Obsessive Behavior.
This is a year that is turning out much differently than expected – through many “circumstances” a mighty God has shown greatly in my life; my God!And, the question is asked, why do I write? Two years ago, it would not have been asked of me –the only writing I did was an occasional email or notes in my journal, which I could not decipher later on.
I write because God asked me to, and when I refused, He commanded me to. What started out as a simple Facebook post by a friend has turned into my life’s passion – truly an obsession, and the more I write, the more my desire is to write – and the upside to all this writing is that I have to read in order to write intelligently.
I have discovered that words are what form me. When I was a young girl, words scared me. The idea of picking up a book or putting a pen to paper was horrifying. And, talking about what I read (or was supposed to read) would turn me completely inside out.
I have discovered that His word reveals me – I remember the moment when I realized that all of His promises that I had been reading were true for me. It was not the day I was saved and it was not in a moment of complete devastation. It was a moment comprised of many moments leading to that time and place that God had predetermined for me to “get it”.
How many times will I forget that You are with me?
How many ways will I avoid Your presence, absent mindedly?
How many roads will I travel following the detours?
So many more than necessary – but enough times to remember – You arealways with me!
You always direct my path perfectly!
You never fail to show me the right way!
So with You I will travel all of my days, deeply in Your presence I will step and stay.
Words allow me to have a voice when my voice cannot be heard over the noise of the world or distractions of every day life. Hearing His voice above the world is my obsession, and stepping over the threshold of distractions is my daily quest. And in pursuit of this obsession to envelope all that God has for me, He teaches me, He forgives me, He comforts me and He gives me “a me” I can live with now.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (NIV)In discovering the words He has for me, I am changed and in these changes He, in me, is revealed greatly. His words form me… and the words that flow from me are endless. The rewards of His words for me, priceless.
God in me… (some of my favorite God words over the last year)
“I am worth the endless love of a mighty God…”
“I am not settling for complacency, I desire to realize the fullness of a life through Christ.”
“What we do with the time we have is our choice. How we are rewarded for this time is God’s choice.”
“A positive attitude can help the moment. A hope-filled heart and knowing God’s promises can encourage a lifetime.”
“Lord, keep working on me and shining brightly where I need to see.”
“The moving parts of my life keep changing, but the operator of the machine stays the same.”
“Watching as the work of art is formed. Going through fire to secure the beauty of it all.”
“I love when things are pulled together. God’s surprises are the best.”
“We have the almighty God on our side, we must not fear man. As, they are just like us, in need of an almighty God.”
“We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly.”
"And, there is hope in my surrender and in His tenderness of these lessons. Today, I will end with one of my favorite sayings, “I can’t wait to see what God has next.”

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