
Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 978 of Giving Thanks

I love you Lord Jesus and I thank You for all You did for me. My life is Yours, and my prayer daily is to be less of me, more of You.

Do you know the LORD or KNOW the LORD? 

So many whisper "Lord", when in a crisis, or "God help me" and feel they know Him.. It is when the heart is ready to accept HIM as LORD that we begin to KNOW HIM. And, once we become His through acceptance of His gift that to us is free, but came with the ultimate price

Once we are His, we will still be imperfect, but it's through our desire to be perfected through Jesus that we can be obedient and live rightly. It is only with the Holy Spirit can His will for our lives be lived out, and for prayers to be wholly answered. Live for Him... abide in His Word and believe His promises... That is hope beyond hope, and love beyond love.

Love one another
Pray unceasingly
Read His Word daily, if not several times a day
Learn to know His promises

Turn away from His hope

I have had several weeks of these conversations with the LORD... "Oh LORD, I am running late, help me with a word as I head out the door. Help me to hear what You have for me, as I settle in, and work down from the wound up of being late. Help me to settle in to Your promises, and all the hope that is. Help me to let go of me and settle into You." Do you know that the enemy LOVES our self-loathing, internal fears, doubt and worry? The enemy LOVES when we work against the clock, beating ourselves up and belittling our own actions...

Why? For every moment we "ponder" those things we turn away from God's direction.

God LOVES when we trust and release, and release to trust - which love would you rather know is on your side?

God, You are my hope, my wisdom, my love, my charity, my heart's desire.

He is what makes us shine, living through Him and leaving behind the death of this world. Rejoice in knowing His light, for without it, eternity is dark. He is your purpose, nothing is useless or futile in Him.

"Whoever puts his trust in me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being!" ~John 7:38 (Complete Jewish Bible)

This takes work. Create new habits of hope and remove what the enemy loves.

"Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose; because those whom He knew in advance, He also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of His Son, so that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and those whom he thus determined in advance, he also called; and those whom he called, he also caused to be considered righteous; and those whom he caused to be considered righteous he also glorified!"~ Romans 8:28-30 (Complete Jewish Bible)

We must remember that if our work or our actions lead people astray, we are to account for that. If our ministry leads those around us to stumble, we are to account for that. Let us be aware, alert and proactive in our ministry to others. Let us not just share the Word of God, the love of Jesus, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, but live it out by thinking and praying through our actions. If we remember our gifts, live for living toward our purpose, in God’s will, the Holy Spirit will be ever for us.

In using our gifts, remember greatly who the gift Giver is... the One who saves, is the One who equips.

"No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.  This I command you, that you love one another." ~John 15:15-17 (New American Standard Bible)

We all have gifts, not the same ones and none are "required". God moves us toward Him in His time, and will reveal what is ours from Him...

"But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God)." ~Galatians 5:16 (Amplified Bible)

There are so many gifts we receive from our Father in heaven, salvation begins all things can be done through Christ. The enemy is active, aware and ever-ready to pounce. Use your gifts, but mostly embrace the One given us through the blood of Christ in the Holy Spirit.

In using our gifts, remember greatly who the gift Giver is... the One who saves, is the One who equips. Chosen… through choice and free will – oh to live according to Your will Father… in freedom, in victory, through love… 

 "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. This I command you, that you love one another." ~John 15:15-17 (New American Standard Bible)

©2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Giving Thanks Daily - guest writer - by Sam Hajian

