In the midst of an attack, whether the enemy or from the depths of our own mind (because of memories and past hurts), HE IS THERE. Here is right here with me, ready for me to be wrapped securely in His promises.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of sympathy (pity and mercy) and the God [Who is the Source] of every comfort (consolation and encouragement),
“Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and encouraged) by God.
“For just as Christ's [own] sufferings fall to our lot [as they overflow upon His disciples, and we share and experience them] abundantly, so through Christ comfort (consolation and encouragement) is also [shared and experienced] abundantly by us.” ~2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (Amplified Bible )
It takes me taking my eyes off God for just an instant to know that doing so is not a good idea at all. It is making sure that I see Him in all I do, as well as being with me, in my heart and never leaving my thoughts, in all I do as well. I missed some part of that over the past few days. Somehow I forgot that He will take what I cannot, but I have to let it go first. I have to submit and release. Sounds pretty easy, right? Well it is when I finally let go of my “control mentality”, stop being prideful, and maybe letting go of the self-pity.
“Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls;” ~Matthew 11:29 (Bible in Basic English)
There is a tremendous weight that He takes on without hesitation, without strain and without struggle, yet that same weight will debilitate me, hinder my progress and lead me into horrendous struggles. So why do I insist on trying to carry it at all? Why can't I just give it up for good? It is a choice. A choice just like everything else in my life. Last night I chose to pass it on, let it go and let Him take it all. And, today just like the relief the rain brings during a long run, I breathed deeply for the first time in a few days.
“Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28 (Bible in Basic English)
It is days like today, after a fall, as I climb up and onto His lap of comfort, that the true meaning of relationship is realized. It is days like today, after the tears have dried and the pain is a distant memory, soon to be forgotten, that the true meaning of hope is realized. It is my relationship with my heavenly Father, my Creator that gives me continual hope.
© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (