
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 861 of Giving Thanks

Guest Writer, Ron McIntyre

Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. When we see what is happening throughout the world today, do you think we should be concerned and take an active role?

Suppose for a moment that no one reads the Bible and only depends on world leaders, religious and secular, to give us information on how we should conduct our lives. Everything we believe would come from what we hear and see within the media, regardless of the source, and so our thoughts and actions would be completely guided through mind control placed upon us through such things as education, entertainment through music and movies, and deception through the governments and false teachings within the church.

In reality though, we have the opportunity to not only read the Bible but to study the word of God, so that we can apply discernment through the gift of His Holy Spirit. When we read the events of both the Old and New Testaments we can confirm that there is nothing new, only repetition of the same mistakes made over and over again. God knows our flesh and that is why He sent His Son to pay the ultimate price for us to gain salvation through His mercy and grace.

My point is this: World events come as no surprise to God. He has foreseen them. He is always sovereign over them. Jesus , as well as Paul in his letters to the churches, along with many other verses warn us not to be deceived by bad leaders and false teachers. This tells us that we are to be aware and active. 

Painters can be inspired by the sunset. Poets can be inspired by the person they love. Young people can be inspired by great athletes. But the inspiration God provided the writers of Scripture is quite different. 

Why study the Bible? Because the Scriptures, although penned by the hands of men, are the very Word of God. To fully and accurately understand Scripture's truths, then we must receive illumination or enlightenment by the Holy Spirit, the divine quickening of the human mind. Only the Holy Spirit can enable us to understand the truth that has been revealed and communicated by the power of God. When reading the Bible we should always seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit and ask that He open our minds and hearts to recognize and understand what God is telling us. 

Do these things and God will guide you in the role He desires you to play in this world of which we belong, though temporary, all the same, we are here to do God's work. Do these things and you will not be deceived in the ways of the world but you will conquer in the ways of God.

Again, I ask---Should you be concerned and active in the world?

Strength and Honor
Ron McIntyre

(c) all rights remain with the author

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