I am determined to look at every “given” moment as a gift, as an opportunity to remember that it’s not about me, and “so far, so good”. In the scheme of things, it may be a very small milestone; an accomplishment that is way over due, but I am experiencing so much peace and motivation to be grateful and reflective during my days, that as things happen, I am able to let them go fairly quickly – had a couple of those today. And, yet, it was a very good day.
"Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”" ~2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)
I remember, not so long ago, that one bad thing, then another and maybe even another, would send me reeling into “it’s a horrible day” mode. Oh, how I do not miss that person at all.
Faith is the champion of new beginnings, fresh starts, renewed outlooks and a change of scenery – what an amazing way to live every day. What Jesus did allows me to put on that fresh coat of armor every day and set out on my mission. As the day goes on, it may be tattered, torn, even patched as the world does its work on me, but the world cannot penetrate to me – I am protected.
“Your strength, GOD, is the king's strength. Helped, he's hollering Hosannas. You gave him exactly what he wanted; you didn't hold back. You filled his arms with gifts; you gave him a right royal welcome. He wanted a good life; you gave it to him, and then made it a long life as a then dressed him in rainbow colors. You pile blessings on him; you make him glad when you smile. Is it any wonder the king loves GOD? that he's sticking with the Best?” ~Psalm 21:1-7 (The Message)
Every day I am amazed by the grace I experience, and the power I sense – there is no reason for fear as I face my day – for God already knows what’s coming, and He’s got me. How could that be anything but comforting? I have spent much of my adult life with knots in my stomach, and today, I can honestly say – that enemy has been loosed.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” ~John 14:27 (NIV)
Thank You Father for Your mighty and amazing presence in my life – in every moment I can know for sure, that the note on my computer screen that says, “I am who God says I am” – and that is way more than the little reminder than when I originally wrote it 3 years ago. Thank You Father for Your every day assurances and confirmations that You are here with me. Thank You Lord for giving me life after death.

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