Another day Lord, that You have brought me through greatly.
I am on a journey and my journey will not be like any other journey. It is a journey defined by my beliefs about my purpose and my actions based on what I believe – my faith.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” ~Romans 8:28
And His revealing of my life’s purpose is what I wait for – and as I wait, I learn and grow. I am probably the most impatient person I know – when things are not moving fast enough, I jump in, take over and get things done; well that was before. Today, I wait, to allow God to go first; I wait, so I choose the right path; I wait, to hear His instruction. But getting to today hasn’t been as easy as “wait”. It has been a road of me stepping in before God, hitting detour after wrong road and starting to build without opening the manual. This is not something I would recommend, by the way.
Throughout my life, I have put my faith in many things that have completely let me down. I have put my faith in people, systems and my own strength and wisdom.
Today, I put my faith in my creator, who strengthens me and already knows the way.
God is in the business of restoring and reshaping our lives – I am so glad He’s got my life in mind. He guides me so that I will understand that He is right there with me. When I make a mistake, I shake it off and start moving toward Him again. Often times, He is the one lifting me up.
My job is to stay in step with what He has instructed. He will illuminate the way, and I never have to seek that light as He placed it within me; my guide on this journey is the Holy Spirit; and the path He set before me is never dark, yet it is narrow. Thank You Lord for leading me perfectly!
My job is to speak only truth into my own life. When others tell me things that are not edifying or encouraging – I need to remember whose voice I listen to. I need to hit the delete button of my mind, so I will not replay the things that are not of God. Ask God who you are - and He will tell me (every time), that I am are worthy of His love, so much so that He did an amazing work just for you on the cross.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~ Psalm 139:14O'Lord how my heart aches for those who have yet to know You. For those whose thoughts and fears cloud their deepest desires to connect with You, our creator. The desire that was born in us. The desire that burns deeply, and can be fueled in other ways too.O'Lord speak to Your people - give us wisdom and the ability to share.
My job every day is to be grateful for every part of this journey and to continue to wait on God. Lord, I am grateful that Your instructions are impeccable. I am grateful for these days that You give me. I am grateful to know You and that I am greatly loved. I am grateful for my life today. And, I am grateful to wait on You.
Another night Lord, that You have brought me to, may I honor You greatly.

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