I can pray, “take it away”, but I am realizing that that is a non-productive prayer, so I continue to pray for healing and today, “Give me strength", and God will answer. “I will give you strength to get through". And, simply I continue, "And continue to equip me through Your perfecting. Raise my threshold mighty God!” I have the ability to endure everything and all of life’s circumstances because He is who strengthens me, He is who is driving me to through perfection.
“Secret, fervent, believing prayer lies at the root of all personal godliness.” ~Ron McIntyre, Strength and Honor
Stepping into God today, so I can step up from adversity. As I melt into His presence, I hear the whisper "shhh, just be still". And, in that I know that He's got me, as usual. Stepping into God today, and stepping out of me.
I ask myself many questions throughout the day, “How do I get better?” And, I know that when I focus on what will make me better and I focus on who made me in His image... for when I focus on perfection, I will become perfected. “How can I accomplish so many things Lord?” One day at a time, and often times, one moment at a time and always asking for Him to lift where I need lifting, hold when I need holding and shape what needs to be changed.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” ~Ephesians 6:10
Father I come to you with thin skin, and a desire to be liked and accepted by others. In this world that is a rough combination. As I walk in Your steps, may I be protected perfectly by Your words, allow the judgment of others to be like water on my back and let it run off. I ask You Lord for protection as I hear others speak to me and about me, let me filter in only what is of You. I pray Father and mighty God that my life is completely covered by the power of Your promises and Your word and Your desires in my life. I pray that the negative of the world be so minor in my thoughts and my memories, and Your words be prominent. In the power of the blood of Christ, I pray these things for myself and for so many others. Amen.
Greatness comes from above, as He is within... I cannot lose – I’ve got His calling on my life, so I am expecting greatness. I have gone through my life with my grip slipping so often. Turning the other cheek or the thought of that is a hard concept for me, because it's like saying, ok, "do it again..."
So what I do is sink in to God first. Go to Him and ask for His protection and His comfort and His covering all upon me, then turn the other cheek.
And now, God has such a tight and perfect grip on me, and is changing so much of what I see that the changes are hard to keep up with. This week has had the lowest of lows in some areas, but has allowed for deepest conversations with God. It is good. God is good. And, expectation is a wonderful word and thought pattern to stay in. It has allowed me to be more tightly bound to my heavenly Father.
At moments, I feel as though I am popping in and out of my life. But know that I am greatly being ministered to, being pushed, probed and prodded in so many ways right now - that my head seems to be spinning. But, it is all good, for I am being changed by His perfect plan and purpose.
“Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence. So please don't lose heart." ~Ephesians 3:12-13
for a mighty and wonderful God... a purposeful path and beautiful friends.

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