There is really nothing more relaxing after a day of sitting in a classroom than gardening - no, really! I got home a little early from a long day; second day in a computer class. And, tonight with eyes bulging and my head full of information, I settle in and experience gratitude greatly. As decompression started to sink in, I knew a little brainless activity was in order.
A beautiful and warm Spring night, check - iPod, check – worship music, check – in His presence, check, check and check… and “a pullin’” weeds began and in my contentment, I did the entire front yard and had some amazing time with God’s word, His gift of music and deep reflection.
My life is awesome, which is not a new revelation, but one nonetheless. I love sharing all that is good in my life, all that is a challenge, and my perspective and attitude are the most obvious – WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), how’s that for using my new computer knowledge? Ha!
“He (Jesus) must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” John 3:30 (NLT)
O’Lord, let others see You when they look at me. O’Lord, let others hear You when I speak.
Capture my heart Lord; as you repair the cracks and wounds. Capture my thoughts Lord; as you replace the lies with Your truth. Capture my life Lord; for there is nowhere I would rather be than wholly captured by You.
“The life of every living creature and the spirit in every human body are in his hands.” ~Job 12:10 (GOD’s Word Translation)
What has He captured in you?
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” ~Psalm 139:7-12
He is a mighty force in my life...
“I just have to remember that at every turn because my God is faithful and has the power to change perspective and remove all the unnecessary thoughts that do not benefit me (and you)” Day 488, yesterday.
I am very opinionated, yet, there has truly been a softening in my approach over the years. I could… tell you my beliefs, harp on my philosophies and tell you how much you need my God and that I’ve got it all figured out; or I can share my life’s passion through compassion for your life, ask you about your life’s passions and love you for who you are…
What really matters? It’s not my opinion, or someone else’s opinion about me, it is my life’s purpose and meeting God along the way. What really matters? It’s not who “likes” me or “follows” me, it’s how I follow Jesus and knowing that He loves me intently. What really matters? It’s only that my thoughts are held captive, and my thoughts should completely and wholly reflect what God says and promises. That’s what matters, and that is what is the heart of the matter, after all.
As I sit here and “reflect deeply”, I am compelled to stop often as I write, to ask myself - So, am I a fanatic all the time, or just as I write? Is my life transparent? Is my live an example, BY HIS EXAMPLE? Do I depend on me to live my life right and appropriately? Do I depend on the Holy Spirit?
Are you a FANATIC too?
F.orever His
A.lways seeking His presence
N.ever listen to the lies
A.ware of His direction through relationship
T.alking to Him all day
I.nterceding for others
C.herished greatly by a mighty God
So, I ask again, are you a fanatic?

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