A Full Life with God
by Sam Hajian

Are you seeking a relationship with GOD? If God is with you there is reason for HOPE!
The basis of our Relationship with God is Faith
What Has God Promised Us?
A Full Life
Everlasting Life
His Presence
If however we live a life apart from God, we are promised a life in Hell.
Matthew 8:23 – And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.
Matthew 8:24 – And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.
Matthew 8:25 – And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.
Matthew 8:26 – And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:27 – But the men marveled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!
There will be storms in your LIFE. What can we do?
We can embrace a life with GOD!!
Hope is much more than wishful thinking or a unfounded optimism.
Biblical Hope is best understood as a Sure and Steadfast Anchor for your soul.
Genesis1:2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
God is greater than the darkness in your life!!!
God is able to change the emptiness in your life!!
God's will is that.... Evil Will Not Prevail!!
Our Hope is in God. Hope is much more than wishing.
God created it all with His word.
Being in Relationship with God gives our life meaning and hope.
What brings us value and significance and hope is not what we do but WITH WHOM we do it.
Without warning powerful storms will come into your life.
Even as a follower of Jesus... The storm will shake you to your core. (this is what happened to me)
You will be asking where did this storm come from?
When the storm hit the boat, these experienced fishermen, were desperate with fear!!
They asked Jesus.... LORD don't you care?
They questioned if He cared about them or not.
They said we are going to drown!!
They were truly afraid.
Finding our hope with God rather than in our circumstances means that if our external circumstances suddenly change, perhaps even tragically, our Hope remains Intact.... Because God is with us!
The people in the boat thought they had only 2 options... SINK or SWIM.
Because fear short circuits Faith.
They had faith, but it was not functioning properly.
THE SYSTEM DOES NOT WORK - when Fear sets in... Faith goes out the window.
Reacting in Fear won't change anything... it will only make things worse.
Hope does not depend on what's happening around your boat.
The reason the disciples thought the boat would sink with Jesus on board is...
because they did not understand WHO He is!!!
Understand He is with us, and He won't leave you!!
It is natural to ask (when the storm hits you )
What did I do to deserve this?
Remember what the bible says.....
If God is for you, Who can be against you??
HOLD ON Don't give up!!
Even if the storm takes your life, it cannot take your Soul!!
God IS your reason for Hope.
You want to have this relationship with GOD.
The peace that the world has no clue about....
We can face our own death as God is with us.
He will speak to you as you read the bible.
Amazing Grace... I once was lost but now am found...
How Precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed.
God's grace will lead me home.

© 2013 Sam Hajian, Ps139 group

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Quick Thought - To KNOW Him

Do you know the LORD or KNOW the LORD?

So many whisper "Lord", when in a crisis, or "God help me" and feel they know Him.. It is when the heart is ready to accept HIM as LORD that we begin to KNOW HIM. And, once we become His through acceptance of His gift that to us is free, but came with the ultimate price.

Once we are His, we will still be imperfect, but it's through our desire to be perfected through Jesus that we can be obedient and live rightly. It is only with the Holy Spirit can His will for our lives be lived out, and for prayers to be wholly answered. Live for Him... abide in His Word and believe His promises...

That is hope beyond hope, and love beyond love.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Provoking Thought - Refining Furnace by Scott Gallagher

Refining Furnace
by Scott Gallagher

Remember the scripture that says that God is the refining furnace?

Well, Just like the metal worker works to melt the silver down to make it more pure. He puts a few chunks of coal under the ladle and uses the bellows to make the flames higher and hotter. Yet he has to watch that the fire doesn't get so hot that it burns the silver, if so it will be a waste. So he patiently and attentively watches. Once to its point the slag floats to the top to be discarded. In the same, God puts us through the fire to refine us. But he patiently and attentively watches to make sure that the fire doesn't get to hot, if it does, we will be thrown to the wayside with all of our anger and resentment. So he has to be watching and keeping the flame at the exact right temperature. Then all of our impurities come to the surface, our slag, for Him to remove. He knows it’s done and we are refined when He can look into the melted silver (us) and see Himself in us (his reflection). Then we are a masterpiece of the Maker!

Let us go to His Word...
"The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold,
But the Lord tests hearts." ~Proverbs 17:3
"Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver;
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction." ~Isaiah 48:10
"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.  If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you." ~1 Peter 4:12-15
(New American Standard Bible)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 977 of Giving Thanks

As I sat before my computer to read His Word yesterday, these words just flew onto the page. “I am distant Father. Help me to stay connected. Even my prayer life is off. Help me to remove myself from the line sight of need and put others once again. Help me to remove my desire to grumble and moan. Help me to praise and revel in all that You are.

