What if what you see is so small that you miss the heavenly beauty of what is outside of your scope of vision? What if your circumstances are limiting your vantage point? What if you could see things from God's perspective for just glimpses and moments?
I believe we can... and it comes when we dive into the Word... learn from our experiences... pay attention to His instruction and guidance as we seek Him through the full strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Our wholeness in Him, and because of Him, is limitless.

"However, He was the one who lifted up our sicknesses,
and He carried our pain,
yet[and] we ourselves assumed him stricken,
struck down by God and afflicted.
But[AND] He was pierced[wounded] because of our transgressions,
crushed because of our iniquities;
the chastisement for[of] our peace[healing] was upon Him,
and by His wounds[wound] we were healed[it was healed for us]." ~Isaiah 53:4-5 (Lexham English Bible)
If you are sick, weary, discourage or disheartened, KNOW that because He was nailed to the cross to suffer for our sin, died and rose again (all three), when we choose to believe and receive His gift, we are healed of the greatest sickness of all - eternity without Him. If you are not His, or if you are unsure of where you stand... cry out to Him and He (through the power of the Holy Spirit) will show you the way. It's time... it's your time to allow His gift to envelop your heart, mind and soul.
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