I am grateful that I now bring everything to God, even my laundry.

Really the question doesn’t matter, it is the fact that this “idea” came to me after being overwhelmed one day as I was doing a chore I absolutely hate – yep, you guessed it, laundry. Laundry is the one thing I would pay someone to do before anything else. And, now it is almost manageable. I just keep praying for wisdom, and thinking about the Proverbs 31 woman who figured it out. She went to the Father for help too.
I am grateful that everything I bring to the Father is answered, yes, even my laundry.
As I write this I have to chuckle a bit – we definitely have a God with a sense of humor. We have been so busy outside that the inside “chores” have been a bit behind. I sit here tonight with clean clothes in baskets, on hangers and folded, yet not quite complete, and I do realize that what I have done tonight was done in record time… but it is still not finished.
I am not an early riser, however, tomorrow begins a brand new me – a “me” who gets up early, reads her bible and tidies up before heading to work. I could definitely use prayer support for this one.
”She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and for her servants.” ~Proverbs 31:15 (CEV)
Chris has lunches for the rest of the week and clean underwear in his drawer. What else could a man want?
“Her husband depends on her, and she never lets him down.” ~Proverbs 31:11 (CEV)
Every night we are up late; I am a “busy body” as Chris says, it is really difficult for me to sit still, so I do things; sometimes I write, sometimes I read, sometimes I create, I just know that I do work hard – and rest comes with much effort.
“… and she stays busy until late at night.” ~Proverbs 31:8 (CEV)
So, lazy or smart was the original question? And, my answer is a little of both, but I am working on the “smart” or “wise”, by working better – and continuing to allow God to direct and correct my works, even the small things.
Now, my laundry may never be finished, but I do know that the work Jesus did for me is finished. That is such a wonderful assurance and a great accomplishment that I had nothing to do with, but reap all the benefits. I know that I will see many things come to fruition – healing and an eternity with my heavenly Father. Gratitude does not come close to describing how I feel about His love for me; how about you?
I would love to hear how God is moving in your life; how you have seen Him move you toward Him.
Father, thank You for giving me Your finished work on the cross. Thank You for being with me through my life, even the little things like laundry are easier with Your help. Thank You for giving me a life that is more than ordinary, because of Your extraordinary gift. I lift those Lord up who do not yet know You, and ask for more light to shine on them, for more events to move them toward You, for softened hearts toward You almighty God. I pray for revival in the hearts of other believers. I pray that they too will realize that Your will is the best path. I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be deep and wide in the hearts of my brothers and sisters and their love for You will produce great and mighty fruit for the kingdom. All things for Your glory heavenly Father, I pray for wisdom, discernment and clarity as I move closer to You. I ask that You reveal all the things I need to change, work on and do. In the mighty blood of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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