I see wrong turns and major detours when I am not in the Word, not studying His promises and remembering that my time is His… that the first part of each day must be set aside for Him. But really it is for me; to be assured, reassured and comforted. As I sit here tonight, after having very little time purposely “set aside”, I feel strained, drained and not so clear. And it’s in these moments, most of the time short, but on occasion way too long, I remember where I came from. What darkness held me.

Part of healing is having the understanding that God is bigger than the issue. Does it mean it's automatically going to go away, not a chance, but can it, absolutely?

Anxiety is fear, and we are told to "fear not"... It does not mean that it's easy; trusting God (also coming from experience with depression) has been a long, hard road - not because God took so long, but because I struggled (struggle) to trust Him. Living without fear is a habit of trusting. And for me, I need much reminding.

How often do we fight this flesh in fierceness to "trust God" in so many things? How often do we say we trust, but our actions show that trust is nowhere in our heart and definitely not embedded in our thoughts; we must learn to go to God in all things. I am learning to ask, “What do I fear”? Today’s answer, “Not as much as I use to, but more than I have the right to”. 

I understand one's desire to be healed. And, deep down, that is where I lack trust –healing– then I remember that through salvation, I am healed of the most horrendous thing of all, separation from God in eternity. I am a child of God.

"Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—" ~John 1:12 (New International Version)

Many say they know the Lord, but they truly do not KNOW the Lord. Jesus died for each and every one of us, for each and every one of our sins (which He carried to the cross), but to KNOW Him, you have to know that He died for you. The gift of salvation is before you. Yes, He carried all your sin, but you have to lay it down before Him to receive what He did for you.

I pray we can all be reminded daily or as often as needed to:
- Give it all to Him.
- Gains are in the struggle... not in the comfort.
- God makes everything beautiful through struggle.

Many of you are in physical pain, unrelenting trials, in the midst of severe heartache, you’re fearful and in a fight daily to “maintain”, and some of you are in the most excruciating circumstances – so what do we do? We trust the LORD. Maybe that is a daily heart check, or quite possibly a moment to moment need, either way, it’s growing into the habit of trusting. LORD, we thank You that You are truly in control. Thank You.

Live by the Spirit and Reject the Deeds of the Flesh
“But I say, live by the Spirit, and you will never carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, for these are in opposition to one another, so that whatever you want, you may not do these things. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, things which I am telling you in advance, just as I said before, that the ones who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh together with its feelings and its desires.” ~Galatians 5:16-25 (Lexham English Bible)

Paul's thorn, Job's continual trials (including the naysayers and bad advice), and we can look at so many examples who were fearful, mistrusting that God would come through... If you look at Job, it was His faith that God is trustworthy in all things... that's God - great, awesome, mighty, faithful and RELIABLE God!

Father, in our busy day let us remember You in ways that glorify You, encourage others and give us the hope that is so readily available to each and every one of us. We love You LORD and wish to honor You in the work we do, not only day to day, but in each moment. Amen.

© 2013 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let us come - Prayer by Tricia A. Furness

Let us come - Prayer
by Tricia A. FurnessToday

I was thinking about the purpose of prayer. I have, in the last few days, had many realizations about my prayer. Not praying for my own needs being number one. Isn't that odd? I have this long prayer list I go through every time I pray, and yet not a single line on that page has my name, needs, or desires. I wonder what God thinks of that. It wasn't really unselfish because I just never realized I wasn't praying for myself. So, I said a couple prayers for myself.

As I was deciding what to pray about, I thought about what God would want me to pray for. Obviously not for a million dollars or a brand new car... He wants us to pray for ourselves, but to think about our basic needs in life. This would be a roof over our heads, food at our table, and heat (especially now! Brrrr), and healing from medical needs. However, I do also think God wants us to pray about what He would want our lives to be. Maybe for direction as to what job we should take, degree to earn in school or where we should live. Maybe we should pray for a special someone we'd like to see in our lives, to heal our relationship with a parent, to bless us with a child. Whatever the prayers, I think to be effective they should be done after you have spent a period of time bringing yourself closer to God.

One poem I posted called it building a stairway, one step at a time, then climbing that stairway and asking God. You are much closer to God when you have climbed up to him. So, start prayer time with worship, reading the Word, or listening to Christian music that moves you. When you feel close to Him, you are ready to pray to Him. Your attitude is in line with Him, and you will be more clear as to what prayers you should say. He is closer and listens harder because of this also. So, spend some time with God today, figuring what you want to pray for. Then, pray.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Picture is Worth...Ballerina Medley

Ballerina Medley
by Shawn Boreta

Many years ago, more years than I care to remember, I danced. I didn’t just dance, everything I did included a kickball change or high kick. I danced around the house – most kids were told, “Don’t run, walk”… I was told, “Watch that lamp; be careful not to knock ‘that’ down; move that first…” and with hands reaching, the list would go on.
At four, I watched gymnastics on the television and that day was in the front yard doing cartwheels.  “Let the games begin”, my dad would say as soon as I bounded out of bed. It truly was the love of the melody; the beat; the strum of a guitar and run across a piano. My feet tap, my heart leaps, my mind dances within the music. I have many passions, but everything can be put right with the perfect melody in our minds.
As I sit here now, reflecting on the “the dancer of then”, I realize that who I am now is just that same little girl dancing around the living room, but in adult form. I still have to stay busy, hands, mind, feet, heart moving, and I realize that this life is our dance and our audience is of a much higher nature than one that sits in seats before us. Our audience is a King, not just one who sits high above us, but the One who has chosen to live within us. Mind boggling, isn’t it?

“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” ~Jude 1:24-25
What’s your passion? What gets your heart jumping and leaping? What keeps you going when all things say, “stop”? Are you going after your dream, dwelling in your passion today?
Enjoy your day and revel in every moment!
“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power
    and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
    for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, LORD, is the kingdom;
    you are exalted as head over all.” ~ 1 Chronicles 29:11

(New International Version)

©2013 Shawn Boreta, Ps139 group
(original artwork of decALLpage by Shawn)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Broken Glass - Shed the Shackles by Bobbi Watts

Shed the Shackles
by Bobbi Watts

I am not sure that I can explain this well. As my body show signs of weakness that I never imagined to happen when I was young, I actually feel more at peace with myself. With all of the terrible things that I went through as a child and the terrible mistakes that I made as a young adult you would think the opposite from a worldly point of view. Entitlement .... you know, I am this way because of such and such. It is wonderful to have shed the shackles of the past. My past does not define me. Back to the physical issues, some of which is my fault and some I have had no control over. They do not define me. They are not my crutch!

I have to use a cane once in awhile and people see a person in need, but I see a person who is doing even when she feels like she can't.

God healed me from a needle in my foot when I was a very young and frightened Christian. His purpose was to teach me to trust Him. To show me that He was not like my father. Now people say why doesn't He heal me now. I feel that if He had a purpose in the healing that I would be healed. And believe me, I have demanded, decreed, and claimed it many times. He has a purpose for my life that I do not understand completely, but I trust Him in His plan.

"For the Scripture says, "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." " ~Romans 10:11 (New American Standard Bible, ©1995)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 976 of Giving Thanks

Are you dealing with daily pain? Emotional build up? Hurt that just won't release?

"The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." ~Exodus 14:14 (King James Version ©2003)

As we come to Him, we can openly and heart-fully ask for His strength, courage, comfort and wisdom to bring you through whatever the pain is.

Today is a new day. Every moment is a new moment. Bring each day and each moment to Him.

"The things I have gone through and the way I feel have brought me closer to God. No, it has not been easy but I don't think I would change anything really because God doesn't allow anything we cannot bear. It has been through these hard times and infirmities that I have seen God's hand on my life always drawing me closer to Him. His grace is sufficient for me in my weaknesses. Jesus suffered and  so will we in this life at times for we are not greater than Him. I will continue to praise Him through the storms and become who He wants me to be. I give Him all the glory for what He has done in my life, for He has brought me through so much already and I am stronger than I thought I was but He already knew that! Thank you Lord and you are not done with me yet nor anyone here!!" ~Regina Payton

We all have challenges in this life. We all have obstacles and road blocks. It is those of us who trust in the LORD that get through them. With this said, it's not always easy, in fact it's rarely easy, but it is so worth it to trust God, hear God and believe that His promises are REAL AND JUST FOR US.

“Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.” ~Psalm 97:11 (New International Version)

I have fought depression for many years. In the beginning, I would "affirm" my way out, but deep down the burden I felt still resided. Over the years, the LORD has lifted that burden. In the exhaustion and through my feelings of being overwhelmed, that battle is again rumbling inside of me. Help me to LAY THIS DOWN Father. Help me to see things from Your higher perspective. Help me get of me - help me to be selfless and keep my focus on what is good, and what is right and what is hope.

The ultimate victory is won. Thank You for that.

Let us use our gifts wisely, appropriately and to the gifts full potential. This is done through obedience to God... becoming more like Christ through following His will for our life. Following our strengths (our talents) - the uniqueness of 'you'... follow His lead, and recognize what He has given you... and all that you are because of Him.

Trust Him, for He has entrusted you.
(inspired by Matthew 25:14-30)

He created you perfectly to accomplish what He designed you to do... Continue to seek His will for your life. Ask Him to lead you to the right things to invest your time and talents in.

Ask yourself...
What am I better at than anyone else?
What are you passionate about and think about most of all?
What motivates me?

This journey of becoming more like Jesus, I find grace in so many areas of my life. Thank You Father for loving me so much and giving me daily insights to You.

I am often blown out of the water in my circumstances. Like yesterday, I just lost all composure under pressure - and although I kept crying out, I also didn't allow the LORD to be heard through all the noise of past thoughts, hardened memories...

Thank You LORD for the little graces, the tenderness that shows me daily You are here with me in my marriage. I stand firmly believing for the miracle of faith for my husband. Every day I praise You for Your comfort and presence.

I don’t know about you, but I know that history shows us that the flesh desires battle over love to convert the heart. But, it has shown to be fruitless. Let us show God's love through our love for others. Be passionate, in compassion for others. I find I battle myself more than anyone or anything else. And, in the middle of conflict or reflection afterward, I have to remember this truth. Sometimes the conversation most needed in your relationships is the one in front of the mirror... it should be, "what can I do to make things good?"

And, as these thoughts begin to flourish and my heart begins to sing again, I am reminded through His Word of His awesomeness.

“I will sing of the LORD’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that You have established "Your faithfulness in heaven itself. You said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, ‘I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations.’”
"The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, Your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; He is more awesome than all who surround Him.
"Who is like you, LORD God Almighty? You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.” ~Psalm 89:1-8 (New International Version)

Be encouraged. I am!

©2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Quick Thought - Security

We recently had our home broken into, and in the weeks leading up to it, I have been convicted of evaluating my treasures here on earth - or at least what I 'think' my treasures are. It's definitely more than stuff that was lost in the break-in, it created a sense of security breech. We decided to get an alarm system installed, but my sense of safety does not come from a keypad and connection to a call center. It is through the connection I have directly to God, my Father. I believe the call center is His Word, for all I have to do is talk to Him with His promises in mind, live according to His will for my life and I am assured that He is right there for me.

 Father, thank You for keeping me safe and helping me know that I am safe. Thank You for showing me Your truth, and Your desires for my life. May my heart reflect Your desires greatly.

“[Put your trust in God alone] “Don’t pile up treasures on earth, where moth and rust can spoil them and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treasure in Heaven where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it and nobody can break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too!”” ~Matthew 6:19-21 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Reflection - Hope in Jesus by Scott Colbertson

Hope in Jesus
by Scott Colbertson

I wish the folks that I used to run with and so many others could know what God has shown me in His love and wisdom through Jesus Christ. Being an addict, and at the rock bottom in my life, I cried out to Jesus. It's like He was standing right there saying, "I've been here all along."

