
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thankful Life - January 30, 2014

Yesterday as I began my morning, I knew that I had 'a day' before me... plenty to do, more to be added and so much that I would be inspired to do as the day progressed. And, yep, just as I expected - it was ALL and MORE than all that. Thank You LORD for strength and gumption. And, it was a good day.

As I start again today, I have to submit Father 'it all' to You! And, it will be a good day. Fear is not an issue in the moment to moment, but an underlying theme of this daily journey. This week, I am listening to and reading through Isaiah 43.

"Do not be afraid, because I have reclaimed you.
    I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through the sea, I am with you.
    When you go through rivers, they will not sweep you away.
    When you walk through fire, you will not be burned,
    and the flames will not harm you.
I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
    Egypt is the ransom I exchanged for you.
    Sudan and Seba are the price I paid for you.
Since you are precious to me, you are honored and I love you.
    I will exchange others for you.
        Nations will be the price I pay for your life." ~Isaiah 43:1-4 (GOD's WORD Translation)

Every day I need reminding that He paid the price, and every day I just need to believe a little bit that He is All for me, and ALL IS GOOD.

Father, from the roadblocks that thought and circumstances allow, help me to be in Your presence to see every breakthrough, every stopping point and mountain top that You have me in. Thank You for yesterday's challenges, resources and the friends who helped me see more clearly. Thank You for today, the plan and changed details that will occur... thank You Jesus for providing and doing 'it all' TODAY AND EVERY DAY, grateful in Your amazing and perfect name, amen!


Monday, January 13, 2014

It's Quite Simple - by Shawn Boreta

Every day I am blessed with new ideas... new assumptions... and in every moment, I am assured through His truth.

Someone said the other day, "that's their truth, and I have mine..." in love, I did not agree... but added, "their perception of 'THE' truth... since the reality is, things happen one way, and the situations are relayed another.

As I think about this, I wonder... "what if" (one of my favorite thoughts...) - what if we saw things the same way?

We would have nothing to look forward to in my opinion. We would see colors the same, the weather the same... YUCK... I love that "I love" the sunshine, and my best friend "loves" the rain. I love that "I love" vegetables, and I am challenged to make them "loved" by my husband, which he does not...

Love our difference, embrace the challenge to work together, love one another for our differences and see truth from God, and perception as an opportunity to connect with other or change our out own outlook.


Thankful Life - January 13, 2014


What if... 
all children in need of a home, received one? (Acceptance/Chosen)
all children were loved and never needed to look outside their home for acceptance, and had a community surrounding them for guidance and extended love? (Freedom)
all children, young and old, healthy or ill, knew where they 'came from', and where they 'are going'? (Hope)

Just some thoughts today... 

In March, we will be launching my ART LINE and so excited to bring awareness to my favorite organizations, and for their benefit. 

...stay tuned!Please check out - Bethany Christian Services, Hope's Not a Crime and Love Never Fails (

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's quite simple... by Shawn Boreta

God wants you to believe Him... when He says, "you are already healed..." we are to believe. We can step in to the change necessary to know His healing. We must let go...

It was years of reprogramming my mind, that now indwells my heart.

You have to believe... you have to choose. BELIEVE... move forward... let go... embrace change.... love the challenge of change... KNOW THAT YOU ARE ALREADY HEALED... you just have to accept that you are His child and everything in Him is possible.

It is possible, because it is already accomplished for me and for you.

My journey of daily gratitude forged the path necessary so I can step in His confidence every day - His desire is for us to KNOW His grace and mercies. My prayer, daily, is for you to have the same confidence and awareness of His presence. Not every day is perfect, but every day is being perfected through Him.

Today, I invite you to join this journey of daily gratitude... to give thanks in new ways and realize His daily gifts for you - through the storms, in the hurricane of daily circumstances and in the calm that only He can bring. I encourage you to take a stand for your own life by giving it all to your Creator and Redeemer. It's time. It's your time to know His time for you.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's quite simple... by Shawn Boreta

Today I am grateful for the desires of my heart. I'm grateful that in obedience, the desires of my heart, will be HIS will. I have learned, that when I am obedient, I see things differently; I see things through different eyes and I hear things with different ears. Our Creator pursues us and desires us to know His call.

Thankfulness is a gift we, not only give ourselves, but a gift we give to those around us... One thing I have learned greatly, is it's really hard to be down and out when you are focusing on gratitude.

Today was a crazy-busy day. A good day, but much going on. In the process of the day, I was able to speak to so many wonderful, dedicated and giving people. I truly have a great team to work with. The LORD is so amazing in His plans. Tonight I was able to visit with two sisters in Christ and it was revealed in my heart, that I have changes to make; a softening so to speak in regards to this one area. I heard that urge last night in my soul as well. Father, help me to be more like You, and engaged wholly in the Spirit as I walk on this earth. Help me Father to hold on to the thankfulness that You put into my heart through salvation. Help me to see all Your gifts of this life through to the next. Thank You for loving me, guiding me and giving me all that I need, and more of what I desire - help me know Your desires in all things. I love You Abba and am truly humbled by the lessons of the days, and the blessings of this Kingdom building and work.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thankful Life - January 9, 2014

To be bold in faith, often means, doing things others will not even attempt. Let us be bold. In our boldness, He is with us every step and every breath of the way. He will strengthen, guide and give us the wisdom during this journey.

We can count on His presence and we can know that, as His children won by the blood of Jesus, we can do all things in confidence and in obedience because of WHO we hold inside us.

Let us be bold, and walk in His light and shine His glory in this world. You have to allow God to work in your family's life... to help them grow. Because of your example, they will change, however, they may not realize it was your ongoing and steady influence that help them get there. Gratitude in your every moment is where we begin. Be thankful in all things.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.” ~1 Chronicles 16:34 (New International Version)

In your moments of thankfulness, remember to recognize the changes in your own life, as well as those you love. And be grateful for all the I will not be preoccupied with the 'what ifs', but grateful for all that HE HAS DONE WITH MY 'what did nots'. Not sure if this makes since, but for years I thought that I could be so much 'farther along' if something would have been different - BUT WHAT I HAVE FOUND that because of all the 'what did not', bad decisions and in spite of 'me', HE HAS DONE AN AMAZING WORK IN ME.

It's quite simple.. by Shawn Boreta

Today I am grateful for questions I cannot answer... and the feeling of restlessness to keep fighting toward His wisdom. 

Often, less than it used to be, I get flustered when I have question after question thrown at me - even if I know how to answer it in my head, my mouth will not mutter a coherent or intellectual word.

Why am I thankful for this? Today, I realized that this is a trigger - not necessarily a good response, but I now know what to work on... and pray for guidance with.

What are you thankful for? 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thankful Life - January 1, 2014

What if what you see is so small that you miss the heavenly beauty of what is outside of your scope of vision? What if your circumstances are limiting your vantage point? What if you could see things from God's perspective for just glimpses and moments?

I believe we can... and it comes when we dive into the Word... learn from our experiences... pay attention to His instruction and guidance as we seek Him through the full strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Our wholeness in Him, and because of Him, is limitless.

Our Creator, who is also our Redeemer and Teacher has Hope for us in BIG WAYS... We not only hope for what is to come, we have hope in what has already passed. Today, I am so thankful for time to reflect and be challenged. I am completely challenged today to see my every challenge as a blessing - not just at the end of the challenge, but in the middle of it.

"However, He was the one who lifted up our sicknesses,
and He carried our pain,
yet[and] we ourselves assumed him stricken,
struck down by God and afflicted.
But[AND] He was pierced[wounded] because of our transgressions,
crushed because of our iniquities;
the chastisement for[of] our peace[healing] was upon Him,
and by His wounds[wound] we were healed[it was healed for us]." ~Isaiah 53:4-5 (Lexham English Bible)

If you are sick, weary, discourage or disheartened, KNOW that because He was nailed to the cross to suffer for our sin, died and rose again (all three), when we choose to believe and receive His gift, we are healed of the greatest sickness of all - eternity without Him. If you are not His, or if you are unsure of where you stand... cry out to Him and He (through the power of the Holy Spirit) will show you the way. It's time... it's your time to allow His gift to envelop your heart, mind and soul.

Happy New Year - 2014

We will not know how many people are influenced by us in this lifetime... good or bad - we will get inklings on occasion, however others exposure to us happens every single day. Bad behavior, inadequate attitudes, not enough grace, lack of compassion is evident everywhere... let us submit to Christ-like character and actions in all things - in this season my prayer is that as we are out and about, His light shines through and tenderness, love and compassion are evident and many are witnessed to through His power and strength that comes from our submission and obedience.

Love one another, extend love and carry His truth in our hearts... May you all have an amazing day celebrating our Father's beautiful gift through Jesus.

In this season of gifts, please share yourself most of all.

Shawn Delia Boreta

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It's All About Me