
Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's quite simple... by Shawn Boreta

Today I am grateful for the desires of my heart. I'm grateful that in obedience, the desires of my heart, will be HIS will. I have learned, that when I am obedient, I see things differently; I see things through different eyes and I hear things with different ears. Our Creator pursues us and desires us to know His call.

Thankfulness is a gift we, not only give ourselves, but a gift we give to those around us... One thing I have learned greatly, is it's really hard to be down and out when you are focusing on gratitude.

Today was a crazy-busy day. A good day, but much going on. In the process of the day, I was able to speak to so many wonderful, dedicated and giving people. I truly have a great team to work with. The LORD is so amazing in His plans. Tonight I was able to visit with two sisters in Christ and it was revealed in my heart, that I have changes to make; a softening so to speak in regards to this one area. I heard that urge last night in my soul as well. Father, help me to be more like You, and engaged wholly in the Spirit as I walk on this earth. Help me Father to hold on to the thankfulness that You put into my heart through salvation. Help me to see all Your gifts of this life through to the next. Thank You for loving me, guiding me and giving me all that I need, and more of what I desire - help me know Your desires in all things. I love You Abba and am truly humbled by the lessons of the days, and the blessings of this Kingdom building and work.


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