Help me to remember that it is when I quiet my mind and settle my thoughts on You that rest will come and clarity will be revealed. This is a daily coming to the Lord. Knowing that He is always there, no matter what, is a great comfort.
I have a connection like it has never been before... when I start to get down, which seems to be rare these days, He lifts me with just a simple call to Him. Just knowing that I have eternity all set is such a marvelous – and the ‘feeling’ of it all and it is contagious from moment to moment. It's like good moments feed into great moments... I cannot describe it, but I like it.
So, will this end?
Is this the mountaintop, and it’s all down-hill from here, or can this be what true connection to a mighty God is all about? That even in the moments that seem desperate or uncertain, or the trials that hit you from nowhere and the results are devastating, the security of knowing who I am, and what He did and that “all of it” has a purpose is enough to keep me focused on the right things? To stay focused on Him is my daily desire?
I have never been so sure that I am ok – and I have never experienced the hopefulness as I do right now.
I have questions and I have desires, yet, my prayers have changed. For years I never understood what “Your will be done” meant, and especially for me. I was so busy telling God what my desires were, that I was missing the point of it all. I truly do not have it figured out, in fact, I probably have more questions today than ever before, but the one question that is settled is, “who am I?” There is no question about that one.
“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” ~Psalm 139:14 (New Living Translation)
I am wonderfully made.
I am the child of the KING.
I am highly favored.
I am forgiven.
He is calling your name.
Have you heard Him calling?
A psalm of David. “The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” ~Psalm 27:1 (New Living Translation)
Sometimes we just have to stop long enough to allow His voice to be heard.
Friends, today, find a quiet spot. Call His name, "Father God, thank You for speaking into my life. For showing me Your presence. Give me ears to hear, in Jesus' name I pray, amen."
Trust me, it works...
...and it will not end, because He is never-ending!

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