There are T.remendous assurances in God’s Word, but only when R.ead with the eyes of the Holy Spirit. In the beginning of my faith, but way into my God-journey, I discovered immediately the hope of His gift and the E.ncouragement through His Word. As I set out on learning who I am in Christ, there has been discovery upon discovery of the many gifts I never knew I had. Writing came in an A.mazing way – I was never a writer, in fact, I could not pass the college entry exam due to my writing and comprehension abilities and was encouraged to choose a profession that did not include writing. Now looking at that miracle truly brings a S.mile to the deepest part of my soul. Through writing, I heal, through sharing, what He gives through the keyboard encourages others; as I grow toward healing I too am greatly encouraged. What an U.nending blessing this has been in my life, because through this I have learned to live in manner which truly R.eflects gratitude. There is no other way I would want to live, I have tried the other way, and living in gratitude and E.nveloping all that He has for me has defined truth greater than any other experience.
The moment I chose Jesus, I was H.ealed and I am lovingly and tenderly I.nterceded for greatly and often as I live in this broken world, full of the sick and needy. Now, this assurance and love is available to all, but few will take Him in. And, out of those who believe, most won’t take Him at His word and promises. S.alvation is the beginning and when we wholly and completely realize what Jesus did, what God planned all along for us, it is also the ‘in between’ for what He finished.
Living comes through dying. For me to live completely in G.ratitude for what He did for me, I have to realize what the cost truly is, and the I.mportance of His work. We are F.orever His and that is truly a T.remendous gift.
My life in words has been God’s greatest gift to me. Every day I am encouraged, and my hope daily is that I can honor Him as I write, hope, share and believe even more.
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." ~Luke 12:34 (AMP)
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