Awesome GOD… That is what I'm truly THANKFUL for today. As I hit the wall of no energy, I have an opportunity to sit back, relax and take in all that has happened over the last few days. There were no high points, no low points… Just moments where I could see God working. Praising God for getting me through this day, these days... I still have more to do, yet this moment feels like "freedom" in the greatest way as I work and listen to some great music...
Mighty, awesome, faithful… My God, my God thank You. Yes, there is work to be done. And I wholly depend on strength that is not mine, but is for me.
“‘Now therefore, our God,
great, mighty, fearsome God,
who keeps both covenant and grace:
let not all this suffering seem little to you
that has come on us, our kings, our leaders,
our cohanim, our prophets, our ancestors,
and on all your people,
from the times of the kings of Ashur
until this very day." ~Nehemiah 9:32 (Complete Jewish Bible)
I am thankful that I could cry out for yet more God, and more strength, and more mercies to be appreciative of. I am grateful that I have a God who loves me, and has done it all for me. Thank you Lord for being here today. Thank you Lord for giving me yet another day to "feel".
With every challenge and "challenging" person, we have the opportunity to look upon our source to come through. In the strength of the LORD God, in the power of the Holy Spirit in me and because the work of Christ Jesus "is finished", I CONTINUALLY HAVE VICTORY. Lord I don't want the crowds… I don't want the many looking in, not caring, oblivious of my heart and its breaking. I want intimate relationships based on Christ. In the crowds there is familiarity in the eyes, yet no wrap of comfort. Where is that found? You are where! Let me seek you…See You!
Today, a new day! This life affords every possibility to see God's mercies in abundance, and for this (today), I am grateful. I am honored to GIVE THANKS for all things. So, this day… Today’s reminders, and truly for every day.
Keep going to His Word.
Keep pondering His promises.
Keep praying for clarity and wisdom for your life.
Keep obeying Him and seeking His will.

I am in the midst of the greatest love story ever... my God's perfect, powerful, endless love is all need. Praise Him, I am redeemed.
"It is through the Son, at the cost of His own blood, that we are redeemed, freely forgiven through that full and generous grace which has overflowed into our lives and opened our eyes to the truth. For God had allowed us to know the secret of His plan, and it is this: He purposes in His sovereign will that all human history shall be consummated in Christ, that everything that exists in Heaven or earth shall find its perfection and fulfilment in Him." ~Ephesians 1:9-10 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
©2014 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
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