Matthew 11:28 comes to mind, as I have prayed that verse and held onto that promise for a very long time.
“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (Common English Bible)
I have chosen to swap WEARY - W.anting, E.xasperated, A.ngry, R.esistant and Y.earning for energy.
Over the last year, there has been a working and smoothing of the edges within my heart – and the more I know forgiveness, the more I know mercy, the more I know what I receive is so undeserving, so amazing.
Today, I have ENERGY in place of weary – E.nlightened, N.ew, E.ngaged, R.estored, G.rowth and Y.earning – yes, yearning to know forgiveness, to know mercy, and to be thankful for all I receive that is so undeserving and so amazing.

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
Hi Shawn,
ReplyDeleteI was initially looking for an image of Hope and Purpose (google search), and ended up here. I love the writing style and today's acronyms are just great. I do hope you don't mind that I tagged the image and linked back to your blog as a source.
For some reason I haven't been able to see the comments... Thanks Dan for your kind words.