"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever." ~ Psalm 107:1 (New Living Translation)
My thoughts over the weekend, as I continued my four days of rest - I was home resting all day... and guess what I am doing tonight? Yep, resting. I turned the TV on for noise as I match socks, pick up and dose off & on!
I am grateful for a day of rest, and time to think. I also wrote out the past 32 years of health challenges, what I can remember anyway. And, in this process today, one thing has become very clear - my life has been blessed!
I believe God has saved me from so much on this journey and exposed my heart to amazing doors, and there will be so many more. He has journeyed with me, and during the times when it was unbearable... He lifted me and carried me onward. Through days and nights of prayer, I have been assured in my salvation, yet drawn in to His mercies. I am grateful that no matter what part of my journey, our Father has been faithful. I am reminded daily to engage. We engage through prayer and reading His Word, through worship and praise!
Find a way to engage with our Father daily and you will see His faithfulness.
[We have seen God’s mercy and wisdom: how shall we respond?] With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity." ~Romans 12:1 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
Prayer is necessary to keep us focused... staying focused on the LORD, glorifying Him, admiring Him... Praising Him will guide your motives during prayer. The Holy Spirit is an amazing encourager as we do. Help us LORD to remember You in our prayers.
©2014 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta