
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 264 of Giving Thanks

The “devastation” I have been through, all has been through my own doing; choices and decisions I willingly made, and actively participated in.  Years ago I gave a book to someone about brokenness, I didn’t read anything except the introduction and a few pages here and there, before giving it to her, and thought “she really needs this”. How arrogant to think that I was not going to need anything like that. I thought I had been to the pit, and now climbing back out – and I became complacent with my God “status”.

My God “status” was “I am a Christian, I am saved”, “I go to church”, “I love God with all my heart and soul”, really? Was that what my daily actions told everyone around me? Did I have integrity enough to believe myself? And in my arrogance, I believed that I was different than the others who lived “I am a Christian, I am saved”, “I go to church”, “I love God with all my heart and soul”.

Today, I know who I am with God, because of God; I understand that it is a relationship of belief and action. “I believe.  I am grateful for what God has given me. I will live my life in gratitude and glorify Him in the process.” I will mess up, be selfish, continue to sin, but I will change through recognition and acknowledgment that change is needed. And, in the process of living my life, walking my journey, He will transform me to be who He designed me to be.

It is this that I am grateful for today.

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” ~2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)
“Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We're free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters (MY) live and (I) become like him.” ~2 Corinthians 3:18 (The Message)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 263 of Giving Thanks

When things come together, it is truly a wonderful thing. When things come together in a way that appears not how I would have ever imagined it, it is “down right” miraculous.  And, that is how I feel about my life right now.

From devastation to foundational perfection is how I would describe how I feel about where I stand today.  My foundation runs deep, and the rebuilding begins, but in actuality, it is new construction.  Where I was leveled, where all I could see was “nothing left” now stands the beginning of something wonderful and magnificent.  

Father, Your promise of restoration is a promise that I hold on to tightly.  As the ashes of my past and the devastation of all my storms result in glorifying You and your miracles. I am thankful that I am Yours. I am wonderfully made, I am loved so much and I possess the gift of eternal life. I am grateful that even though my choices are not always Your first choice, that You work it out anyway. I pray for Your favor as I give the rest of my house building to You.  And, Lord I can’t wait to see the final structure and I am excited that I am with You as this part of my journey is played out.

“It takes wisdom to build a house, a
and understanding to set it on a firm foundation;
It takes knowledge to furnish its rooms
   with fine furniture and beautiful draperies.”
 ~Proverbs 24:3 (The Message)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 262 of Giving Thanks

I am thankful that my faith is tested every day – that I have people in my life who question my stance, my statements and my beliefs. Father, we are in a time of great deception in the world today, so many have been lulled to sleep by the enemy and have fight in them that is actually fighting against themselves, their eternity. Lord, I am grateful that You showed me that You exist, that Your timing brought me through so much darkness and doubt – that now I can stand firmly.

Today, I was secured all over again with just a few words.

"And God said “Let there be light," and there was light." ~Genesis 1:3

Lord it is my journey that I am grateful for today. For all the times I had no answer from You then You surprised me with a much better answer to a prayer, I may have even forgotten about. Thank You for all the wonderful people in my life who confirm Your existence; confirm I am on the right path; those who test my faith; and all those I have yet to meet, and get to look forward to what You will do.

© 2010 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta                    

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 261 of Giving Thanks

The riches of my world consist of the joy I feel because my eternity is set. Nothing compares with that kind of peace.  As I set out for my day, I think back to less than a month ago, when my life, as I “know it” was set to change, and in the moment of defeat, that time of devastation, all I could think of to do is go to God.

“When wickedness arrives, shame's not far behind; contempt for life is contemptible.” ~Proverbs 18:3 

My first thought was, “boy, I messed this up – and nothing comes to mind that I can do to fix it”. Seeking Him first, has allowed me to release the feelings and set my mind on moving forward. This is truly an amazing way to live.

Moving forward for me, while leaving the past behind has been impossible. Every step forward, I anticipated a step or nine behind. Times that I felt unstoppable were few and far between – the enemy would use my fear of failure, fear of disappointing others, fear of un-acceptance and start reeling me into despair and the blaming others for everything.  Because I was not anchored to the word, anchored to God’s promises, I was an easy catch. I was “saved” but I was drowning and being pulled under by my unbelief.

