As I glance upon the fear of my son’s eyes, I can’t do anything but have compassion. Although I admit, usually I am not calm at the sight of my children’s injuries. Panic, fear, and ten-thousand questions enter my mind, how do I fix this? All of these horrific events occur just as I entered the sanctuary to pray. Also, after prayer service, I am to teach Children’s Church. After quickly advising Pastor of the situation, he gets everything arranged so I can take care of my kids. My heart was overwhelmed; I almost forgot how to get to the hospital.
Besides these injures to my children, life hasn’t been very smooth sailing at the moment. If anything, life is completely stressful. Life is pressing in, the dam is collapsing. As I wait for the doctor to arrive, I am calling different places to find dental assistance. As the receptionist comes to get all of the financial information, my spirit couldn’t hold it. If this couldn’t be the worst time! It’s seems, I got another dose of trial upon my plate. As I watch my precious child being careful, compassionately, and patiently being treated, I broke. At this time, all I could pray, “Lord, I just need Your presence, I need You here.”
As parents, we can’t stand to see our children injured or medically be unable to assist to take away their pain. Yes, we are close-we are present, never to leave them. Yet, the sickly feeling of helplessness will not leave especially as those precious eyes look to you, what can I do? After addressing my youngest injuries, I drove across town to the emergency dental office to care for the eldest son. While we are waiting an elderly couple comes into the office to aid their child with dental issues, she can’t drive. As we sit in the office the elderly man tries to make small talk with AJ (my eldest son) about sports, siblings, and the Rays. As he talks, he tosses a gold coin to him with an angel on it. “Son, angels are watching over you.” As silly as it may have been, it was comforting to me. As I sat in the office, part of a verse keeps coming to me, “hard pressed on every side but not destroyed”.
While the dentist examines the tooth, he advises me of what’s wrong. Patiently, he explains the situation about my son’s tooth, precautions, and what’s needed. Nevertheless, I was so impressed with his tenderness, patience, and care for my son. As he medically cares for Aj, I thought about God’s care for us. Oh, we do get ourselves in a mess, sometimes afraid to approach Him. If we approach Him, we will be punished. It’s one of Satan’s famous lies; so many people refuse to receive God’s care for their broken heart. It’s only in the arms of God can healing be made. As I watched my child experience a root-canal, I almost lost it. The dentist was afraid I was going to faint, so he asked me to leave until my son’s hand reached out to me. So, the dentist said, “Tell mommy to behave and she can stay.” So, I promised I would pray for him but I was there. It’s all that mattered to him.
If I were to pick the worst days as a parent, I would chalk this one on the board. Yet, I learned a precious lesson today; my presence can bring healing to my child. My words can sooth his heart from fear, worry, and pain. My love heals his soul with hugs and kisses. As Aj and I drove home, he said, “Mom, thanks for being patient with me, I really needed it.”
My heart can’t express the words I felt from his statement, I was blessed. So, my dear child what’s going on today? Does the world have you pressed on all sides? Well, may I remind you, God’s presence heals the soul, His Words sooth the heart from fear, His love heals the heart, and His patience is always present. All of our struggles will not defeat us, it will not destroy us. Regardless of what scheme, tactic, or arrow Satan flies, I will overcome it all. Egg will end up on Satan’s face! God will provide the victory, just wait and see! We will not be defeated-never. God’s refining us but never destroying us.
"We are hard pressed on every side, BUT not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." ~2 Corinthians 4:8-9
© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Tina Wetor

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