
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 1001 of Giving Thanks

“If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” ~2 Chronicles 7:14 (Amplified Bible)

The enemy has really worked hard this week to keep me down, but to no avail, I am victorious! It has been a week of new pains, old memories, new struggles and old insecurities that fell flat with His urgings with every raring of those unwelcomed feelings, even up to this afternoon, I could sense God moving mountains right before me. I lived many years in fear, as many do – even those who belong to Christ – how can that be? In one of ‘those moments’ earlier, I heard His voice once again, “you’re good Shawn – I will carry you the distance”. I have diligently prayed over the past few months to be encouraged, when I am down, or start to go down that path, and God has been faithful and daily carries me the distance.

As I sit and 'take in' the world around me, I am at peace. As I see the evil and chaos that this world delivers, I am assured in so many ways. He is my strength, my comfort, my peace. He is truly all I need.

The LORD has been so encouraging to me in every way through His children... I love the days when I get to talk to supporters at my job. I am so humbled that I get to have access to so many wonderful and amazing people on a daily basis. I have been working toward the discovery of my Chief Definite Aim and I know this for sure, it involves people. I believe God has revealed my purpose through all the things I do.

These are extremely busy times at work, and I expect to see God daily as I seek Him. And I am thankful for the many moments He reveals Himself in my life. And in the midst of all the busyness, yesterday was a day of praise, prayer and laughter... a day of accomplishment and satisfaction at a really deep level.

Just a few weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with how much had to be done (all around - personal and work life)... but as I know so well, the LORD has this, He knows what I need and I expect to see Him move mountains in me over the next week or so. It's like He whispered it to me today... "you're good Shawn - I will carry you the distance... ". So humbling isn't it?

“This doesn’t mean, of course, that we have only a hope of future joys—we can be full of joy here and now even in our trials and troubles. Taken in the right spirit these very things will give us patient endurance; this in turn will develop a mature character, and a character of this sort produces a steady hope, a hope that will never disappoint us. Already we have some experience of the love of God flooding through our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us.” ~Romans 5:3-5 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)

God's at work for sure. I have been praying and seeking to see a miracle in several areas; my Chief Definite Aim and my health. As I prayed about the work we do on Facebook, blogging, Ps139 group pages, etc. I don't see conversions or transformations, but it doesn't mean they aren't happening. God confirmed His work through me is important and that is enough.

I am definitely not a Pollyanna, but I do love life, spending time with others and staying ‘in the mix’ of things. I come from a long line, as well as great examples of fighters; that’s not the challenge, I can fight through most any situation, it’s the being still and leaning on God that has been  I have been asked, "How do you keep going, stay positive, on fire for the LORD"... simple answer, "God". And to add to that simple answer, “He knows my voice, I know His promises and I call on Him to reveal all of them for me”. I often request from Him, "Let my life be a prayer", and He is faithful, for there is much to pray about and for. I stay in the Word, desire to know Him more deeply and the only way to do that is by hearing Him, listening for His comforting presence. I was in a place yesterday morning where I just couldn't stop praying. I was overwhelmed in my heart, in my surroundings; I had a sense of heaviness from the desire to do something else in my life than "just this", and God exchanged my dismal heart with one filled with Him, and the desire to serve Him more.

And His blessings continue. Every day you can see Him working in your life! Every moment is a gift from above. Rejoice. Rejoice in Him.

Wishing I had hours to write today... I am so encouraged and amazed by His grace and goodness toward me. If you doubt God's love, there is so much hope in the gift of the Holy Spirit. I am committed to sharing what I have and continue to learn through His work in me...

I know that as I write, pray and share, I too am ministered to through what God shows me. That is His daily gift. In His work through my life, I see hope and every day, I pray for others to see hope in our God as well. I am burdened by the broken, the weary and unable to move forward or to heal.  As I said, He gives up much to pray for an about, we just have to be aware. Our thoughts toward Him will change our life from devastation of moments to determination and drive. That too is a daily gift that just like salvation, we have to accept and open it fully to appreciate its power.

© 2013 Giving Thanks Daily

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