“God's name is a place of protection— good people can run there and be safe.” ~Proverbs 18:10

My almighty God, thank You for catching me, for grabbing hold of me so firmly that I can readily see the bait of the enemy as it is set.  Thank You for keeping me hooked into Your truths and thirsty for Your comfort, tenderness and grasp.  I pray that your hold, and my sight remains locked onto You, and know when to move, shift or modify where I am headed.

What an amazing thing to know that I am loved by a creator who thought of “me” before time began, planned “me” for a specific purpose, loved “me” before anyone else ever did, and sees “me” as the perfect fit into His people.  What an amazing feeling to want to seek more, know Him more, NEED Him more. I am grateful for God’s hold on my life. I am grateful that with Him, it will get better and better.  It is only with God in my life, and through G.O.D., will I truly transform to His perfect me.

G. gratitude            
O. obedience            
D. dependence

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 260 of Giving Thanks

There are several words that I would have used to describe me at twenty – determined, trusting, obsessive, blunt and adventurous. As I moved into thirty – the same words, plus creative, ambitious, bold and a little tainted. At forty, the characteristics list continued to grow – isn’t that what it is supposed to do? Until guarded, cautious, afraid, fearful and untrusting are the words that come to mind. I had allowed my circumstances to cloud who I was. And, today, at forty-five, I confidently move toward my wisdom years.

You see, when I was younger, I had the “tiger by the tail”, and the older I got, the more “life happened” I started to ride the tiger, than barely hang on.

It wasn’t until I truly started trusting God to take control and lead me; the time when I knew that as I as I try to control my life, I spun out of control more often than not.

This morning, I read through Isaiah 40, and the entire chapter is awesome, but what stood out this morning, and again right now is:
3 A voice of one calling:
       "In the desert prepare
       the way for the LORD [a] ;
       make straight in the wilderness
       a highway for our God. [b]

 4 Every valley shall be raised up,
       every mountain and hill made low;
       the rough ground shall become level,
       the rugged places a plain.

 5 And the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
       and all mankind together will see it.
       For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."

And, that tiger is by the tail, but God has it tightly for me.

Day 259 of Giving Thanks

When I was thought of, I believe that God said, “and this one, will be called Shawn. And, in her journey, she will love will learn the meaning of her name – God is gracious…” It has taken some time, but I know that He truly is gracious, especially in my life. I am grateful for all the lessons of grace. I am grateful for all the ways that He shows me His grace in my life – my lessons through people are enormous; He shows me His love immensely through others.

I would have to say that new people are a true joy and boost for my business; getting to know people and finding out their goals and dreams is my favorite part of what I do – and knowing that I can help them realize their dreams has always given me the most satisfaction. I love relationship and today, I am grateful that through God’s grace, my life’s lessons, I believe that I now understand what relationship is – and every day He teaches me how to be better and better at my relationship with Him and with others.

Father, thank You for Your grace in my life. Thank You for my life and the people in it, and the new people yet to come. I know Lord, that I will disappoint, keep pride away from my heart, and allow for Your love, kindness and tenderness to shine through always – and, Lord, help me to always be gracious. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Thank You Lord, for always reminding me that I am not alone, that you are always here, reaching for me, picking me up and faithful. Your grace is enough.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 258 of Giving Thanks

In a time when I truly felt that I was starting over, refreshing my situation, I realized today, that many parts of my journey are reminiscent of time past. I know that the experiences I have had, make this time a continuation of my journey, but with a renewed vigor, spirit and a heart that is cleared of the past.

Today, my goal is set, and I am requesting from God that, my timing qill match His. Father, thank You for my renewed hope, spunk and desire to do what you designed me to do and the people who will help get me there. I am grateful for the most awesome team, a group of people that is loyal, loving and dedicated to win for their own families too.

Lord, I am ready for my dream, if I am not ready, please continue to prepare me. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 257 of Giving Thanks

Last night I received my promotion for Regional Leader, which means I have one promotion left to be independent in my business. I did not receive 1st place recognition, or even the top 5 – but I felt like it was the most significant moment I have experienced since I started the business. First thought as I look at the plaque this morning, is “the long history, does not matter” I affirm myself “the journey is mine, the time is all about God’s timing, and today, I go forward with the goal in mind, and success on my heart”.

I am grateful for “my” journey, the one God allowed me to have. A journey that, I believe many would have stopped and given up on that dream, but my dream and my DESIRE to reach that dream is strong and fierce – THE LION’S EYES I AM LOOKING AT ARE MINE,  as I look in the mirror - and I will conquer any and all fear. “What Christ sees in me, I have not yet seen”, but I have seen a glimpse and that is enough.

I remember where I come from (day 250), where God started telling me that I was wonderfully made, deserving of good things and how He has changed me because I have taken His promises at face value and did my part and will continue to do my part. Thank you Lord for “my” journey and Your hand in everything about me.”

I am grateful for whom I have already become and the “me” in the making by my creators hand. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 256 of Giving Thanks

We rolled out of my driveway at 12:39am, heading to Indian Wells, California for our business retreat. What an amazing and surprising day. As I drove in the wee hours of the morning, and talked with God – I asked “Lord, how many times can I feel renewed, reborn?”  And, as I drove for 3 ½ hours, in the dark, He just let me talk, ask and ponder my life, the many changes that have occurred, the heartaches that I have just let go.

All these things were hindering my ability to move forward for so long, and now I am living in a renewed state – for some moments, it is almost like I am living without a past of hurt or pain, and others, I am quite familiar with the pains, but it is like a third person view of my own life.  So, as I sat in our first session this afternoon, reflecting my questions to God from the middle of the night, I heard – “As I perfect you, and you relive the same lessons, than I will let you rejoice over and over as you are renewed.”

And, I remember the verse from yesterday.  And knowing that I will not have “it” together until I meet Him in heaven, that He will continue to work on me, and ultimately as I act and prepare to grow and transform I can boldly tell Him, “Yes, Lord, I am focused on the goal and rejoice and be joyful as I press forward!

 ~ Philippians 3:1
“Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.”(NIV)
“And that's about it, friends. Be glad in God! I don't mind repeating what I have written in earlier letters, and I hope you don't mind hearing it again. Better safe than sorry—so here goes.”  (The Message)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 255 of Giving Thanks

In preparing to travel, I am normally fairly organized - making my little lists, and setting things up like an assembly line, then I am on my way. Today, not so organized; as I sit here looking at three piles of laundry, mail piled up from all week, groceries still lingering on the table, a house that is not quite up to par and still need to go get gas.  Yet, I am not stressing out, freaking out or anxious. I am grateful for a peace I now experience, one that has eluded me up to this point of my life.

I have worked hard, and the work I did was seek God, ask for many things – guidance, wisdom, healing, insight, peace and His presence. My actions are producing fruit; a fruit that now I can rest in – and the prayer that has brought me here. And again I pray “Lord I am ready for my dream, if I am not ready, continue to prepare me.”

I can tell you that even as far as I have already come, there is so much more to do, and the more God does in me, the more I see needs to be done. God readily took this project on – He did create me after all. I can say, I feel exactly like the verse that my friend Heather Funk Palacios, shared on “Today’s word is travel” part of Giving Thanks Daily earlier.  I hadn’t read it until thirty seconds ago;

 “I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this (or anything), but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.” ~ Philippians 3:13-14 (The Message)
Yes, Lord, I am focused on the goal!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 254 of Giving Thanks

I will start with gratitude tonight. It is the simple things today that I am thankful for today.  – the sun as I looked out the window this morning – time with God to start my day - easy, traffic-free travel as I drove to work today – a cup of coffee – answered prayer – my new friends, and my existing friends – freedom to live where I do – my beliefs and the standards that I am honored to keep for God.

My day was filled with busyness, almost allowed craziness, but I remembered what I have learned, and that was to – STOP, BREATH, CALM DOWN and PRAY.

And, my day continued to be just busy.  In the work I do, or at least the area of work I do, I see daily heartache and occasional miracles, and as I become more seeking, I see much more and sense more deeply. Since being on Facebook, about a year, I have met some amazing people of God, and in the process of reading, exploring, researching and writing, I have made some amazing changes – I truly have transformed in the time I have been here.  This is not to boast, it is to testify, that my life is not what it was. I am confident in a way that is new to me. I am bolder in serving justice and I am finally happy with who I am now, and excited about who I am becoming.

