
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 428 of Giving Thanks

I love coffee, and I love how just sitting and having a cup of coffee can do so much, especially when I can have a cup of coffee with a friend.  I love when God orchestrates friendships. Today, I had a great cup of coffee and heard a wonderful story of faith and healing.

Today I made a new friend. We have seen each other at church for a couple of years, and did the normal, “hello, how are you?  Have a great week,” but we never really connected. Today, for a mere $3.50 at a coffee shop today, a new relationship began.

For many years, the first thing I would do is grab my favorite cup and fill it with coffee, in hopes that it would get me through the day. I love coffee and for years I said, "I need my coffee".  And, now every morning when I get up, I come to my heavenly Father, and I sit quietly before Him - and instead of filling my cup with a dark liquid, I am filled with a light that lifts my spirits, restores my heart with hope, gives me joy abundantly - because I am completely filled with the Holy Spirit.

Thank You for giving me endless hope and filling my needs so graciously and completely and for the enjoyment of the little things in life, like coffee and the major things, like You.

We sat and talked, and closed in prayer - sharing a moment with God in the middle of many others, but very intimately revealing commonality and the treasure of fellowship.

With what is normally just spare change, I had a priceless experience of sharing and many moments with God.

 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

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