One night after I gave my life to Him, I was feeling depressed and feeling sorry for myself wondering what I was going to do with my life. I was lying on my bed when I heard an audible voice that said, "Everything will be all right." From that moment, all feelings of depression and anxiety left me immediately. That blew me away like nothing else I had ever experienced.

Since then I have been seeking Him and His Word diligently. Now He blows me away all of the time with His love and generosity and wisdom. All we have to do is believe and learn to love as He loves us and trust that He will guide our way. This is just a blink of my life. From that pit that I was in to where God has me now.

But believe me, He loves us so much and He is so faithful in all His promises. Glory to God!

Scott is an edifier for Ps139 group with our Wonderfully Made, Equip His People and Psalm 139 with purpose pages. He has the amazing gift of encouragement.

A Quick Thought - Submit Daily

A new year... and my commitment is to submit daily. Submit all things and in all things. There have been some things come up, which I know are so much smaller than God, but seem so much greater than I can handle - but I am trusting. I am believing that these 'things' will have no bearing on progress in this heart that has been mended, will continue to grow in His light and I know is only earthly pain. I know that I have so many reasons to praise my heavenly Father and that is what I will do, now and tomorrow.

 I give You LORD, all these things and accept all Your grace and mercy.

Forgiveness - Prayer by Tricia A Furness

Forgiveness - Prayer 
by Tricia A Furness

Father, today I come to You for forgiveness. Forgiveness because I couldn't forgive. You see, people hurt me, Lord, and I went for so long with this root of bitterness in my heart. I built up this wall around myself, so that even You couldn't reach me. I thought it was my only hope for survival; the only way to not be hurt again. For many years I lived like that. Even though it did keep me from being hurt, it also kept me from being loved; loved by You, my friends, my family, etc. I just lived in this space all by myself, as far as my heart was concerned. Then, Lord, something happened. I found someone to love again. I slowly took this wall down. When I broke down all the walls I had built, everything changed. With no wall to lean on, I was suddenly exposed and trying to stand up on my own. That's when You entered my life. I was able to breathe fresh air, and in that air was You. I pray, Lord, that I will forever have You in my life.

I pray that You will guide me in this new journey, and teach me to be like You. Teach me to love others again, to trust others again. I pray that Jesus, our Wonderful Counselor and Teacher, will show me the path that You would have me follow. Lead me by Your truth and teach me. I pray to the Holy Spirit, to come down over me, fill me to overflowing with Your love. Then Your love will overflow onto others while I learn to pour love out on others like You do. Be patient with me, Lord, while I learn how to see the least of these, and how to help them as you commanded.

I pray mostly that I will know how to love the new people in my life, how to be like You in everything I do, and how to recover and remember Your blessings when I am hurt or scared by my future. You are forever everything I will ever need to get through all life brings, and in this I place my new hope. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Tricia is an edifier for Ps139 group, writing for Psalm 139 with purpose and Equip His People pages on Facebook.
©2012 all rights remain with author

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 975 of Giving Thanks

“But even though we were dead in our sins God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, gave us life together with Christ—it is, remember, by grace and not by achievement that you are saved—and has lifted us right out of the old life to take our place with him in Christ in the Heavens. Thus he shows for all time the tremendous generosity of the grace and kindness he has expressed towards us in Christ Jesus. It was nothing you could or did achieve—it was God’s gift to you. No one can pride himself upon earning the love of God. The fact is that what we are we owe to the hand of God upon us. We are born afresh in Christ, and born to do those good deeds which God planned for us to do." Ephesians 2:4-10 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)

The enemy uses our thoughts (the thoughts we grow and foster) to work against us. That is why WE HAVE TO TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE, in all moments, ESPECIALLY these.

Are you discouraged, disgruntled or just complaining in general? It's time to stop and move in a different direction emotionally. It's time to take control and take stalk in the Word; STOP TALKING OR TYPING and LISTEN and absorb God's Word.

He is here, but you are listening to the lies of the enemy, the program that you have become accustomed to.

“Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence.” ~2 Corinthians 5:17 (GODS WORD Translation)

When change occurs, we know that God is present. Watch nature, leaves on a tree will change color, fall off and from that will look as though death settles in during the heart of winter; but in the dawn of spring, new growth and beautiful changes occur.

“What a wonderful God we have - He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials, and why does He do this ? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy (or as I like to say empathy) and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.” ~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (New Living Translation)

God is faithful, even toward His unfaithful children. Let us live in faith and truly begin to be faithful to You LORD.

Today, I am grateful for his many mercies and grace that is perfect in every way. May we all be wrapped in Your amazing grace. Every day we should learn to rest in Him. If you remember, Jesus and the disciples were reprimanded by the Pharisees for working on the Sabbath. Let us hold Him dear every day and worship Him in our daily lives. I am learning that every day is the Sabbath – time to settle in to His presence, learn His grace and amazing love.

©2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Bold Faith - A Look Inside by Mark Paulson

A Look Inside
by Mark Paulson

You may have found yourself in situations where you were relatively joyful and find a heaviness or depression hits you when you go to various social functions. A good thing to remember is that the gifts are given without repentance (Romans 11:29), often meaning that they were always a part of your make-up before you believed. In view of this, it often takes a while to recognize them as being from God and use them with Holy Spirit guidance. In this case, you may be owning as yours what is actually someone else's emotions.

When this heaviness comes, don't immediately think you are at the whim of ever changing emotions; you may have felt this way most of your life. Stay in tune with the Holy Spirit that you might discern what is yours or not yours. There may be a gift in operation meant for you to pray for or encourage another person.

Remember that one of the key components of Jesus' miracles was that He had compassion on them first. When you think about what the Son of God's compassion is like, it's not a stretch to imagine that it's like an empathic response, where he actually feels their distress in a very real, first person way. So it is with you. When the Spirit leads you to be comfort and healing to someone, don't be afraid about what to say, as often a listening ear and them realizing that you feel their pain is the biggest part (it will resonate with their spirit that you feel what they're going through). As far as words to say - don't fear - he will give you the words ("do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say" - Matthew 10:19).

© 2012 All copyrights remain with the original authors
Giving Thanks Daily

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Forgiveness - Deeply Thoughtful by Anne Bosworth

I wanted to share this wonderful message from my friend, Anne Bosworth.

by Anne Bosworth

What would it take for you to actively seek out an enemy, or someone from whom you are currently estranged, to have an honest, deliberate, balanced/fair conversation and make peace and rebuild the relationship? I'm not talking about re-entering the lives of truly dangerous, abusive people, but rather family and friends with whom you've had a falling out due to some misunderstanding, extenuating circumstances, poor communication, or even people who have drifted away from your life, your group, or your church.

What would it take for you to stop scrolling through Facebook status updates and pick up the phone, or shoot off an email to share a word of kindness, welcome, or even to take responsibility for your role in the problem...and (for the record) you absolutely DID have a role.

If the answer has anything to do with hell freezing over, an apology from the other person, fear of rejection, unresolved anger, lack of time, lack of interest, different paths, or anything else that shifts responsibility or delays the effort're out of line and you're wasting valuable time. Enough already.

First, ask God honestly and regularly to show you your role. Ask Him to correct you and show you what needs to change in YOU. In abusive, unhealthy relationships what needs to change is your acceptance of truly inappropriate treatment. But before you make a pathology of the situation or the other person make sure you're not bandying about psychological buzz words, and popular counseling strategies without being honest about your very real, and probably equally messed up, ways of relating. It's not enough to say, "God, please forgive me for being a bad friend, or making a hasty commitment" and then vow to do better in future relationships. Don't just ask God to help Cousin Suzy (or whomever) forgive you and give you both a good life, without actually taking active responsibility, and making consistent effort to heal the rift to restore the relationship to a mutually satisfying and healthy balance.

Not every effort you make will be received at first, or result in an immediate healing/restoration, but if YOU make peace and reconciliation YOUR habit and your prayer there WILL be positive way or another.