Thank You Lord for Your grace, patience, endurance and dedication to me as I learn who You want me to be. And, thank You for giving me proof of Your existence in my learning and language style. Thank You for taking away the ignorance, illiteracy and doubt. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 253 of Giving thanks

Once upon a time, there was a girl, a gymnast, who had a dream to be an Olympian – it was a desire that started at four. Fast forward 40+ years from when that dream began, and this Olympian has received her gold.  This is truly an amazing story of perseverance, dedication, faith, stamina, belief, love, tenderness, kindness, passion and sacrifice. 

As I remember that part of my childhood of grueling, yet wonderful times at the gym and workouts that stretch my imagination today, because it almost feels like it was a life of someone else. Hours upon hours, injury after injury, loss to win, win to loss, bruises, sore muscles, strains and sprains, but so worth it. I loved to perform, I hated to lose – I really was a poor sport at times.  And, those behaviors, because I was talented, good – successful, I was allowed to sulk, to pout, and yet the wins were also riddled with a sour flavor. My life, as long as I can remember has had comments like “well, you could have done…..”, “you didn’t do that…”, “oh, and you forgot that…”, and how about “if you had (fill in the blank), it would have been much better.” Am I exaggerating? To tell you the truth, I am unsure. But I know that I focused on what was “what was wrong”, more than” what was right”.

My gold did not happen as a child, at least not the one I wanted. Like a lot people who don’t see their dreams and desire through, it is a pain of regret that still stings. I know that my gold is God’s gold. And God has been gracious enough to give me another shot. A desire that I have been fighting to grab for over 8 years, and in the process all those childhood comments were brought back up – sometimes daily. Even the people who love you the most, will tell you to “stop, you’ve wasted enough time”, “it’s not worth it”, it can’t be God’s will, when it’s been this long”, “how long have you been working on this?” was a comment I rejected yesterday.

Today, I will dream bigger than ever and as my desires soar to reach them, I know that as long as I am within God’s guidelines I cannot fail.

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; 
       he hears their cry and saves them.” ~Psalm 145:19
“Delight yourself in the LORD 
       and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ~Psalm 37:4

Thank you heavenly Father for your perseverance, dedication, faith, stamina, belief, love, tenderness, kindness, passion and sacrifice so that I can live for you and realize the desires of my heart.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 252 of Giving Thanks

What is there not to be grateful for? I have access to running water, clean clothes and everything within 5 minutes from me at all times – plus delivered pizza, just a phone call away, which my husband and I enjoyed immensely on Saturday evening, but I will extend more gratitude than just a Maui Wowee pizza and bottled root beer today.

The amazing thing is that I feel I take so much for granted, and yet there are also many things overwhelm my senses when I think of what I have been given – and the promises that God has made, magnifies that feeling to a level of intensity that cannot be explained. I was describing my journey in Reader’s Digest version today of the past, two years shy of a decade – talk about surreal. That in all my days as a Christian, it is this day that I can truly connect with my heavenly Father; that I truly know that I have a purpose; when I am down or up, He is with me; and throughout my journey, I now know it was laid out ahead of time.

Purposed! Indirect, by my calculations, but then I would have landed somewhere unknown because I am directionally challenged. However, very DIRECT, according to God – And, as I share my life, my testimony and my journey with others, I am reminded that the start was that of an out of sync, frightened, unsure, arrogant and insecure girl. And, today, I stand a mighty woman of God. Sure of my faith. Sure of my walk, and knowingly following His lead through the road, desert, paradise or whatever else He deems necessary – with open eyes, ears, heart, mind, and objective. Thank You Lord for your perfect route and calculations for my life.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 251 of Giving Thanks

As I write for today, I am overwhelmed with God’s goodness. I am actually speechless or wordless as I reflect on today’s amazing power.  There were so many moments, instances and visions from today, I cannot describe them all. We did a ministry church talk today; my friend and fellow ministry worker, Trena spoke her testimony – as she spoke, I sat there mesmerized by how I could not only hear God, but also feel the presence as she spoke. I knew someone was receiving her message – what God gave me was “What Christ sees in me, I have not yet seen”.  Trena did not have this in her notes, nor does she remember saying it. This has been my journey God’s total work in me was to believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Trena and I went through Stephen Ministry together and started working for the ministry on the same day – kindred spirits.  We had over an hour in the car on the way, our time at the church and a ride home – we just had a blessed time.  On the way home as she shared a story, I had an image pop into my head.

