we do with the time we have is our choice. How we are rewarded for this time is God’s choice.”
· “A positive attitude can help the moment. A hope-filled heart and knowing God’s promises can encourage a lifetime.”
· “Lord, keep working on me and shining brightly where I need to see.”
· “The moving parts of my life keep changing, but the operator of the machine stays the same.”
· “Watching as the work of art is formed. Going through fire to secure the beauty of it all.”
· “I love when things are pulled together. God’s surprises are the best.”
· “We have the almighty God on our side, we must not fear man. As they are just like us, in need of an almighty God.”
· “We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly.”
And, there is hope in my surrender and in His tenderness of these lessons. Today, I will end with one of my favorite sayings, “I can’t wait to see what God has next.”
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My Friends,
In closing, I would like to thank you for sharing my life, even if just a little bit. I look forward to hearing from those who wish to share how God is working in your life. If you have a giving thanks story, a testimony of how giving thanks has changed your life, through the mighty work of our heavenly Father, please write me at and let’s see if we can share your story of giving thanks as well.
May the Lord reveal all that He has for you and may you recognize His blessings when they appear. I pray you too know the fire that burns within you and the power that is beyond measure because of who you are in Christ. If you do not know Jesus, I invite you to “invite Him into your life”.
“I am drenched in the fuel of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the match... and God is the flame.”
Much love in Christ,
Day 583 of Giving Thanks
I have an assignment and it is different than I ever thought it would be. I have a responsibility to carry His message; my ultimate goal in life is to carry the message – now, how can I do that? I do that by believing God. I do that by holding onto His promises. I do that by remembering who I am. I do that through holding every thought captive.
“We fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy's strong places. We destroy people's arguments and every proud thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” ~2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (New Century Version)
This assignment is the one I am destined to complete. This assignment is the one I am destined to live.
“The LORD will keep you from all harm — He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” ~Psalm 121:7-8 (New International Version)
My ultimate goal is to carry the message. And, right now, I am living the in between, living toward completing His assignment for me, carrying the message and believing what He has done for me.
How can I best do that? I do that one day at a time. I do that by believing one promise at a time. I do that by carrying out my destiny.
”God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.” ~Ephesians 2:10 (GOD’S WORD Translation)
My life up to now has been quite a journey and today, for the very first time, I can accept the “all of it” and I so look forward to watching “all of it” unfold as I live in Christ and for Christ. And, my journey is not meant to be walked alone. I cordially invite you to join me in my walk with Christ. But, first and foremost He invites you – to accept the greatest gift ever offered. He came, yes. He lived, yes. He suffered, yes. He died, yes. He rose, yes, and that is what He ultimately came for, lived for, suffered for and died for. With His work, we can live – live for Him.
Again, I ask, will you join me?
Me and Social Media
It’s All About Me:
Shawn Boreta (author page):
(I am not) Broken Glass:
Online Ministry Pages
Wonderfully Made (encouragement and edification):
Psalm 139 with purpose (prayer and testimony page):
Equip His People (Ephesians 4:11-13) (teaching and lessons)
Giving Thanks Daily Blog:
The New International Version was used when not noted otherwise.
Copyright © 2011 by Shawn Boreta. All rights reserved.
Please distribute with permission only. Thank you.
What others are saying about, “it’s all about me”
Doug Baker writes:
Dear Shawn,
My opinion is that this is beautifully written. It is theologically true to the great doctrines of the faith. It will have broad appeal to fellow sojourners as your meditations offer hope and encouragement. My prayer is that you will continue to pour out your writings as from an alabaster box broken at Jesus' feet. The fragrance filled all the room!
Thank you for letting me read this work. It has inspired me. It is exciting to see what God is doing in you and through you.
I would not change anything. It's beautiful and theologically accurate for an orthodox, evangelical and conservative perspective.
I really enjoyed reading this work! It is refreshing to see life from your perspective. So many people will be blessed by reading this book, as
I was blessed. You should stir up the gift and fan the flame! I'm sure there's a lot of great thoughts ready to hit the hard drive.
Your friend in Christ,
Doug , Doug Baker Associates
Additional comments, within the context:
RE: page 16, C.E.L.E.B.R.A.T.E., “In the beginning, God, the Father, the Holy Spirit and the future blood of Jesus, devised a B.rilliant plan to save those they loved first.” I just had to comment that this is theologically correct and a great truth to be shared. Salvation was never an after-thought with God. It was determined before the foundation of the world was laid. I love the way you wrote it.
