Through my darkest times there has been reward of God's amazing treasures; mercy, grace, restoration and peace.
I am not...
my past, my circumstances, my illness, my doubt, my fears....
I am His.
Sometimes we have to look at where we are, physically, emotionally and how we are connected to Jesus. Today, I am at a loss (I am never lost.... for I have Jesus). I am overwhelmed with exhaustion and, most days physical pain racks up "weight to carry" on the 1-10 scale, and tips it. But today.... "I can do all things"... while letting Him bear the burden and weight.
My prayer today, Lord help me through the physical by assuring the Spirit in me today... to have strength, endurance, "to run this race"... To know Your promise to "never leave or forsake me"...
The routine of "not feeling well", is no routine at all - it is used, however, by the enemy to distract us and persuade us that our illness is more important than God's purpose in our life. I have seen that clearly this week - and honestly, there have been several moments that I wanted to just lay down and close up, or cry.... and I did do that a few times, I will admit... but the moments that I pushed through, smiled at the circumstance and said, "Lord have Your way", I was blessed.
Today there were several of these moments. The moment I decided to fight my way out of bed to get to our church serve... the moment I just "let go" so God could enter the moment... the moment I asked for prayer... the moment I pushed to go to the store so that I will be prepared for the week.

For the days I don't want to get out of bed and sleep all day.... but do and go to work.
For the moments I look at the stairs going up or down, and want to cry, but step by step make my way.
For the time I walk, stretch and don't take pain medication...
LORD, as my brother in Christ read through Psalm 22, and during the reading I thought... wow, "I don't feel like God is not here..." I always seem to know His presence... and today, I sense nothing. How, in less than 24 hours can my heart plummet and move so deeply away from the light? Help me Father to come into Your presence... as the Holy Spirit embraces my every part; physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Today, I do cry and request in whole heart - FATHER BE NEAR!
"They open their mouth against me like a lion tearing and roaring. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax; it is melted within me. My strength is dry like a potsherd, and my tongue is sticking to my jaws; and you have placed me in the dust of death." -Psalm 22:13-15 (Lexham English Bible)
But God shows us in many ways of His presence and persistence of His pursuit of our lives... the Psalmist does not stop at the cries of despair, and neither will I.
"For He has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither has He hidden His face from him, but when he cried to Him, He heard." -Psalm 22:24 (Amplified Bible)
Father we come to you this today and we just thank You for your presence and Your love. We thank You that You love us so much. We thank You God there is nothing we can ever want because we have You! Help us tear the walls down that hinder our progress to a greater faith and closer relationship with You. Help us let go of the burdens in the woes of this life. Let us come to You and praise and worship many moments today. Thank you Jesus.

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