I love the time I spend with God. Today, the time just flew by. I was quiet, pondering and conversing with the creator of the universe - how cool is that?
The changes that are possible when I allow God to take charge, I believe are the miracles of the heart. They are miracles that only God can orchestrate, and only a life changed can propagate. When my life shines with God’s goodness, the broadcast reach is unlimited. I realize that I will never comprehend whose lives my example will touch.
I have been touched in ways that only my heart can hold onto. Wrapping my mind around all that He has done is not possible to relay in words, so it is a sense, it is feelings and it is having assurance that He is here.
So, as I examine my life, I know that He has much more to accomplish, but I know I can rejoice in what is already complete – I rejoice in the truth that my life has purpose, my hope is determine by what He already fulfilled. And the thoughts just kept coming.
And, time just slipped away - ten minutes turned into thirty, in no time at all, and I thought, “I do not want to leave His presence”; so I took it with me. Lord, thank You for this morning. Thank You for loving me so greatly and passionately. Thank You for giving me life, my life that is really Yours to mold and perfect.
“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
I am a complainer by nature. And, I am grateful that my nature, when combined with the power of the Holy Spirit is made new. My aim is to be grateful in every moment, and when I forget, He reminds me of my aim. For I know that complaining brings death.
"And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel."~1 Corinthians 10:10 (NIV)
Now I never expected to be struck down by an angel for “grumbling or complaining”, but the death, I realize will occur is slowly and it is a sorrowful death; one that eats at the heart. Today’s “destroying angel” is the lull of the enemy; by our own choice. Complaining brings contempt; when we focus on things that are negative, we step into the enemy’s territory. Grumbling and complaining is speaking satan’s language. It is the language of destruction for it tears down our hearts; it is the language of deception for it lies about who God is for us; it is the language of death for when we speak this into our own lives, we speak volumes into the lives of others.
When we grumble and complain, we are obeying satan, and disobeying the Lord God. When we grumble and complain, we invite satan in.
Psalm 106:25 tells us what the Israelites did:
They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the LORD. (NIV)
They muttered in their tents and wouldn’t listen to the LORD’s voice. (CEB)
And the result is distance and a detachment from God. I love the impact that The Message translation of brings to this verse.
Every day He renews in me the hope for Him in my life; for there is eternity in my heart. How much strength does He have? All I need. There is so much hope in knowing the Lord. It has taken me years to understand how much easier it is when I give it to Him; when I allow Him to take the things not of Him from me.
My friends, He is already in control - so when we push when He is pulling or run when we are to be still, we are out of touch with God – reach for Him, seek Him and boldly request His strength in your life as you do what is necessary to change. He is faithful.
"But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired," ~Isaiah 40:31 (Amplified Bible)
KNOW THIS, He does not go away from us; we hide from Him.
KNOW THIS, He does not hold back from us because we error; we hide from Him.
KNOW THIS, He is blessing us every day and we cannot recognize the blessings when we hide from Him.
Psalm 139:7-12 assures us that we cannot hide, and every time I read this, I am reassured all over again. “Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight? If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there. Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean. Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me. Or suppose I said, "I'll hide in the dark until night comes to cover me over." But you see in the dark because daylight and dark are all the same to you.”
Go to Him. He is right there before you - picture The Throne, bow down before Him - let Him see you - WHOLLY we come to You Lord and ask boldly for Your presence, Your will and we pray that in our obedience to Your will, we will begin to see You and run to You even more.

Adapted from a teaching on Equip His People, Complaining Brings Death, by Shawn Boreta https://www.facebook.com/notes/equip-his-people-ephesians-411-13/complaining-brings-death/154356311303444
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