Stephanie Wolfe-Saini writes:
"Your book is awesome. I'm not usually a slow reader but when I read your book I absolutely savored it. That is a keeper. I am getting a color nook and I would like to download the eBook. That is a great devotional. I have pages in books like oh man I see myself thank you Lord but this book is not to be read lightly. God has something in it a lot in it for everybody. The different font types keep your attention bringing a light-feeling. Noting in it brings you down. It makes you want to read more while inspiring you at the same time. I'm repeating myself. I can't help it. This book was God inspired. God bless you!"
Donna Snead writes:
I have been privileged to read your new book and not only that... I have been and AM provoked to sit quietly and meditate on the goodness of our Lord. This book, "It's All About Me," is certainly a necessity. I only wished you had put some lines in there so I could journal the soft whispers that your writings helped me to hear. Wow! Thank you so much for being obedient and sharing these wonderful murmurings and prayers with us. I know others will be inspired and provoked to CHANGE as well. I can't wait to get a hard copy. That is... if it will be available. Please let me know when. Blessings to you sis!
Donna Sneed, Publisher/Editor-in-chief - Character Magazine -
By the way, I especially appreciate page 14, DO THINGS BECAUSE ... it truly reminds us to evaluate WHY we do WHAT we do. Thanks again!
Dolores Ayotte writes:
It’s All About Me – Giving Thanks Daily is a wonderful daily devotional written by author Shawn Boreta. Shawn has chosen to share her spirituality and gift with her readers. She shares her intimate relationship with God in order to help others know a better way so that they too may find the joy, peace and comfort that she has found.
Shawn’s devotional is full of applicable biblical quotes that reach out to people in a warm and comforting way. She has chosen to live one day at a time and her words of inspiration encourage others to do so as well. Every morning I sat quietly in my rocking chair as I read Shawn’s peaceful and encouraging words. Yes…peaceful is the word that is best used to describe the feeling I attained after these early morning encounters with It’s All About Me - Giving Thanks Daily.
Shawn states at the bottom of each page “Your journey to daily gratitude begins with your decision to find something good in every situation”. Shawn knows exactly what she’s talking about because we have so much to be grateful for and it’s good to be gently reminded of this fact. Her daily devotional has been a great inspiration to me and her honesty and openness are a great gift to us all. and
David Latry writes:
Hi Shawn,
I would love to begin with a thank you for the book. It couldn’t come at a more perfect time for me considering the fact that I am a fellow that struggles to really maintain a good, positive and confident though in my mind and I needed to be reminded of the truth that there is something good about every situation that God puts us through. One thing I find interesting about your book is the footer on each page “Your journey to daily gratitude begins with your decision to find something good in every situation”. I would say this is the theme of the book and when you get to see this on every page, you just can’t forget it. I read the book on my phone so the more advanced features of the book like images and special font designs were made to normal and that meant that I didn’t really check out for topographical errors of which I would report to you about.
Another thing about the book that I love is the way every page drives to the truth of the theme from different stories and thoughts. It is as if every page is a blog post that you learn something from this page and then something from the next and another from the next while being drawn to the fact that God has something good to offer us and it is our choice to see that good and appreciate it and that would bring us the life of gratitude that God wants us to live.
I don’t know how public you would like to make some of your stories especially the ones in the book but I would really love to hear more of them – the ones you shared in the book. In the beginning of the book you said that the book was a little bit of your life and that is good but with more testimonies of things that you have gone through a reader can connect more as he/she connects to the thoughts that you share in the book.
But in general, it is a great book and I really thank God that I had the opportunity to read this book before it is made public – this is my first. And as I said earlier on it couldn’t come at a more perfect time because on Monday I suffered a ‘self-declared depression’. I don’t really know what depression is but on Monday I found myself so down in mind and that resulted in me having one of my worst days in a long time. I want to decide to see something good in every situation but it has not really been great and in response to your call towards the end of the book, this is my story and I really need help. God is getting me out of this low self esteem that I carry and I know that it’s me who would have to make the choice of my thoughts and though I know what thoughts I should entertain in my thoughts I find myself thinking the exact opposite. Please I would like you to help me because you were also once here and you’ve made it out of here. Thanks in advance.
I would love to say that all the truths in a book are not realized in the first instance of reading and I plan on reading the book again latter. Thanks and God bless. Please continue in the good work that God is using you to do on earth.
~ David
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