God always hears our prayers; the answers are not always instant sometimes we have to wait. As we wait, we need to keep seeking His face. It’s easy for our hearts to grow weary during the “waiting” period, our answer hasn’t arrived. Don’t allow the spirit of fear, doubt, and worry to blind your focus. Satan will speak lies to cause us to stop praying to the Lord. We cannot afford our hearts to be distracted; we must be stubborn for God to answer. We can’t give up! It’s easy to listen to the enemy’s lies but faith chooses the truth.
In Luke 18:1-8, we learn some power truths about the importance of prayer. As I started reading this chapter, I was comforted by the very first verse. Jesus taught this lesson about prayer for two reasons: we should always pray and NOT TO GIVE UP. It’s hard to keep praying for unsaved loved ones, God’s direction for our lives, or difficult situations with no evidence of the answer. Keep in mind, God will always answer us; sometimes the enemy will try to hinder it. So, during the waiting period, realize you are in warfare.
As Christians, the greatest privilege we have is access to our Heavenly Father through prayer. Prayer isn’t just asking God for requests; it’s seeking His face to find His will or the answer. Our faith will be tested, it’s only in our confidence in God will we pass it.
What am I thankful for today? My Heavenly Father answered a prayer for my father’s salvation after twenty-three years of praying. After the hardships, the persecution, and hours of waiting for God, it was so beautiful to witness the miracle. As the angels of Heaven rejoice over a sinner who repents, I too rejoice. All of the prayers were not in vain; it was warfare for my father’s salvation.
We don’t have an unmerciful judge who desires to withhold justice to his people. As the widow who has no advocate, she keeps seeking the source: the judge. As the enemy keeps perusing her to destroy her life, she keeps seeking justice. She is so determined to seek it; she will wear the judge out. Regardless if she has to call day or night, she is determined to get justice.
“And will not God bring about justice for his CHOSEN ONES, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and QUICKLY..." ~Luke 18:7-8
Beloved, God hears the cries of the righteous; He sees the enemy’s pursuit against you. God will not be mocked, He is always a present help. Approach the throne with confidence, God will always be available to you.
"Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." ~Hebrews 4:16

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