
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 944 of Giving Thanks

"And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light." ~Genesis 1:3 (New International Version)

I love the sun, its warmth, its purpose; its hope of a new day, especially after the darkness.

Beautiful sunlight shining through my window this morning and warming 
everything in its path. What a gift this morning to wake up and see the sun. 

For the past few weeks, I have been reading Genesis, and over the years, it’s the book I read when I am not sure what book to read. There are a few things I have discovered this time around. First, God shows love even in the midst of disobedience, through His correction, and because of His promises, He redirects the steps of those He loves.

I appreciate so much all those who have gone before me, have learned before me, and have failed before me, but I also know that due to the flesh, I will have to go too… learn some of these same lessons and fail at many things. Because I have the Holy Spirit (God) living in me, my flesh can also follow God’s desires for my steps and lead me in different ways than those who came before me. I am learning to hear differently, to gather information with different eyes, ears and appreciation. I pray the same for you.

A giving heart cannot be calculated or counted, but the giving can be immeasurable and highly treasured. Allow God to direct your giving through time, talent and treasure.

Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide; teachers are used often for the beginning of the healing process, I pray my writing can do that for others, but don’t ever take my word for it, seek for yourself. Look at the scripture revealed, and focus on the LORD. Over time, the LORD has shared with me that it is His word that changes us...

It's ok to listen to a teacher, read a book (read my blog), talk to friends, but it's powerful to read HIS WORD and ABIDE BY HIS DIRECTION for your life.

Do you want "ok" or "POWERFUL" results?

“Today it is all about me becoming ALL ABOUT HIM.
God You are amazing.
You are my Creator.
You are my Teacher.
You are my Comfort.
You are my Savior.
You are my EVERYTHING.” ~DAY 775 of Giving Thanks

Let me LORD see the light you have about me, in me and through me... let me be the light for others, and remember Your true light that shines even on the darkest day, in the midst of emptiness and within the deepest part of me. Let me see You through all the moments of my days. Let me always realize that You already light my path, I just need to decide to see You.

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." ~Psalm 119:105 (New Living Translation) 

© 2012 Shawn Boreta, Giving Thanks Daily

We are Wonderfully Made (, living to encourage and Equip His People ( and completely committed to believing greatly Psalm 139 with purpose (

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