
Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 942 of Giving Thanks

It was a great day today. Anything special? No, not really - just a another day to worship my amazing God and work for Him and grow in Him by doing what is right. I don't always get it right, but I do seek His strength daily so I at least have a chance to do things right.

Father, there are so many things that I could dwell on that would bring me into where I had once been. Regardless of what is going on I am reminded daily to bring things to You - for You are my strength, the bearer of all things I cannot handle, the embrace that I no longer have to long for and the everything I need, that is ready when I am willing to accept ‘it’. LORD, there are so many things I could long for, but what I know now is that what the flesh longs for, the Spirit will grieve, if not immediately, eventually. As I sit here tonight, quietly, contently, even with the “circumstance” that has been with me for so long, I know that I am ok. I know that no matter what occurs in this physical world, to this broken body, Your Spirit is with me to continually repairing and preparing, and restoring perfectly – and I ask myself why is this so comforting? Because You do it out of love. A love that is undefined, but perfect in every way. There is nothing I can do, and that too is comforting – for I have a reward of eternity and I have had to do nothing for this reward, but believe and accept. For this, I have Jesus to thank. What an amazing God we have. Do you know that He created You, and loves you, faulted and all? He loves us, you, despite the fact that we were not always a friend of His. Gracious and merciful Father in heaven, we deserve nothing, yet You gave everything, I am thankful.

Thank You God for not only saving me, but saving me from this world on a daily basis, but most of all from myself. For giving me reason upon reason to give thanks daily – to grow in You – to trust You more – and rely on You completely. I hesitate to say Amen here, for I know that my life is a prayer.

“My dear children I write, this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” ~1 John 2:1-2 (New International Version)

It is through coming to Him through the moments of the days and the trials of a life that teaches me what I need to know. The greatest of these lessons have come in the times of praising Him and recognizing all that He is for me.

“With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD:  “He is good; His love toward Israel (me) endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.” ~ Ezra 3:11 (New International Version)

© 2012 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta

We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (

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