
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thankful Life - July 22, 2014

Today Father, I just want to thank You for the people in my life. For those who know they are an influence, and those who have no idea, I thank You. As I sit here tonight, reflecting back on my day, I am so grateful for moments of weakness; those moments when I fall flat, yet can remember that I am Yours and be comforted. I am grateful for moments of weariness; those moments I scrape and scramble to get by, because I AM YOURS and find peace in that very instant. I am grateful for moments of recognition; those moments when I see Your hand, more than mine, and realize I desire to be like You even more deeply.

Today Father, I just want to thank You always finding ways to remind me of who I am becoming is not who I was... and I was has no relevance of who I am now...

Today Friends, I just want to remind you that You have a Creator who divinely loves you and desires your life to be His, wholly. For those who have yet to 'believe', I pray for you now... that there will be many around you, who surround your every day life with love and example of a Christ-like life. That during times of weakness, weariness and need to recognize something more is here for you, that you will cry out, call upon and believe that you were created for His pleasure and to live this life out for His glory. 

May we Father be wholly Yours and desire to be wholly committed to living the life that You desire for each of us. Let us know that there is nothing perfect outside of God. We must be content with the perfecting process that God has for each and everyone of us. In moments of my defensiveness, I would often say "well, I'm not perfect.… "and really, does anyone really expect you to be? And, if they do we do have the right to set that expectation straight. This also goes for many of us, who have the 'perfectionist' in them. Let us remember who actually is perfect and who He is for each of us.


©2014 Shawn Boreta

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