With this said, it does not mean that everything in my life is perfect, it means that I am guided perfectly by a God who loves me perfectly. For many years of my life, I consulted one to make decisions. Today I check with the One, for many decisions and learning that He is the only One to consult for every decision – large, small, major or minor. I have realized that even the things that seem small, can turn into big.
And, recently I have been praying to, consulting with and leaning on Him for this one thing in particular – asking for wisdom, clarity, discernment, comfort and confirmation. In the silence, there is comfort, for in the silence I remove my own desires to answer my cries and pleas. As I sit here now, in silence allowing Him to comfort a sorrow, I know that every tear and every jolt of pain is important to Him.
My constant questions have been…
Do I...
...move through my life like everything is normal?
...give the exhaustion a new name, like vitalization, and allow the mind to re-educate my body’s cells to believe that exhaustion does not exist?
...continue to plead my "case" with God; continue to remind Him why removing it makes so much sense to me and pray I can convince Him of the same?
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” ~Proverbs 3:5
As I sit here now, in silence He reminded me of my prayer this morning.
As I prayed for someone else in pain this morning, it was my prayer for many, including myself. Sometimes I believe it is asking God to show me ways to see something besides the pain, to give me His eyes so I can see past the pain and through to what He has for me... I am learning, that I can dwell in the pain, or rejoice in all the moments I can remember who I am.
Father, thank You for answered prayers, the delivery of hope and prayer. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to share our hearts with You, to pour our pain out of our bodies, to give you our loneliness and hide our sorrows in You. Father God, we lift those in pain up to You today and ask for Your mercies in our lives, with any illness. We pray for Your will to be done, and healing to occur. Father, we praise You that You are the ultimate physician and sometimes we cannot understand why we are sick, but trust greatly that You are in control. We ask for a lifting of your children's spirits, that there can be many moments when they can set their eyes upon You, that the illness will be far from their thoughts. I pray for the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to intervene in our day, to bring things of joy to light and things that will lighten the hearts from this burden. Mighty and glorious God, we call to You and ask these things in the precious blood of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Why is my life extraordinary? Because I am never alone and I have access to the best consultant, physician, counselor, mentor available, the One who cares deeply, compassionately and perfectly for me and always has.
“The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him…” ~Nahum 1:7
Shower me today Lord with new insights, honed in perspectives and let my thoughts of You glisten from the cleansing rain.
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

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