by Tricia A. Furness
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” ~Romans 8:28 (New International Version)
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” ~Isaiah 55:9 (New International Version)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm youk plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

I offered to pray for God to complete whatever he had planned in all His Glory. I prayed very hard for several minutes, and then tried to move on to my reading for school (I was attending college). However, I could not focus on the reading, so I put it down and began praying again. I was amazed at how deep my concentration was. I felt enveloped by the Holy Spirit for several minutes, a new experience to me. Then, suddenly, I was overcome by a feeling of joy. It literally felt like my cup was overflowing. I knew something had happened for my friend. I praised and praised God for whatever had happened. This was at 7:45pm.
The next day I asked my friend what happened at 7:45. He said a certain leader had sat by him, talked to him for a while, and asked him to call their office soon to set up a meeting. My friend was ecstatic because this was the group he’d been longing to represent as a worship leader. I told him what happened, and knew that God was communicating to him that this was where he wanted my friend to go. Eventually I was able to tell this religious leader what had happened. He told me that this was incredibly powerful testimony and was excited. That was my first prayer miracle, a prophesy. This was, again, in mid-April.
Three weeks later, in May, I had a seizure (only one I’d ever had). When my body hit the ground I broke my collar bone, meaning a month off work. Then, however, I went to family church camp and for the first time in my life I was healed from demonic attacks, the Enemy placing evil thoughts in my head, and of financial hardship. I knew the broken collar bone was the enemy’s attempt to crush my faith. After the healing I felt so free, like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulder. Half an hour later I was enjoying coffee with friends. My shoulder suddenly cramped up and I was in immense pain for 20 minutes. I screamed and cried as my friends prayed over me. When it was over, I realized that the devil still wanted his hands on me, and therefore attacked me at a weak spot, my collar bone.
A couple days later I found out the broken bones had moved a couple inches and doctors could not explain it. So, instead of returning to work in a week, I was scheduled for surgery 2 weeks later. This meant another 12 weeks off work, totaling 4 months. How could this happen? How could God allow this to happen? I was full of worry and fear until I read the verses I posted above. God used this time off work to strengthen my faith. With the extra time, I read my bible, a few devotionals, and listened to online sermons. I began having longer worship and prayer time every evening. My list, with my prophesy story spreading around, grew longer very quickly. I now pray for over 100 people/groups every day. I have seen 3 other prayer miracles in these 3+ months. I have learned how strong prayer can be. As I prayed more, I grew closer to God than I ever thought I could. God knew that these things happening would give me the opportunity to concentrate on Him. When I didn’t get all I needed to learn from the first injury, he allowed me another. While my financial situation is terrible, my spiritual life has grown immensely, and all because of terrible things happening to me. God knew what I needed. He saw I needed brokenness and time off to be closer to Him. He had plans for me and my prayer life. When these bad things happened, only God could see what would be the result, and only God knew the plans He had for my life.
So, now I am thankful for what He has given me, as I know His sight saw things I never thought possible.

© 2011 All Rights Remain with the Author
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