
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thankful Life – December 3, 2013

I am grateful for knowledge. Knowledge that I am His… knowledge that God is who He says He is… knowledge that is yet to come through the power of the Holy Spirit… knowledge that obedience is not an obligation, but is my joy and brings joy and hope and contentment. Thinking back on the many years of pleading with God to 'heal this', 'deliver me from that' or 'take this from me', I am greatly aware that my prayers, although sincere, are not always wise... Today, I find the prayers that relay thankfulness first for what is being lived through, allows me to look at things much differently and gives me God's perspective a bit more. I continue to pray for wisdom... His knowledge embedded deeply in my heart, lived out in my life.

The other day as I read through Romans 1... I was struck by these words...

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts..." Vs. 24
"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts..." Vs. 26
"Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind..." Vs. 28

I don't want to take anything out of context, but these words hit a chord...

It is my pleasure and joy to seek God's Word, to know His desires for my life... when I “go my own way”, often which is the way of this world, I dismiss His instruction AND, I dismiss His love and care for my life.

What is it that is so worthwhile of this world that we would exchange the glory and grace of God for? I desire to be thankful, and thankful to He who is all deserving, all powerful and all knowing. I desire to submit more, obey more and live more like Christ... Let me seek His will and His desires for my life. Let it be known, not by my judgment or opinions, but by my example and works who I belong to.

I continue to pray for His hand upon my life, and the strength of the Holy Spirit to move me in the right direction - living in hope, joy and expectation!

How about you? What is your desire?

Let us not hide in the darkness – He will be the light in all the darkness of days and from moment to moment, “Come to me”, He says. Is that not encouraging? Is that not all that we need? “Come to me”, He says! These are truly encouraging words and His words for each and every one of us. I know this greatly, I choose daily to choose… to choose Him, and to choose wisely – my thoughts, my words, my path and my obedience to Him.

He never changes, it is us who change daily through our experiences and choices – through our desires, those that are our own, and those as we are directed and instructed and are His.

Father, let my heart break for those who insult me, hurt me and attack me… for they need You.

God does bless, restore, fill and lead those who, not only call upon Him in need but those, who call Him to save them. I once believed that I needed nothing, but know that He is what I need. I expect daily to see God work in and around my life. That is the true blessing I see. I have been restored from hurt, illness, pitfalls, bad decisions and things outside my control, and am led to seek Him and know that He is the one who fulfills.

I cry out to our Father, in the full strength of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus' name that YOU TOO KNOW HIM LIKE THIS. That you too will trust and believe Him to be who He says He is.

On this day, I pray, it's today you choose.


©2013 Giving Thanks Daily

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