I am thankful today... so much love and so many gifts that my God delivers to me daily. How can I count them? How much more LORD will You lavish upon my life?
God's goodness through His daily inspiration for me has delivered amazing peace and hope in my life... regardless of what is going on - every storm has a clearing. Every clear sky shines a mighty God and His glory.
THESE ARE THE THINGS I MUST REMEMBER in the times of storms, or troubled waters. THESE ARE THE THINGS I MUST REMEMBER when my flesh is weak, my heart is torn and my will is tattered. THESE ARE THE THINGS I MUST REMEMBER while the lessons are difficult and the times are tough... Yes, Father deliverance to and toward a life that is representative of You in it - THIS IS MY DESIRE!
"I'll give you concealed treasures and riches hidden in secret places, so that you'll know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name." ~Isaiah 45:3 (International Standard Version)
When we, as Christ's people, believe that wealth is define as the world defines it... we are deprived of God's infinite treasures...
And when we described our healing in the flesh, we let go of His tender and amazing mercies.
Our treasures and mercies are the gift that came with the beautiful words, "It is finished!"
We experience death—we give life, by the power of God
7-13 "This priceless treasure we hold, so to speak, in a common earthenware jar—to show that the splendid power of it belongs to God and not to us. We are handicapped on all sides, but we are never frustrated; we are puzzled, but never in despair. We are persecuted, but we never have to stand it alone: we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out! Every day we experience something of the death of the Lord Jesus, so that we may also know the power of the life of Jesus in these bodies of ours. Yes, we who are living are always being exposed to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be plainly seen in our mortal lives. We are always facing death, but this means that you know more and more of life. Our faith is like that mentioned in the scripture: ‘I believed and therefore I spoke’.
14 "For we too speak because we believe, and we know for certain that he who raised the Lord Jesus from death shall also by him raise us. We shall all stand together before him.
We live a transitory life with our eyes on the life eternal
15-18 "We wish you could see how all this is working out for your benefit, and how the more grace God gives, the more thanksgiving will redound to his glory. This is the reason why we never collapse. The outward man does indeed suffer wear and tear, but every day the inward man receives fresh strength. These little troubles (which are really so transitory) are winning for us a permanent, glorious and solid reward out of all proportion to our pain. For we are looking all the time not at the visible things but at the invisible. The visible things are transitory: it is the invisible things that are really permanent." ~2 Corinthians 4:7-18 J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)
© 2014 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
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