
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 521 of Giving Thanks

I was thinking this morning that if we want, we can come up with endless reasons to step right into the world – to forget all about the strength we have access to at any given moment – to dwell in dark places and not realize that the light is shining all over our lives – to sink deeply into selfishness and despair because we won’t believe that His promises are real and perfect and for each of us.

I was telling someone today that I have gotten really good at word swapping and thought changing; intentionally I have discovered new words to speak, and what thoughts to promote regularly – the enemy works diligently to keep us in deep and dark pits – the enemy knows what buttons to push to cause that spiral – the enemy uses all of his earthly powers to strategize against God’s will. But know this my friends, God is powerful beyond measure, and if you have chosen to trust Him, to believe Him and to follow Him, you too are powerful beyond measure. The enemy will pursue you, but will be powerless over the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you. 

He is right here... if you reach out, you will touch His presence. If you look deeply into your circumstance, you will see that you are surrounded. If you listen intently, you will hear His direction and consoling words. If you open your heart, He will fill you with His love.

I heard a teaching by Francis Chan today, and as I settled into my chair, after stepping away for a few minutes (and before I hit the rewind key), I heard “All you'll ever need to know about living your life is...  God is in charge.” What a simple and profound statement. My only goal these days is to embed that truth deeply and securely in my heart and mind.

We serve a mighty God. And, our God loves you with everything that He is, ever was and will be. His love is endless and limitless. Whatever you "think" that amount of love is, you are thinking too small. I want you to think about your life today. I have spent the last twenty months seeking God, pleading with Him, thanking Him and waiting on Him to move me greatly to where He desires me to be. He desires me to BELIEVE Him... and to understand that He is the truth, my light and all I need. Through this journey, I have had an exercise of removing the old and restoring to new.

Write down all the things that you do not want in your life, would like to leave behind, have no need for or just want to change. And, keep in mind God's heart and desires for your life. And, know that He is faithful.

Replace complaining about your circumstances with showing compassion toward someone else.
Replace complacency with living committed to loving others as He loves you.
Replace comparing yourself with others to communicating His word through your actions.
Replace thinking that you're common and know that you have been commissioned to serve His purpose.

Now, as you read the thing you want to "let go", replace it with one of His promises or with one of your deepest desires for your life. All along our journey, we must keep God at the center and focus of your thoughts.

Lord I have a longing for home, yet home has not been realized yet.
I have a longing for perfection and complete healing.
But what I long for most is to be in Your presence in my final home.

Father, I pray for my friends today. I thank You for their hearts. I thank You for their friendship. I thank You for placing them in my life. As I lift them up to You mighty and powerful God, I ask that You place in them the desires of their heart, that they can realize how much You love them. How much they have with just that knowledge. May they know Your presence today and as they transform, heal and restore their minds to Your will and purpose of their life. In the precious blood of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

"Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory." ~Psalm 73:23-24 (NIV)

Thank you for being my friend, and such a wonderful gift from God. Know this, I am praying for you and my desire is for you to know who you are in Christ.

Much love in the name of Jesus to my brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of a mighty King. Your friend in Christ.

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