A woman was in a jungle, and staring into the eyes of a female lion, with babies to her right and that’s what I could see from my vantage point. (I had this vision before a few weeks ago, and I attributed it to a movie I had seen).

Today, it continued. It was as if was experiencing it in first person, and third person all at the same time. Then I was above the scene, and I could see a fierce, huge, male lion off to the left and behind her. My thoughts “if I move, I’m dead, if I stay here, I’m dead”, but there was no feeling of anxiety, just stillness.

Then it panned out a little more, and all around the woman, were more lions, still and patient.  And the view was from an even higher vantage point – and even more lions encircled the woman; and it panned out one more time, and from the next view I saw lion hunters behind all the lions – ready with a word. Then I looked up and the mighty hand of God was above “me”, ready to snatch me out of danger – larger and more powerful than the mind could comprehend.

The vision spoke to Trena it was relevant. And as I head toward the evening, and let all of this sync in, I realize how amazing my life is. How God has provided me with a peace that I have never felt before – one that only comes in one way, and that is through His intervening in my life, though His love and tenderness. I am grateful for knowing the characteristics of God and I continue to be in awe of His work.

I may be looking eye to eye with the enemy, danger or obstacle – but God never leaves me and He always protects me. And, as I follow my dream, my heart’s desires, He is here, giving me the inspiration I need to keep moving forward.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 250 of Giving Thanks

I am going to go back to November 3rd, 2009, and if someone would have told me that in 250 days, my life would be completely different than it was at that time I would not have believed it would have changed in the way it has; and here’s how I compare (these are just a few):

I was very uncomfortable praying, would struggle, even alone
 I pray all the time, and love praying with others – Colossians 1:10-14
Could never be quiet, always had to have something on or someone with me
 I love being still and alone with God – Psalm 37:7
I loved God
 I am passionate about God, and KNOW who God is
For years I have been unhappy with how I looked
 I can accept who I am as He perfects me – Psalm 139:14
Shared my faith once in a while, when comfortable
Getting very comfortable sharing my testimony all the time
I complained all the time; I was afraid,  doubtful and felt it was everyone else’s time
 I am so grateful for where I am and how I got here – Joshua 1:9
I worried all the time; and made my circumstances worse
 I learned how to give everything to God
Felt like the world was against me – so many things went wrong
 I am on target with God’s plan
Plagued with depression, illness and exhaustion – couldn’t understand “why me”
 I am encouraged every day, that everything I experience is to make me strong – because there are great things for me to accomplish

Today I am grateful for many things, but I am mostly grateful for God’s words, the gift of understanding, the desires of my heart, the amazing life I have now and the people He has used during this time to reel me in. This morning I was blessed with the following – Psalm 37.

1  Do not fret because of evil men 
       or be envious of those who do wrong;
 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, 
       like green plants they will soon die away.

