
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Morning Prayer ~ July 12, 2012

I read through an older post and this, once again caught my attention from Day 653 of Giving Thanks.

"As I read through Matthew, I stopped for some time in Chapter 8... then, on and on I read.

Wow, how He spoke to me. It appears to be subtle, yet it is very clear.
Healing - Jesus says to the leper, "I want to be clean." ~Matthew 8:3
Healing - complying to the Centurion, "Go. What you believed could happen has happened." ~Matthew 8:13

Now I take both of these verses to heart today and for this ‘continued season’ of physical pain. Today, I will go and what I believed could happen (healing, freedom from physical pain) HAS ALREADY HAPPENED… The Centurion believed that deeply, how can I believe with that much conviction and depth. This is the believe I desire wholly and completely. And, last week’s voyage through Mark gave me my next thought, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" ~Mark 9:24

"I want to..." the Lord Jesus' words to the leper. Oh Father, how we long to hear those words in our life, how we long to know them in our hearts, throughout our bodies and confirmed daily. We lift those up who are sick LORD God, those who are weak, tired or just uncertain that healing is to come. We thank You for giving us the greatest of healings through the power and eternal life through Christ Jesus. We thank You for giving us hope and joy because You love us so much. Today I stand firm, through the trials to face and the mountains to see moved before me. Help me Abba to see all the work that is done in my life, let me not miss anything. Let me not be blinded or distracted away from Your blessings. Let me not miss all the merciful acts through love and let me see grace in all of my life, especially through the rough spots and pitfalls. Help me now LORD as the day to come will be busy, full of the unexpected is really to be expected, and mostly LORD I pray for others, that this too will be their prayer. I pray for hope restored in those who have lost it. I pray for joy realized for those who have never experienced Your love. I pray for healing of sin in our lives, acceptance in the knowledge of what the Cross is. I pray for change mighty and perfect God in our hearts, and through to our actions. Thank You in the name of Jesus that all requests will be fulfilled, according to Your promises.

(New International Version)

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