
Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 689 of Giving Thanks

Tonight I am exhausted. I have been going for two weeks straight. As I awoke this morning, and I sat to get with the Lord, my mind raced right to Him, it’s like I couldn’t start talking fast enough, or waiting to be silent with Him urgently enough. And that is right where I am again tonight...

Does that ever happen to you?

“I pray to GOD—my life a prayer—and wait for what he'll say and do. My life's on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning.” ~Psalm 130:5-6 (The Message)

My heart was set on a couple of people, as well as a circumstance I am in the middle of, it’s not personal, however, I am personally involved. It is a circumstance that has a group of us in the middle of spiritual warfare; dealing with the enemy  and watching evil transpire before us almost on a daily basis. I know there are many praying for this circumstance and many, just like me, believe that God is bigger and greater than anything the enemy throws at us, and we just have to be patient as we wait to see His work and miracles.

I am learning that the best defensive and offensive plans revolve around prayer. It is a plan that has come by way of great need for me, and has now become an amazing habit, that I absolutely depend on throughout my days. My moment to moment chats with the Holy Spirit truly get me through each day.

2 Corinthians 13:14 says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all."

I love to pray. I love to connect to my Lord. And what I have learned that it is only through the connection of prayer, that I will hear from God, the answers I seek, the confirmation I desire and the instruction that I need. Thank You Lord for revealing and leading me through Your plans.

"We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan." ~Romans 8:28 (GODS WORD Translation)

Prayer for me comes late at night, as I drift off to sleep and prayer begins my day, the instant I am coherent. There are many days, that I pray before every decision, and there are days when praying for others is a constant on my heart. Lord, thank You that I can ask, and that You answer. Thank You that through time, You recognize my knock, my cries, my heart and allow me to enter into Your presence. Thank You for giving me all that I need and sharing with me my heart’s desires.

“Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. The one who searches will find, and for the one who knocks, the door will be opened. If your child asks you for bread, would any of you give him a stone?” ~Matthew 7:7-9 (New Century Version)

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta                        

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