
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 431 of Giving Thanks

I was the question asker as a kid. If there was a question to be asked I was up for the assignment. There wasn’t anything I didn’t want to know “why” or “how” about, or just to know the details of something and everything. I was very curious, but more than that, I didn’t want to be “left out” of anything. And, really today the same is true.

I love to learn.

Now when I was a kid, my parents were “informed” that they should prepare me to do something simple in my life, since I read so poorly. Little did they know who God had created…

I know that, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:14

There was a time, when I didn’t like to read at all – in the normal sense anyway, like books. Reading scared me. You see, there is this little thing that goes on when I read. The words dance on the page, and I read things differently then what is written or how it is displayed on the pages.

I went all through school, and well into adulthood without ever reading a complete book – cliff notes, help from teachers and friends, as well as summaries of books were a great help in school. And, quite honestly, for years, I just thought that’s how it was done.

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan." ~Romans 8:28

I learned how to learn differently. How to work the system and with the people who could help me. I am grateful for learning things, “the hard way”, so to speak, I believe it has given me an edge. Even when I did not get in to college, because my writing skills were below high school level, I was not deterred. I was determined to do something great. Be something that no one expected.

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” `Marcus Aurelius

I always believed that I could do anything. I still do! It’s more than “believe” it’s a knowing that God has purposed me for something special and unique to me. What an amazing truth to live with. I am so thankful for being that special to Him.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you." ~John 15:7 

When I arrived into this world, I arrived with a life sentence of uncertainty and unknowns.  And, we all know that every day comes with uncertainties and unknowns, yet we continue to make it through – and every morning, so far, I wake up and begin again.

Today, like so many before, I was reminded that my life sentence of uncertainty and unknowns will continue. So, nothing has changed, and everything has changed since that sentence was first given, and I am thankful that I am not alone.

Today, I received news that although I seem to be the same – everything has changed, and most definitely more change is to come, but I can be assured that my God will not change. What is certain? I have a mighty God who has given me a specific purpose and plan; he knows me intimately, and knows everything I do and go through.

Philippians 4:19 says "And my God will meet all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

It has been such a long road, and putting a name on this, a name that a doctor can now determine “what next”, is a relief; the entire picture hasn't been presented yet, but I am certain that it is already taken care of. And, I am not deterred. I am encouraged.

The doctor doesn't even know what to do yet - so I continue to do what I have been doing - it has been a hard 'physical' week for me – yet it has also been the greatest for spiritual growth and steadiness of emotion. I am looking forward to learning more to depend completely on God – learning more to trust nothing, unless it is God – learning to be content, especially through the learning and living in uncertain and unknown circumstances.

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