When I thought of that statement earlier tonight, so many things came rushing through my mind.
He touched my life, and nothing will ever be the same. So, I am to touch someone else’s life, and through loving them in Christ, their life will never be the same; not because of me, but because of Christ in me.
What does that look like? It is friendship – loving, caring, tender and compassionate friendship. It is living my life on purpose to touch the lives of others. How do I do that? I keep God in charge and the Holy Spirit my guide and Jesus the reason for it all. Jesus did what He did so that I can have a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – a perfect, in harmony and amazing relationship.
Today, I cannot imagine my life any different. My life has changed and I am transforming. Life exists now. My life is not perfect, however my purpose is. In fulfilling my purpose, I will build relationships with others – and God will use them for his purposes.
“The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” ~Psalm 33:11
In this life, I will be challenged and grow; challenged and changed; challenged and rewarded. In this life, I will stumble and get back up; stumble and be trampled; stumble and He will pick me up. In this life, I will praise where I am and keep stepping into my days.
I will build relationships because He is relational with me; I will share my life with others, because He gave His for me; I will live my life grateful for what He did, and others will want to know who this Jesus is "in me".
Let my life be an example Lord. Let me find my strength in you. Let others see your light in me.
“Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise His holy name.” Psalm 97:11-12

John 8:28
ReplyDeleteThanks, Shawn :)