Here I am Lord, thank You for taking me as I am and changing me into who You want me to be.
And, as I begin to write, a day late I might add, my heart is finally settled from a day of war. And in the midst of it all, I knew that my Lord was right here with me. And, from places I thought had healed and from deep in my heart, I never dreamed could surface or could even imagine resided there. I prayed to have those embedded feelings removed, those memory responses annihilated and banished from existence – yet, it is as I walk through the rubble and ashes that I see the war was purposeful. In the clearing (the repair and restoration in my heart), hope is visible and hope is alive.
Trusting that “God's got it” every time, all the time... that's what we all need. Living according to His will and seeing that it only happens when the resource is His word and execution is through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.
For me, the beginning was in learning His promises... that's when I started to believe and trust. And I only got there by complete brokenness and losses.
My thoughts before Christ were just that... thoughts that would marinade, grow at times, and but hope always faded. It was a steady diet of “what’s next, more exciting or enticing, or could numb the pain?”
Today, my thoughts are my conversations with the LORD, they are the manifestation of His work in my life - I love sitting and pondering all that He has done and dwelling in the promises, He has shared so deliberately to draw me closer. Thank You Jesus for the holder of the Word in me, through the power of the Holy Spirit...
“For Christ is our living peace. He has made a unity of the conflicting elements of Jew and Gentile by breaking down the barrier which lay between us. By his sacrifice He removed the hostility of the Law, with all its commandments and rules, and made in Himself out of the two, Jew and Gentile, one new man, thus producing peace. For He reconciled both to God by the sacrifice of one body on the cross, and by this act made utterly irrelevant the antagonism between them. Then He came and told both you who were far from God and us who were near that the war was over. And it is through Him that both of us now can approach the Father in the one Spirit.” ~Ephesians 2:14-18 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
We cannot avoid the things of this world, but we can avoid the reaction the world expects, like regret, loneliness, broken hearts or shame. I believe we avoid, by filling the void that we are born with through a love that is like nothing else. We do this by going to God and asking for His help.
If you haven't come to Jesus yet, know that He is waiting for You to do so. If you are already a child of God and feel everything but joy, know that the joy is already available and in the strength of the Holy Spirit He will bring you through whatever your circumstances are.
Let us Lord bring to You the heartache, sorrow, uncertainty and pain in exchange for hope, love and certainty. We pray for those who You are waiting for to call to You. We pray that a decision for You happens today Lord, that there are no more delays or excuses. We pray for that one heart or many who are ready for You in their life. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen
So, how do we prepare ourselves? We are to be still, stay in prayer, believe that “He's got this” already, believe that He desires joy, hope and fulfillment toward His purpose for you.
It's time, isn't it?
Our God is deliberate, intentional and available to all who call His name and believe in His redemption plan. Have you called on Him yet? Do you know what He did so you could be with Him for eternity?
He calls on us to also live deliberate, intentional and be available to His will and purpose and plan for our life. There is nothing more gratifying than that. Living my life in love, humility and united daily, and moment to moment with my heavenly Father, my amazing savior Jesus and my helper the Holy Spirit.
“Above all things be loving, humble, united -
Now if your experience of Christ’s encouragement and love means anything to you, if you have known something of the fellowship of his Spirit, and all that it means in kindness and deep sympathy, do make my best hope for you come true! Live together in harmony, live together in love, as though you had only one mind and one spirit between you. Never act from motives of rivalry or personal vanity, but in humility think more of each other than you do of yourselves. None of you should think only of his own affairs, but should learn to see things from other people’s point of view.” ~Philippians 2:1-4 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)
Thank you Father for removing the defenses of my heart!
© 2011 Giving Thanks Daily, Shawn Boreta
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