Have you ever had a day (week, month, year) where you feel that no matter what you do, it's not right? Over the years, I have had countless times like that. As I started this week, I decided to change how I feel about every day. In fact, yesterday I woke up feeling a bit blah! I quickly rolled over, and started again. So, I forced myself to get up on the "right side of the bed". What a difference.
There are so many things to be grateful for:
breath - I can breathe freely, clear lungs, fresh air.
sight - I can see the flowers in my garden, the eyes of the ones I love as I look at them.
free will - the ability to choose what I do each day.
speech - I can talk to anyone, especially God.
hearing - I can hear the laughter of the child next door as I get ready for work. I can hear the baby cry, as she seeks her mom’s arms. I can hear, if I truly listen, to the word of God as He directs my day.
my gifts - the talents and uniqueness of who I am so I can connect with others and they can be encouraged or touched.
I am especially grateful for the man I am married to, the daughter God gave me, the friends placed strategically in my life so I can grow, be challenged and be encouraged; for the opportunities to share with those less fortunate or in need; the blessings to teach what I have learned, and to learn what others have lived.
Thank you Lord for the encouragement I see and feel all around me every day.
written: September 9, 2009
© 2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
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