 3 Trust in the LORD and do good; 
       dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
 4 Delight yourself in the LORD 
       and he will give you the desires of your heart.
 5 Commit your way to the LORD; 
       trust in him and he will do this:
 6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, 
       the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
 7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; 
       do not fret when men succeed in their ways, 
       when they carry out their wicked schemes.
 8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; 
       do not fret—it leads only to evil.
 9 For evil men will be cut off, 
but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.
 10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more; 
       though you look for them, they will not be found.
 11 But the meek will inherit the land 
and enjoy great peace.
 12 The wicked plot against the righteous 
       and gnash their teeth at them;
 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, 
       for he knows their day is coming.
 14 The wicked draw the sword 
       and bend the bow 
       to bring down the poor and needy, 
       to slay those whose ways are upright.
 15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts, 
       and their bows will be broken.
 16 Better the little that the righteous have 
       than the wealth of many wicked;
 17 for the power of the wicked will be broken, 
       but the LORD upholds the righteous.
 18 The days of the blameless are known to the LORD, 
       and their inheritance will endure forever.
 19 In times of disaster they will not wither; 
       in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.
 20 But the wicked will perish: 
       The LORD's enemies will be like the beauty of the fields, 
       they will vanish—vanish like smoke.
 21 The wicked borrow and do not repay, 
       but the righteous give generously;
 22 those the LORD blesses will inherit the land, 
       but those he curses will be cut off.
 23 If the LORD delights in a man's way, 
       he makes his steps firm;
 24 though he stumble, he will not fall, 
       for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
 25 I was young and now I am old, 
       yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken 
       or their children begging bread.
 26 They are always generous and lend freely; 
       their children will be blessed.
 27 Turn from evil and do good; 
       then you will dwell in the land forever.
 28 For the LORD loves the just 
       and will not forsake his faithful ones. 
       They will be protected forever, 
       but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off;
 29 the righteous will inherit the land 
       and dwell in it forever.
 30 The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, 
       and his tongue speaks what is just.
 31 The law of his God is in his heart; 
       his feet do not slip.
 32 The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, 
       seeking their very lives;
 33 but the LORD will not leave them in their power 
       or let them be condemned when brought to trial.
 34 Wait for the LORD 
       and keep his way. 
       He will exalt you to inherit the land; 
       when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
 35 I have seen a wicked and ruthless man 
       flourishing like a green tree in its native soil,
 36 but he soon passed away and was no more; 
       though I looked for him, he could not be found.
 37 Consider the blameless, observe the upright; 
       there is a future [b] for the man of peace.
 38 But all sinners will be destroyed; 
       the future [c] of the wicked will be cut off.
 39 The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; 
       he is their stronghold in time of trouble.
 40 The LORD helps them and delivers them; 
       he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, 
       because they take refuge in him.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 249 of Giving Thanks

Today is a simple day of gratitude. I am grateful that I made it through my day at work. When I came in, the day’s action items seemed daunting and un-workable. As I pressed through the 3 piles of paperwork, old messages and spreadsheets; I had to stop and regroup. Something didn’t seem right. One of the tasks seemed out of sync, not what I should be doing.

As our volunteer, Bonny and, now good friend, came in, we discussed the task at hand, and she felt the same unease. After reflection and a little complaining, which was quickly drawn in, we decided to make a phone call. In a nutshell – what was expected was not what I had planned to do. A minor adjustment in the protocol for this project and within 10 minutes, what was going to take a couple days of phone calls – was settled.

As we talked afterward, Bonny suggested a couple of verses:

1. 2 Chronicles 20 – I had been given this encouragement during a quiet time with God, a month ago from the same passage.

"I do not have to fight. I just need to position myself to see that God has already gone before me. The enemy can not take hold. This is done. We have an awesome God."

2. John 1 – The entire basis of my joy and peace in this life. And, with the enemy lurking, prodding and poking around in my business it is good to go back to the foundation.

3. Ephesians 4:29 – and this wonderful woman of God shared with me: (KENT)

  • Kind
  • Edifying
  • Necessary
  • True

"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift." ~Ephesians 4:29 (The Message)
And, I am grateful for my friend.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 248 of Giving Thanks

What is my heart’s desire? If that had been asked of me 5 years ago, I would have said “to be wealthy and have a personal chef, and personal trainer, weight 115 lbs and feel secure financially”. Now, do all those things go away? Would I like financial freedom? ABSOLUTELY!

I am reminded of Colossians 3 on many levels today as I reflect upon my desires – what I think about and put first. And, as I read through again, I have a sense of security and peace. A security that has taken a very long time to fashion in my heart, and I am so grateful that I am clothed in His promises. My peace is in knowing that I never have to worry about “how I will do all of it alone” for He is with me ALWAYS.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” ~Colossians 3:15

Father, there are so many things I want to put to death: the faults I know about and the ones yet to be exposed. Forgive me for not trusting when You called, and not abiding when You pleaded. I understand so much more now, but understand so little. Lord clothe me with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Continue to remind me, repair me and restore me – bind these virtues in perfect unity as I prepare for an eternity greater than I can imagine.