If someone has made overtures of forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation to you...for goodness sake, accept them and build upon them! Go to counseling together if you have to, but get things going and don't give up! If you have been the one making the overtures...don't give up. Keep the person and the situation intentionally at the front of your prayers. God never gave up on you. Don't be so quick to give up on other people...especially those whom you have loved, and those who have clearly loved you. If you have fond, kind, warm memories that were interrupted by a mistake, a traumatic situation, an argument, or sometimes even a terrible tragedy, then chances are good that reconciliation and restoration can and should happen. Even when you have been terribly, terribly wronged by someone...or have done a terrible, terrible wrong to someone...did you ever stop to think of how much darkness and trouble and sin can emerge by way of guilt, shame, and unforgiveness?

For Christians, it begins and ends with Christ. What has He done for you? How much and how often have you been forgiven by and reconciled to Him? What does He ask of you? How will you respond? Does He have any lost causes? Who are you in Him...because of Him? Why would you withhold from someone else what you have been given freely, abundantly, and repeatedly by Him? Don't you think it's time?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 974 of Giving Thanks

I have many days when "no trial" is really my internal trial. Maybe you can relate, but many times in the midst of good, I start to wonder, question or become concerned about the "what ifs". And it's in these moments I have to remember even more that I have a faithful God, I am loved, revered and I possess strength beyond strength to push through toward God - and away from the wrong of this world.

“For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to [c]a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.” ~1 Corinthians 10:13 (Amplified Bible)

It has been an crazy and busy time of my life. It has been an amazing year, one filled with many challenges and perfecting changes. I am so grateful for all of you and what God is doing with all of us. We may not see all that He has for us in the middle of "the happenings" of our life, but we can know that He is... which means we can live in an amazing way through the strength of the Holy Spirit. We can stand firm and confidently because that is His promise. Every day is a new day and every day is an opportunity to see Him in ways that will bring us closer to who we are supposed to be with Him, in us. May the LORD be with you all and may He reveal the blessings that are right before you in every moment.

“What a wonderful God we have - He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials, and why does He do this ? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy (or as I like to say empathy) and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.” ~2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (New Living Translation)

In awe of Him seems to be a steady pattern in my life. I am learning to trust - which is a very tough thing to do, when I want so desperately to hold onto the lacks that exist all around me. I am not sure that you can understand, but it's the days like today that I truly cling to... the days where I can see Him, His work and His plans through this journey which is a mystery in the flesh, and a victory in the Spirit... they days when I truly desire to let go of this world and all that is the flesh... the days that I know His presence is all that is permanent and truth.

"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ~Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)

©2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 973 of Giving Thanks

Help me LORD with my day - - as it begins - as it finishes out, let me know Your presence and strength. Help me to remember Your presence and strength.

Every day LORD is Yours... help me to remember this truth.

"But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” ~John 16:7 (New International Version)

Hello Father, I need You. Today, I hold onto the promise that You are here for me and always near. I hold onto the promise that I will never be alone. I need an attitude adjustment, and change of heart and outlook in this one area. Father God, I cannot do this without You and I do not want to do anything without You. Help me LORD, to make good choices and move in the right direction. Help me see my errors and my faults so I can move as You will have me move. Help me now; help me tomorrow and thank You for helping me period. Amen.

Help me Father with this one. I tend to get irritated or hurt way too easily. Am I “getting” what I need to do? Am I learning, but more importantly, am I leaning?

I'm learning more and more to let go of the world and walk in the Spirit. It's a beautiful thing. Walking in the spirit is everything the Word says it is. Glory to God!

“I have said these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction, but have courage! I have conquered the world.”” ~John 16:33 (Lexham English Bible)

I am having many of "those days"... where I have to completely stay focused on who I work for (God), rather than who I work for in the flesh. I have to remember that people just don't always "think" before they speak, or write an email. I have to remember that grace is as beneficial to me as I give it, as when I receive it.

Thank You LORD for the light in my heart, that comes from Your grace and Son. Thank You that in the dark times of this world, I do not have to travel far to find Your hope and mercy. Thank You that in the times of uncertainty, that CERTAINTY in You is promised and delivered without question. Thank You that I have You Father in all the times of my life.

©2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

Shawn Delia Boreta

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