
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 636 of Giving Thanks - Tina Wetor

A message to the heart is what I cherish, especially spoken from God to me.  Always, I am amazed of God’s creative ways to get my attention; He always puts a personal stamp on it.  Our Heavenly Father will leave the ninety-nine to reach one, the one in isolation.  Usually, the one in isolation removes themselves for feeling inadequate or a failure.  Sin will always cause us to carry a back-pack full of shame, guilt, and fear of punishment.   Regardless of where we go, it comes along with us.  Instead of coming to Jesus to remove it, we decide to carry it to prove we are worthy of punishment.   Although the longer we wear it, we realize it’s too much for us to carry.  Yet, we will still try to carry it even with our knees buckled.  Our spirit is about to collapse, all our strength and peace is gone.  Nevertheless, God is in constant pursuit of loving us, especially when we feel “unlovable”.  
Have you ever felt unlovable?  So, unworthy of eye contact or someone to shake your hand, it’s difficult to image acceptance from others.  I admit, during my adolescence, I struggled with this very issue with my difficult childhood.  Just recently, I have been starting to feel the same with my Heavenly Father because I wasn’t spending time with Him.  Yes, I wanted to be with Him but I felt so unworthy to approach the throne of grace.  Our unhealthy image of God will drive a wedge deep into our souls to bring emptiness.  So, I was amazed how God used my children’s church lesson to show I am still loveable, wanted, and belong.  The actually title of the message was, “From Failure to Faithful Servant”, a wonderful story of a great patriarch of the faith.
A man tries to separate a quarrel between two men who desire to destroy each other.  As he reaches out to stop the quarrel, one of the men asks a question, “Are you going to do the same to us, as the Egyptian man you buried?”  How did they know?  Did they see him?  So, he runs away from all of the guilt, shame, and punishment of Pharaoh to escape the horror.  Yes, he committed a horrible crime, lost all of his inheritance, and family. Who would want him now?  On all accounts, Moses is homeless with no future, no money, and wanted for murder.  He is a wanderer, alone out in the middle of nowhere.  Besides all of this, he stutters.
As the cries of the Israelites reach the heart of God for their oppression, God deals with the wanderer who is alone.  Moses tries to cover up his mistakes with a new life; no one knows who he is or what he’s done.  It’s better this way or is it?  Guilt, shame, and isolation draw us away from the problems temporarily but it doesn’t solve the problem.  As the presence of God draws him, Moses discovers something profound, a burning bush.  Who wouldn’t be curious about a bush on fire but not burning?  As his curiosity sprouts, the fire draws it to the source, our God who is an all-consuming fire.
Moses had to remove his sandals at God’s request, he was on holy ground.  Only the humble can be near the face of God, He will show Himself-the Great I Am.  As God explains the problem, he advises Moses, he was the solution.  Did Moses feel inadequate?  Of course, he did.  Moses offered other solutions, gave excuses, but finally realized his worth in God’s presence.  Moses was able to understand who he only through communion with the Great I Am.  God promised Moses, He would always be with Him.  God was always with Moses, He never left His side.  Moses was a murder, who was used mightily by God for the following: to write the first five books of the Bible, write the Ten Commandments, deliver a nation from oppression and a family man.  From a failure to a faithful servant, Moses shows the power of communion with God anything is possible if we are humble.
As my eyes water during the lesson, I realized I can’t run from God.  It’s only those who pursue God’s presence who can do the unthinkable, transform obstacles, and lead others to God.  So, I am very thankful for God’s creative way to get my attention, He longs for my heart.  So, I will humble myself on holy ground to see the majesty of His presence.  God desires to transform our lives from all the terrible sins to give us a new life.

Psalm 32:1-5 “Blessed IS he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.  When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.  For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.  Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.  I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord”-and you forgave the guilt of my sin.” 

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