“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” ~Colossians 3:3

Day 239 of Giving Thanks

I hate conflict, confrontation and criticism. But they are all part of how I grow. I am grateful for all the attention God places on the refinement of me. Today, there is a calming, one that comes after a storm – a sky that is amazing and a God that completely amazes. In my journey, how I deal with the relationships in my life have been exposed – and as I did my word search on relationship today – “ship” or a VESSEL – should be seaworthy, sturdy, able to withstand harsh seas, on occasion bottoming out and numerous storms. All my relationships get stronger with conflict – Inevitably I sin, I admit it to God, I then ask for His forgiveness, repent and as long as that cycle keeps going we will get stronger in Christ, as He guides me, prompts me and wants me to grow. And with every reminder that change must occur, I work harder and harder toward who God is making me to be, as well as ask for more help along the way. I become more diligent in my quest to be better, more like Christ. It is when I see that my challenges are from sin that the healing begins.

In my relationships with others, I tend to be less forgiving, less grace-full and sometimes not loving at all. I can hide behind my being faithful and ignoring what I should do because of a pain or hurt. I must realize that hurt is all part of it – it may not “be fair”, but neither was the crucifixion of Christ. I am grateful today that because of a strong relationship with God, I can have an example of how I should be. I must be able to withstand harsh seas, bottoming out and numerous storms. And, really my relationship with God, is reflected toward others.

Lord, as I become “seaworthy”, I am grateful for Your strengthening of this vessel.  Thank You for conflict with others and helping me to see that it is me that needs to change. Thank You for the grace extended by others, as they wait for change.

“It would be better for us to consider the potential for conflict every day and simply enjoy the difference in other people—getting less serious, troubled and potentially hurt about it. This, of course, isn’t easy. But it’s a start.” Steve Wickham, Tribal Works

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 247 of Giving Thanks

What is my motive? What is my angle?

Truthfully, to share with everyone the knowledge I have gained throughout my lifetime – not to throw up on all of you, but to impart little tid-bits as they are relevant to a circumstance.  I am not saying, by no means, that my wisdom is “king” or “queen”. I am saying that everyone has a story, and if we share what we learn, we do our job here on earth.

I am grateful today for all the stories that others have shared with me. These stories have helped in shaping my life – the ones that encouraged me or moved me into action – the ones that grieved me and showed me redemption – and even the stories that left me speechless have in some way left a stamp.

I did not grow up with bible stories and knowing who the ‘characters’ of the bible were. I did heard sermons and readings that were of far away places and people from the past. But when I first became a Christian I was introduced to the example of faithfulness through Ruth; the winning powers of a godly woman in Esther (my favorite, by the way), the strength in defeat and disobedience of David and most of all, the undying love and tenderness of our savior.

Today’s relevance is one that makes me ache – when someone says they “have no faith” or “there is no god”, it’s like my veins run with fiery hot, and my skin is pierced. Lord, thank You that my heart had not been so hardened that I couldn’t be pulled to You. Thank You for my openness and desires to know what I did not know. I am grateful for all the stories I hear today that confirm my faith and Your faithfulness God.  May I continue to seek, to trust, to find joy in You.  Be with me as You prepare me… Lord, it is your approval and favor I seek most.

"Then sings my soul, my savior God to thee....
How great thou art, how great thou art."

"Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. And the king gave a great banquet, Esther's banquet, for all his nobles and officials. He proclaimed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts with royal liberality." Esther 2:17-18

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 246 of Giving Thanks

“Life up to now” is where I am – but life before now is my past and everyone I know and meet in the future only cares about who I am now and who I am now serves an amazing God who is ALWAYS with me. As I have challenges, questions and even success, I have complete grace and protection of a God – who created everything.

Who I am going to be truly excites me. Here is how I view it: I look back and can see who I was, even just 9 months ago. Picture this – from the outside, all smiles – on the inside, heartbroken, broken, depressed, hurt and grasping at life, much of the time unaware of the great things around me. I was oblivious to the power of attraction or being attractive.  So many things were going in the wrong direction, not how I expected things to be, I was in a position that felt daunting and hope and joy did not reside here. I told myself things I would never dream of telling anyone else.

Fast Forward à
Today, my circumstances have not changed dramatically.  So what changed? ME!

The best change is the one that happens between my ears and in my heart. How I think and what drives me, is a desire to go from good to great.  And some say (I use to say), “I am OK” or “I am good”, shame on me for ever believing that. I heard today, “the enemy of great is good”.   

Greatness is God’s desire for us. It is when transformation happens; I start to realize greatness and greatness creates more desire. 

Shawn Delia Boreta

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