
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 705 of Giving Thanks

‎Stand firmly knowing that He will never leave you... That His love is greater than all of my fears and doubts. I know that His desires are for me are to be wholly His, healed and in His will.

Today through much reflection, let me not question "why", but revel in the "how". How can I do this? How can I show more of You to others? How can I love you more? How can I surrender all of me? How can I know You more deeply? How, Lord can I ever comprehend who You are for me? And, all these questions and for everything I have been through, is really answered with “How did I ever do it without Him?

‎"God, the one and only— I'll wait as long as He says. Everything I need comes from him, so why not? He's solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, An impregnable castle: I'm set for life." Psalm 62:1-2 (The Message) What an encouraging word. Thank You God for always being impregnable.

Let me not only dwell in You Lord, but let me dwell in places I have never been. Let my mind and heart be open to all that You have. Let me request freely Your desires for my heart and life. Let me know all of You.

‎The enemy will try to unravel you, through doubt and fear and confusion. God is a God of order, repair and perfection... What God has so amazingly weaved together, His word will preserve. When you start thinking that "life is coming apart at the seams", just remember who you belong to and allow Him to hold all your threads together.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." ~Psalm 139:13 (NLT)

It's been a rough day physically, and I have received many words of encouragement and have been touched me greatly.

I wrote a letter today, that I will not send, it was a note of cleansing and personal clarification. I rarely write things that eventually do not get shared, but as I wrote this note and emailed it to myself, I committed to letting it lie.

As I reflected on a few things today, I realized that I have a couple of areas that I truly believed forgiveness was complete, yet maybe the hurt was not quite put away. As I wrote, I felt the tears streaming down my face; not regretful tears, but tears of joy for the choices I had made. You see, in my past, I spent much time reflecting and beating myself up for things I could have done better, should not have done or wanted deeply to forget. I am truly joyful, even as I wrapped my mind around what flooded in, I sensed forgiveness in many ways – for myself as well as the others involved. As I wrote things down, and went back to you this morning, there has been a tremendous amount of hurt that I have overcome and it has been learning that why is not a valid question, typically and especially for me.

In my early walk I had many things coming at me. It was my decision for God against the world, so I thought. Through my experiences I have learned that God's plan for my life (lives) filter through the good and bad behavior and belief systems of others, and especially through my own. I spent much of my life beating myself up, not being good enough, not loving enough and just not living up to other’s expectations - when all I wanted was to be loved for who I was. Honestly, as I have learned, only God is capable of that for anyone.

Everything I do is prayer. My life, my thoughts, my deeds and my intentions and all of my life is interceded for continually.

"In spite of everything that had happened, Job did not sin by blaming God." ~Job 1:22 (Good News Translation)

Whatever my circumstances... 

"I will proclaim your greatness, my God and king; I will thank you forever and ever. Every day I will thank you; I will praise you forever and ever. The Lord is great and is to be highly praised; his greatness is beyond understanding." ~Psalm 145:1-3 (Good News Translation)

... I will praise You my God.

© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta                  

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