One of the trustees of our church was a police officer during this day; he arrived at church in his police uniform. It was a beautiful tribute of dedication, love, and service. He will never forget those lives touched with tragedy but kindness as well. Love can never be forgotten; it rings aloud in the hearts of man to bring unity, worth, and ties to each other. God is love. Even in the darkest moments, God was present, working to show the power of love.
As I watched the memorial service, It was so astonishing to hear our president quote Psalm 46 to our nation. As he quoted the verses of the Word, I was reminded of what is so needed in our nation. It’s the Word, Jesus Christ who can only heal the deepest wounds to bring healing. Healing is only found at the cross through the nail scared hands of Christ. He carries the memorial of God’s love upon His resurrected body, we are worth it all. Christ left Heaven’s glory to come to a world that would deny Him, curse Him, beat Him, and crucify Him. He went through so much pain to bring us restoration to our lives. Although, I wonder if Christ touches the Lambs Book of Life with tears or excitement - WE ARE LOVED. It’s only as we are still before Him, we recognize He is God.
As danger comes, we can run to our refuge in times of trouble whose strength never dies. Regardless of what comes, we don’t have to fear because God is our refuge. God dwells in the midst of this nation, He desire for us to come. Sadly, we have ignored His pleadings; maybe it’s time to return with our whole heart. The Lord’s Armies are here among us; He will destroy all of the enemies’ works. One day all nations will bow before Him, He will get the honor due Him.
As these memories are reflected, may we remember the power of love not the evil. Also, may it move us to not only reflect the truth but to preach it with our lives. It’s time to show the power of God’s love-it’s the only means to healing. As children of God, we are to serve others with love, it’s the only reflection to show who we belong to. Love unites, it never divides. If anything, it brings us back to where we belong at the feet of Jesus.

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Tina Wetor
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